
Last week Johnny had a very busy weekend. On Saturday morning, he cleaned his room. That made his mother very happy. In the afternoon, he did his math homework. It was not difficult, so it only took him one hour to finish the homework. And in the evening, he went to visit his aunt with his parents. They had a big dinner there. The next morning, he went swimming after getting up. Usually he goes swimming twice a week. He loves it very much. After lunch he went to school playground and played football. That exercise makes him in a good health. On Sunday evening, he watched TV for an hour at home and then put the books in his schoolbag for the next day.
【小题1】 What did Johnny do on Saturday morning?

A.He went shopping. B.He cleaned his room.
C.He did his homework. D.He went running.
【小题2】 What about Johnny’s math homework?
A.It was easy. B.It was difficult.
C.It was too much. D.It was important.
【小题3】 Where was Johnny on Saturday evening?
A.At home. B.In his school.
C.On the playground. D.At his aunt’s house.
【小题4】What did Johnny do after lunch on Sunday?
A.He played basketball. B.He played football.
C.He went swimming. D.He had a rest.
【小题5】How long did Johnny watch TV on Sunday evening?
A.Half an hour. B.One hour.
C.Two hours. D.Three hours.


【小题1】细节理解题。从短文中这句话“On Saturday morning, he cleaned his room.”可知Johnny周六上午,收拾房间,故选B。
【小题2】细节理解题。从短文中这句话“ It was not difficult, so it only took him one hour to finish the homework. ”可知他的数学题不难,故选A。
【小题3】细节理解题。从短文中这句话“ And in the evening, he went to visit his aunt with his parents. ”可知周六晚上,和父母去看望姑姑,应该在姑姑家,故选D。
【小题4】细节理解题。从短文中这句话“ After lunch he went to school playground and played football. ”可知午饭后他去踢足球,故选B。
【小题5】细节理解题。从短文中这句话“On Sunday evening, he watched TV for an hour at home ”可知周日晚上他看一个小时的电视,故选B。


Shyness(害羞)means feeling frightened when you’re around other people. Some children are     shy. Some become very shy later because of their life experience.    , everybody gets a little shy sometimes. It’s just how much they feel shy.
Most people have red faces and talk in      sentences when they are shy. But some become     shy that they won’t go to a restaurant because they are too nervous to       and pay for their food. Some are afraid of meeting         people, so they seldom go outside. This kind of shyness can be       for a person.
If shyness doesn’t stop you from doing something you want to do, being shy isn’t a big     . Some experts(专家)say shy people are good at working because they think more and       less. But remember not to let good opportunities(机会)pass you by just because of it. If you have to sing a song at a birthday party or give some performances in front of others, just do it. There’s nothing to    .

A.For exampleB.In factC.So farD.First of all
A.think aboutB.pay attention toC.worry aboutD.be afraid of

Computer games are very popular. It is natural for people to want to win, so playing against a computer or against a friend on the computer can be difficult to stop. “ Just one more game” often turns into another game, then another.
Computer games do have their advantages. They are excellent for training hand-eye coordination(协调).Surgeons(外科医生)who play computer games as children are often more skilled. Computer games can also be great for teaching students. The students are open to learning while playing. They can study for longer than a teacher would be able to teach. Students can also learn at their own speed and not feel pressure to match classmates.  And with computers you can practise a task as many times as you like. The more you do this, the better you will get, until you can do it perfectly.
But like anything else in life, things should be balanced. Too much time on the computer can hurt your eyes. Regular breaks are needed. If students cannot stop playing computer games, they won’t do as well in other areas in their life---not just school work, but in developing important social skills such as how to talk with people and how to work with others as part of a team. And if they are no longer taking regular exercise, their health will become worse.
Computer games have their place, but people must also remember it is important to have a balanced lifestyle.

Computer games
They  【小题2】 coordinate hands and eyes.
They are great for teaching students as   【小题3】 . Students can study longer without    【小题4】 stressed.  They can repeat a task on the computer   【小题5】  they do it very well.
1. It does great    【小题6】  to eyes if people play computer games too  【小题7】.
2.When students are too   【小题8】  about computer games and can’t stop playing them, it will have a bad    【小题9】 on their health and work
People should achieve a  【小题10】 between computer games and other things in life.

Dawn Loggins, a homeless girl from Burns High School, is going to Harvard University in the fall.
Dawn grew up in a poor s  【小题1】  .  Her house had no electricity or running water, so she had to do her homework in the dark. She lived with her parents who took drug(毒品).
One summer, Dawn left home for a one-month program in North Carolina for outstanding high school students. When she came back, she found her house empty, with a government n 【小题2】   on the front door. Her parents had left already and Dawn became homeless.
After l 【小题3】 that, teachers helped her in any way they could. Dawn didn't let her situation stop her drive to be s 【小题4】 . In her spare time,she g【小题5】 out newspapers and did some other part-time jobs to make money. At the same time, she got A's in all her subjects.
"When I was younger, I was a【小题6】  to look at all the terrible situations, and made a decision for myself that I was not going to e  【小题7】 up like my parents.” Dawn said.
Dawn applied (申请) to four North Carolina universities and her dream one, Harvard. In March this year, she got a reply from Harvard. It said that she was not only admitted to the university, but also o【小题8】  a full scholarship (奖学金).
Dawn's story has gone around the world. People have sent best wishes and money to her. Dawn is thankful for their k【小题9】 . "When I get to university, I hope to start an organization to help other students in trouble so that they can c   【小题10】  their education. And I know my future is going to be great.” she said.

A sign is another kind of language. Here are some of them that you can see on the roads.

Number One is a sign with the number forty on it. When driver see this sign, they must not go at more than forty kilometers one hour. We see this sign when we are getting near a town. Number Two is a sign that we’re near a crossing. We must drive carefully. Number Three is a sign that there is a bend (弯道) on the road. Again, we must drive slowly and carefully. It is not safe to go round a bend very fast. Number Four is a sign that there is another road coming in from the right. There is a junction(交叉点) at this place.
Number Five is a sign that there is a dangerous mountain road and Number Six is a sign that the road gets narrow. Drivers must go slowly and carefully when they see these signs. Number Seven is a sign that there is a school at the side of the street or the road. Perhaps there are children going to or leaving school. So drivers must look carefully and go slowly. Number Eight is a sign with a letter “P” on it. The letter “P” means “Parking”. At some places, there are signs “NO PARKING” or “NO WAITING”. If a driver leaves his car near one of these signs, a policeman may come and write down the number of his car.
【小题1】. At the place where you see Sign 1, ________.

A.you are already out of the town
B.you still have forty kilometers to go
C.there must be a town forty kilometers away
D.there must be many houses and buildings not far away
【小题2】 There stands Sign 2 near a place where ________.
A.two roads crossB.the road gets narrow
C.there are no traffic lights D.people can cross the road
【小题3】 You have to drive not only slowly but also carefully when you find ________ according to the passage.
A.either of signs 2 and 3B.all of signs 3, 5, 6 and 7
C.each of the eight signsD.any of signs 3, 6, 7 and 8
【小题4】 A driver can leave his car ________.
A.near Sign 8 at any time
B.near a sign with “NO PARKING” on it
C.near Sign 3 in the daytime
D.near a sign with “NO WAITING” if there’re no police there
【小题5】 People put these signs on the roads to ________.
A.show drivers the wayB.stop cars going too fast
C.make driving even saferD.learn another kind of language

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