
Is an earthquake dangerous? Yes, of course. But this doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about it. If you know what to do in an earthquake, you can be safe.
Keep a cool head. Worry may cause bad decisions. Don’t follow others blindly. Think about what you should do. The first several minutes are important.
If you are indoors during an earthquake, quickly move to a safe place in the room such as under a desk or table. Take care of your head. Stay away from windows and things that may fall and hurt you.
If you are in a crowded room and far away from the door, don’t rush to it. You will find too many people trying to escape at the same time. Instead, stay under a desk or table. Don’t use an elevator. You may not get out of it.
Stay in a safe place until you are sure it’s OK to leave. Some aftershocks (余震) may follow an earthquake. These are as dangerous as the earthquake.
If you are in debris (废墟), try to free your hands and legs. You may make noises by hitting stones. Shouting will make you tired. Try to find some water and food. They are important for you if you aren’t found in a short time. Wait patiently for help.
小题1:Don’t stay near the windows if you are indoors during an earthquake.
小题2:You may not get out if you use an elevator during an earthquake.
小题3:Rush to the door together if you are in a crowded room in an earthquake.
小题4:Keep staying in a safe place until you are sure it’s OK to leave after an earthquake.
小题5:You should keep shouting until others hear you if you are in debris.

小题1:通过文章中“If you are indoors during an earthquake, quickly move to a safe place in the room such as under a desk or table.”可以推断出答案为A
小题2:通过文章中“Don’t use an elevator. You may not get out of it.”可以推断出答案为A
小题3:通过文章中“You will find too many people trying to escape at the same time. Instead, stay under a desk or table.”可以推断出答案B
小题4:通过文章中“Stay in a safe place until you are sure it’s OK to leave.”
小题5:通过文章中“Shouting will make you tired. Try to find some water and food. They are important for you if you aren’t found in a short time. Wait patiently for help”由此推断出,答案为B
There are about fifteen hundred languages in the world. But only a few of them are very important. English is one of them. Many, many people use it, not only in England and the USA, but also in other parts of the world. About 200,000,000 people speak it as their own language. It is difficult to say how many people are learning it as a foreign language. Many millions of people are trying to do so. Is it easy or difficult to learn English? Different people may have different answers. Have you ever noticed ads(广告) of this kind in the newspapers or magazines? “Learn English in six weeks, or give your money back…” “Easy and funny…” “Our records and tapes help you master English in a month”. Of course, it never happened quite like that.
The only language that seems easy to learn is the mother tongue. We should remember that we all learned our own language well when we were children. If we could learn English in the same way, it would not seem so difficult. Think of what a small child does. He listens to what people say. He tries what he hears.
So it is hard to say that learning English is easy. We must do a lot of practice. And practice needs great efforts and takes much time. Good teachers, record, tapes, books, and dictionaries will be helpful, but they cannot do the student’s work for him.
小题1:How many languages are very important in the world?
A.A fewB.FewC.About 1500D.Many
小题2:If we want to learn English well, what shall we do?
A.We should study it without any help.
B.We must do a lot of practice.
C.We need to get much money back.
D.We must live in England or America.
小题3:How does the writer like the ads in the newspapers or magazines?
A.He thinks the ads very expensive.
B.He thinks the ads are true.
C.It never happened quite like what the ads said.
D.He believes” Learn English in six weeks, or give your money back”.
小题4:Which language is easy to learn?
C.JapaneseD.The mother language
小题5:Which countries use English as the mother tongue?
A.China and FranceB.Japan and Italy
C.England the AmericaD.Germany and France

Antifreeze is a liquid(液体) that is added to water to keep it from freezing. When water freezes and turns to ice,it expands(膨胀).The force of water expanding is so great that it will break the hardest metal.Water is used in car engines(发动机) to keep them cool while they run,and if this water is allowed to freeze in winter it can break the iron block of the engine.That is why antifreeze is necessary.
Water freezes at 0℃;the usual kind of antifreeze will not freeze until the temperature is-40℃.A mixture(混合物) of five parts of water and four parts of antifreeze will prevent freezing at-18℃;four parts of water and five parts of antifreeze reduce this to -22℃.
Alcohol is a kind of good antifreeze,but when the air is running it becomes hot and the alcohol boils away,so it must be changed very often.Most people use antifreeze that does not boil away when the engine is running.There are several chemicals that do this.One of the most popular is called ethylene glycol.
小题1:people use ________ to keep car engines cool.
A.antifreezeB.waterC.alcoholD.ethylene glycol.
小题2:The usual kind of antifreeze freezes at ________.
小题3:We use antifreeze in order to ________.
A.keep alcohol in water
B.stop ice from becoming water
C.make the freezing point of water lower
D.raise the freezing point of water
小题4:Besides alcohol,________ is another kind of popular antifreeze.
A.waterB.ethylene glycolC.any chemicalD.any mixture
小题5:The text is written to ________.
A.tell us what antifreeze is
B.make people buy antifreeze
C.tell us that cars need antifreeze
D.show us how to protect car engines

Running a marathon (马拉松)
Have you ever taken part in a marathon? A marathon is 42km long. It is the longest race in the world. To make the runner’s body work, harder training is quite necessary. A runner should start to prepare for a marathon at least three months before. Preparation may have races, many hours of running at different speeds and changes in diet(饮食). During the training time the runner must eat a fit diet.  The diet should have lots of things needed in training the players.
In the early days of training, runners run 80km per week. The running is increased every two or three weeks and at least two long runs per week are needed.
Two weeks before the marathon, the training programme becomes less, from 100km per week down to 60km and then to 30km in the final week. On the last two days they may not run at all.
Breakfast should be eaten at least three hours before the race.  Easily digested(消化) food such as cereal(麦), toast(烤面包) and scrambled(捣碎) egg is best,  with as much fluid(液体) as possible.  Runners should drink water about half an hour before the race to keep up the body fluid. 
小题1:According to the passage, when should a marathon runner begin his training?
A.A month before the race.B.A week before the race.
C.Three or four months before the race.D.A year before the race.
小题2:What should a runner have for his breakfast on the day of the race?
A.Easily digested food.B.A big meal.C.Lots of meat.D.Oily food.
小题3:What is the length of the modern marathon?
A.100km.B.60km. C.30km.D.42km.
小题4: Players must have ________ in order to run better in a marathon.
A.training at different speeds and changes in diet
B.much water
C.lessons before the race
D.many fruits
小题5: Hard training before a marathon can ________.
A.make the game easierB.keep the players healthy
C.help the players to make more progressD.have more fans

Television is good. You’d like to watch it all day and all night. But too much TV is a very bad thing. Scientists found that kids who watch too much TV may have more trouble learning to read. They can’t focus on their work.
Kids learn language skills best by reading, talking and playing with others. If they spend too much time watching TV, they’ll have less time for those things. Watching too much TV is bad for people’s health. People don’t move much while watching TV. What’s more, they may eat a lot of food while watching. This can make them fat. We call these people couch potatoes.
Fighting on TV is a big problem for kids. Yong people are good at following. Scientists have found that those who watch a lot of fighting shows are more likely to fight.
小题1:Scientists say if kids watch too much TV, they will ______. 
小题2:Kids learn language skills best by ______. 
小题3:While watching TV, what DON’T people do? 
小题4:Which of the following is true? 
D.It’seasyforkidswhowatchalotoffightingshowstofight withothers.
小题5:Couch potatoes are people who watch too much TV and become____.

Escaping (逃) from a fire is a serious matter. Knowing what to do during a fire can save a life. It is important to know the ways you can use and show them to everyone in the family, for example, you can use stairways, roofs and fire escapes, but no lifts.
From the lower floors of buildings, to escape through windows is possible. Learn the best way of leaving by a window with the least chance of serious injury.
The second floor window is usually not very high from the ground. An average (平均) person, hanging from the window by the fingertips will have a drop of about six feet to the ground--about the height of an average man. Of course, it is safer to jump a short way than to stay in a burning building.
Windows are also useful while you are waiting for help. Be sure to keep the door closed, before opening the window. Otherwise, smoke and fire may be drawn into the room. Keep your head low next to the window to be sure you get fresh air.
On the second or third floor, the best windows to escape from are those which open onto a roof (屋顶) . From the roof a person can drop to the ground more safely.
小题1:You can try to escape a fire except _____.
A.fire escapesB.liftsC.roofsD.stairways
小题2:According to the passage, windows are ________.
A.of no use when a fire breaks out
B.useful in putting out a fire
C.the only way of escaping a fire
D.one of the possible ways of escaping a fire
小题3:The underlined sentence in the third paragraph means _________.
A.it is safer to jump out of the second floor window.
B.it is safer to stay in the room.
C.the second floor window is too high to jump out of.
D.it is the only way to drop out of the window.
小题4:The writer thinks that ________.
A.to keep your head high will help you to escape a fire
B.it is necessary to keep the door open
C.fresh air can’t reach the second floor window
D.breathing in smoke might be bad

Fujian Tulou is a special type of Chinese building. People built most of them between the 12th and the 20th century. The oldest one has a history of more than 1,000 years.
Tulou is usually a large rectangular(长方形的)or round building with high walls. The walls are made of earth, stones, bamboo and wood, so they are thick and strong. They can not only keep the building safe from the wind and earthquake, but also make it warm in winter and cool in summer. There is usually only one main gate in each Tulou and up to (至多)80 families can live in it. It is like a small city.
UNESCO(联合国教科文组织)chose a total of 46 Fujian Tulou as a World Heritage Site(世界文化遗产)in 2008. Fujian Tulou set a good example for the world. Man can live in harmony(和谐,融洽)with the environment.
小题1:When did people build most of Fujian Tulou?
小题2:What’s the shape(形状)of Fujian Tulou?
小题3:What are the walls of Fujian Tulou made of?
小题4:Is Fujian Tulou like a small city?
Have you ever wondered why birds sing? Maybe you thought that they were just happy.  After all,you probably sing or whistle when you are happy.
Some scientists believe that birds do sing some of the time just because they are happy. However,they sing most of the time for a very different reason. Their singing is actually a warning to other birds to stay out of their territory.
Do you know what a ’territory’ is? A territory is an area that an animal,usually the male,claims(声称)as its own. Only he and his family are welcome there. No other families of the same kind are welcome. Your garden and house are your territory where only your family and friends are welcome. If a stranger should enter your territory and threaten(威胁)you,you might shout. Probably this would be enough to frighten him away.
If so,you have actually scared the stranger away without having to fight him. A bird does the same thing. But he expects an outsider almost any time,especially at nesting(筑巢)season. So he is screaming all the time,whether he can see an outsider or not. This screaming is what we call a bird’s song,and it is usually enough to keep an outsider away.
Birds sing loudest in the spring when they are trying to attract a mate and warn others not to enter the territory of theirs..
You can see that birds have a language of their own. Most of it has to do with attracting mates and setting up territories.
小题1: Some scientists believe that most of the time bird’s singing is actually _______.
A.away of warningB.an expression of happiness
C.an expression of angerD.away of greeting
小题2:What is a bird’s "territory"?.
A.A place where families of other kinds are not accepted.
B.A place where a bird may shut at the top of its voice
C.An area for which birds fight against each other.
D.An area which a bird considers to be its own.
小题3: Why do birds keep on singing at nesting season?
A.Because they want to invite more friends.
B.Because they want to find outsiders around.
C.Because their singing helps frighten outsiders away.
D.Because their singing helps remove their fears.
小题4:How does the writer explain bird’s singing?
A.By comparing birds with human beings.B.By reporting experiment results.
C.By describing birds’ daily life.D.By telling a bird’s story.

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