
Dawn Loggins, a homeless girl from Burns High School, is going to Harvard University in the fall.
Dawn grew up in a poor s  【小题1】  .  Her house had no electricity or running water, so she had to do her homework in the dark. She lived with her parents who took drug(毒品).
One summer, Dawn left home for a one-month program in North Carolina for outstanding high school students. When she came back, she found her house empty, with a government n 【小题2】   on the front door. Her parents had left already and Dawn became homeless.
After l 【小题3】 that, teachers helped her in any way they could. Dawn didn't let her situation stop her drive to be s 【小题4】 . In her spare time,she g【小题5】 out newspapers and did some other part-time jobs to make money. At the same time, she got A's in all her subjects.
"When I was younger, I was a【小题6】  to look at all the terrible situations, and made a decision for myself that I was not going to e  【小题7】 up like my parents.” Dawn said.
Dawn applied (申请) to four North Carolina universities and her dream one, Harvard. In March this year, she got a reply from Harvard. It said that she was not only admitted to the university, but also o【小题8】  a full scholarship (奖学金).
Dawn's story has gone around the world. People have sent best wishes and money to her. Dawn is thankful for their k【小题9】 . "When I get to university, I hope to start an organization to help other students in trouble so that they can c   【小题10】  their education. And I know my future is going to be great.” she said.


解析试题分析:这篇文章作者向我们介绍了一个励志向上的叫Dawn Loggins的女孩,她没有向贫穷,恶劣的生活环境屈服,而是通过自己的努力考上了大学,并获得了全额奖学金。
【小题4】Dawn 没有让她的环境阻止她走向成功,根据句意及首字母提示此题应用形容词successful。
【小题5】此题句意是在她空闲时间里,她送报纸或做其他兼职工作来挣钱。“发送”是give out,所以此题应填gave。
【小题6】句意:在我很小的时候我就能够看到所有糟糕的环境,并且作出决定我不能和我父母一样的结局,“能够”是be able to,所以此题填able。
【小题7】句意:在我很小的时候我就能够看到所有糟糕的环境,并且作出决定我不能和我父母一样的结局,“结束”是end up,所以此题填end。
【小题9】此题句意是Dawn非常感谢他们的好心,根据句意及首字母提示此题应填 kindness。


Our school doesn’t have many parties, but this year Ms Cipriano said we could have one. The fourth grade wanted the theme to be “Under the Sea”, but the fifth grade wanted it to be “Outer Space”. After a long discussion, it was decided to be the former one.
Everyone had to be on a team, and everyone had to help do something. My team was in charge of special effects. Gary came up with a great idea. He got two big, old fishing nets which were once used by his father when he went fishing on the sea. Gary, Jemma, and I used ropes to tie the nets to the ceiling of the dining hall, and it looked really great. Then we cut out fish shapes from colored paper and stuck them on the nets.
Everyone seemed to go to the party in one of three costumes: some kind of fish, a mermaid, or Neptune — the “King of the Sea”.
The dining hall looked great. Jemma’s father had put up colored lights for us. We were feeling proud of our work when the disaster happened. The nets fell down. We were all caught in the fish nets. We were laughing so hard that we couldn’t stand up. We truly felt as if we were “under the sea”. This wasn’t the effect we imagined, but it was special!
【小题1】. Who wanted the theme to be “Under the Sea” at the beginning?

A.Ms Cipriano. B.The fourth grade.
C.The fifth grade. D.The third grade.
【小题2】 What did Gary’s father probably do?
A.He was a designer.
B.He was a swimmer.
C.He was a teacher.
D.He was a fisherman.
【小题3】What does “them” in the second paragraph refer to?
A.Colored paper. B.Fishing nets.
C.Fish shapes. D.Ropes.
【小题4】What did the students feel after the disaster happened?
A.Surprised but happy.
B.Frightened but lucky.
C.Angry and disappointed.
D.Worried and sad
【小题5】What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Gary is a clever boy.
B.We had a special party.
C.How to organize a party.
D.Some kinds of fishes in the sea.

Every year in April, students at Renmin University of China have more pleasure than other students in Beijing. Why? Because they get a week off in the middle of term, the so-called(所谓) spring break.
“It’s been a tradition of our school for years,” said Wang Yueran, 20, a student at Renmin University. He organized a weeklong trip to Sichuan with 12 classmates last year.
But having fun is just one part of the spring break. Field trips, voluntary work, and social projects are all on students’ to-do lists. The Chinese proverb says “reading 10,000 books and traveling 10,000 miles”. It means experience is as important as theory. But while Chinese universities have the tradition of spring outings, what’s the aim of making spring break?
Qin Jianguo, from the student affairs office at Shenzhen University, thinks the idea of the spring break in some universities in China comes from the intention(目的) of pushing students out of the ivory tower(象牙塔) to get experience in their life. Many countries have similar vacations in the middle of the semester for students to do things they like. Taking Japan as an example, instead of partying like the US, many Japanese students choose to work as interns(实习生).
Besides Renmin University, only a few other universities in China, such as Yantai University, have a spring break for their students. Wei Xiang, a professor(教授) at Beijing International Studies University, said that the spring break is a good experiment for universities to give students more choices to arrange their own leisure(休闲) and study activities.
【小题1】Why do students at Renmin University of China have more pleasure than other students in Beijing in April?
【小题2】 Besides having fun, what are also on students’ to-do lists?
【小题3】According to Qin Jianguo, what is the intention of the spring break in some universities?
【小题4】 What do many Japanese students do during spring break?
【小题5】Do most of Chinese universities have spring break now?

We always regard dogs as man’s best friends. But what about cats?
Cats can also do us a favor sometimes.
Here is a comparison of the two animals.
A Friend Helps You When You’re Sick.

When Catherine lay down on the sofa, Pepe stared(盯) into her eyes and kept sniffing(嗅). After being pushed away, he suddenly jumped onto her chest. That’s when Catherine felt a pain that made her visit a doctor, and a fast-growing cancer was found. Months later, however, Pepe started staring and sniffing again. It seemed strange, but sure enough, Catherine’s cancer had spread.
Alana immediately finds a chair when Tee sits and stares directly into her face. That’s because Tee is warning her that she is about to faint(昏倒), which can happen as often as three times a day. But Alana won’t get hurt if she sits down. Not only does Tee warn Alana, but also her husband. Then the cat stays with Alana until she recovers.
A Friend Saves Your Life
Ryan fell into the water by accident. The river was full of ice, and Ryan was very cold and his body temperature was dropping dangerously low. Luckily, he was found by Chelsea, who was playing with her dog, Zion. “Zion knew the boy was in trouble,” says Chelsea. “Ryan grabbed onto the dog’s collar, and Zion just turned around and came back to the bank.”
Bernice says: “I was sleeping in my bedroom, and then I was woken by Joey screaming and running”. Then she found smoke around her. With Joey helping her, she managed to get out of the door.
“I found him in a mailbox when he was young and now I feel very lucky. Without him, I’d have probably died in the smoke.”
【小题1】When Alana is about to faint, Tee will ________.
A.stare at her and keep sniffingB.jump onto her chest suddenly
C.sit and stare directly into her faceD.scream and run
【小题2】What can we learn about Ryan?
A.He likes swimming in rivers.
B.He has a lovely dog, Zion.
C.Chelsea helped him swim back to the bank.
D.He was in danger when he was found by Chelsea.
【小题3】What happened when Bernice was sleeping?
A.She was badly hurt in a big fire.
B.She found the brave cat in a mailbox.
C.A fire broke out when she was sleeping.
D.She ran out of the burning house with the help of firemen.

Because earthquakes happen without warning, it’s important to take steps now to prepare.
Because you don’t know where you will be when an earthquake happens, prepare some supplies for your home, workplace, and car.
1. Water.
A person needs at least 1 or 2 gallon of water daily just for drinking. Store at least 1 gallon of water per person per day and be prepared for a 72-hour period. It is suggested that you buy bottled water. Keep bottled water and do not open it until you need to use it. Also, do check the “use by” date.
2. Food.
It’s always a practical idea to keep food that can be stored easily. Have an enough supply of canned food, powdered milk, dried fruits, non-salted nuts and canned juices for at least 72 hours.
3. Flashlights(手电筒) and spare batteries.
Keep a flashlight beside your bed, at your place of work, and in your car. Do not use matches or candles after an earthquake. Maybe it’s dangerous. Prepare a battery-powered radio and spare batteries. Most telephones will be out of service, so radios will be your best thing of information.
4. Clothes.
If you live in a cold place, you must think about warmth. You might not have heat after an earthquake. Think about your clothing and bedding supplies.
【小题1】Why should people prepare themselves for an earthquake?

A.Because earthquakes can be known before they happen.
B.Because earthquakes take place without warning.
C.Because earthquakes take place at times
D.Because it’s people’s daily work to prepare the earthquakes.
【小题2】From the prepared water, we may know that          .
A.A person should prepare 0.5 gallon of water for one day.
B.You’d better use your own bottle to keep water.
C.We should drink water after the “use by” date.
D.You shouldn’t open the bottled water until you need it.
【小题3】According to the article we know that           .
A.we can keep some fresh fruits for at least 72 hours.
B.a telephone is the most important prepared thing.
C.flashlights but not matches are first used after earthquakes.
D.clothes are used to protect your head.

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