
A [2015 •漳州改编]

        Family traditions are special habits or customs that your family have. For example,in the family of Bill Gates,his parents keep the tradition of reading with children. And what's the tradition in your family?

★ Nick,15, England On every family member's birthday,we

give him or her a surprise. Last Sunday,it was my mother's birthday. And I knew that she wanted to see a film. So I bought a ticket without telling her first. This made her really happy.

★ Jack,15  Cuba Every weekend,my parents and I go to

my grandparents’ home. My grandparents cook many delicious foods. I meet all my cousins. We talk about interesting things at school. Sometimes? my parents also join us to play games.

★ Yu Xin,14. China

During every summer or winter holiday,

we have a family trip across the country. I'm always the one who chooses where to go. We have visited Qingdao,Xiamen and Beijing. I enjoy the trips.

() 21. The family of Bill Gates keeps the tradition of with children.

   A. playing   B. reading

   C. singing

() 22. bought a film ticket for his mother.

   A. Bill   B. Jack

   C. Nick

() 23. Sometimes,Jack's parents

when the family get together.

   A. cook food

   B. talk about interesting things

   C. play games with the children

() 24. Yu Xin has visited some places EXCEPT .

   A. Xiamen   B. Hangzhou

   C. Beijing

() 25. The three children are talking about their .

   A. school life

   B. birthday parties

   C. family traditions

    Gina was the keeper of a small hotel. She was always thinking about 1 One day,a businessman arrived. Gina 2 the guest's fat money belt and she thought, “That's mine!” The business 3 the most expensive room and went upstairs, “Please get my dinner ready,” he told Gina.

   “I'll serve him ginger buds. Many people say that eating ginger buds makes a person 4 When he leaves here,he will forget his money! ” Gina thought.

    Soon,the businessman came downstairs. Gina was very 5 as she served him the dish of ginger buds. “Delicious!” said the rich man. When dinner was finished,he went to bed happily 6 a bag of ginger buds.

    The next morning,Gina 7 the businessman off at the front door. As soon as he was out of 8 ,she ran up to his room. She looked all over the room for the money belt,but she couldn’t find 9 Suddenly,she noticed a piece of paper on the floor. It was the businessman's bill. He had forgotten to 10 it! “Yuck!I'm too silly!” cried Gina.

1. A. work   B. time

   C. weather   D. money

2. A. looked at   B. looked for

   C. looked after   D. looked into

3. A. put away   B. put up

   C. asked for   D. asked about

4. A. healthy   B. lonely

   C. beautiful   D. forgetful

5. A. excited   B. sad

   C. angry   D. tired

6. A. on   B. with

   C. in   D. for

7. A. took   B. put

   C. saw   D. jumped

8. A. window   B. door

   C. mind   D. sight

9. A. it   B. him

   C. her   D. them

10. A. bring   B. clean

   C. take   D. pay

    Benjamin Franklin was an American great scientist. He was born on January 17 ,1706 in Boston. His father,Josiah Franklin was a soap and candle maker. He had seventeen children,seven with his first wife Anne Child,and ten with his second wife Abiah Folger. Benjamin was his fifteenth child and the last son. He could read even when he was only five years old and he could write by the time he was seven. He began to go to school at the age of eight. Benjamin was good at reading and writing but he was not good at math. He read all his father's books. And whenever he had a little money,he spent it on a book. He liked books. They told him how to do something. As a teenager,he invented the paddles for swimming.

    Although Benjamin was talented and hard-working,he had to leave school because of poverty. After leaving from school,he worked as a printer in his brother's factory for about ten years. From 1732 to 1758,he wrote and published his famous book Poor Richard's Almanac. The book soon became the most popular book of its kind.

1. How many sisters and brothers did Benjamin Franklin have in all?

   A. Fifteen. B. Sixteen.

   C. Seventeen. D. Twenty.

2. Benjamin Franklin was good at all his subjects

   A. especially his maths

   B. including physics

   C. except math

   D. except geography

3. The underlined word “ They ” here refers to”

   A. the books               B. his parents

   C. the workers in the factory   D. his classmates

4. Benjamin Franklin had to leave school because

   A. he hated his teachers

   B. he hated his subjects

   C. his parents were always arguing

   D. his family was too poor

5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

   A. Benjamin Franklin worked as a teacher for about 10 years.

   B. Benjamin Franklin liked reading and wrote a famous book.

   C. Benjamin Franklin was good at math.

   D. Benjamin Franklin invented the paddles for swimming at the age of 20

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