Dealing with conflict in the workplace is rarely easy. Hurt feelings and anger can lead to lower employee morale (士气) as well as a loss of productivity and a poor work environment. As a manager. you should find some ways yourself to solve the conflict. The goal is to build a team-centered workforce.

You can use role-reversal (角色转换) methods to help each employee understand how the other feels. This model works best when there are only two parties involved. You can hold a meeting with annoyed workers in your office. You might say. "Jane, explain to me how you would feel if Nancy went to lunch with your clients (客户 ) without telling you?" Or. "Nancy, how would you respond if Jane came to me with complaints about you, but hadn't tried to talk to you about them first? "

Workers often respond better to praise than criticism. By publicly drawing attention to employees who have healthy work relationships. you can increase the awareness for those who encourage any conflict. Avoid mentioning teams or departments that are being troubled by conflict. Instead. focus on the teams that work well together You might say. "I want to express thanks to the design team for working together to meet the deadline this week," or -Special thanks to the finance department for their teamwork in making sure that the quarterly reports were accurate"

And help your employees see that differences can be good and don't necessarily lead to anger or disagreement This is one of the best ways to settle workplace conflicts. You can meet with employees and try to stress the value of different techniques. This lets all parties know that their own styles can be effective. You might say. " I know you disagree on how to market our services. but when you combine Jim's email marketing with Joe's personal one-on-one phone calls, you can increase sales. The two of you go well together. " Or. "I know you have different styles for interacting with clients. but Sally's take-them-out-for-coffee approach works well together with Ann's formal business meeting style Both are necessary for building relationships and getting work done. "

1.To build a team-centered workforce, employers_________.

A. should learn to be considerate

B. should be divided into two parties

C. shouldn't go out with clients alone

D. should learn to accept public criticism

2.By saying the underlined sentence "I want to express thanks ...this week". the author tries to

A. differences are not all bad

B. role reversals are necessary

C. the importance of working together

D. the importance of focusing on the positive

3.The author's purpose of writing the text is most likely to ________.

A. inform B. persuade C. instruct D. eutertain


Sure. you know their names, possibly better than you know the name of the street you live on.

When the need comes, these names roll off our tongues like they were our own brothers. I am writing about the famous Webster s Dictionary and Roget s Thesaurus.

Webster s Dictionary. Many people can respond immediately: Noah Webster. We are aware that he is the father of the dictionary. But who was he? What did he do for a living? When did he live?

Noah was born in 1758, graduated from Yale University in 1778. and later graduated from law school He produced the first American dictionary in 1806 and published his influential work An American Dictionary of the English Language in l828. His interests led him to be a lexicographer (词典编纂者). textbook editor, author, Bible translator and spelling reformer. He also produced a large number of writings in medicine, mythology (神话), and the relationship of European and Asian languages. In addition, he .founded the first New York daily newspaper in 1793. He died in 1843.

Roget's Thesaurus. And it gives us The chance to learn about Roget, the man-Peter Mark Roget, And who? What? When?

Englishman Peter Roget, MD, was born in 1779. He studied medicine and mathematics at the University of Edinburgh. He is considered as the creator of the first-ever thesaurus (同义词典). It has been called one of the three most important books ever printed. along with the Bible and Webster s Dictionary. He began his work Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases in I 805 but did not publish it until 1852-47 years later. In his lifetime. he became a noted lecturer and writer on anatomy(解剖学 ). geology(地质学).bees,and more . When Roget died in 1869 at age 90. his son, John . took over the Thesaurus arid he gradually expanded it.

So now you know the two famous books. Not enough information? As well-known humourist James Thurber suggested in the title of his 1941 magazine short story about baseball, You Could Look It Up!

1.The author states that "these names roll off our tongues" in order to show that people______.

A. will learn from the two writers B. have ignored the two writers

C. are familiar with the names D. know a lot about the two

2.According to the text. Noah Webster and Peter Roget are alike because they both______.

A. had many interests B. studied medicine

C. were professors D. liked baseball

3.The purpose of the last paragraph is to_______.

A. attract more readers B. come to a conclusion

C. encourage further research D. provide background information

4.Which of the following shows the structure of the whole text?



Boys do bad at school

Despite education reforms and more than enough money, more and more boys have been dropping out of high schools in the United Arab Emirates (阿拉伯联合酋长国 ) for the past few years. 1._They often choose jobs in public services. the army or the police force instead. As a result. only 30% of the universities are made up of male students. Such a condition has also put them at an obvious disadvantage. 2. In such an oil-rich country. families are so wealthy that their children do not need to study hard. Boys often come to school with personal helpers who carry their suitcases for them and help them with their homework. They rely on them to do everything they would otherwise have to do themselves_3._

Public schools usually get enough money from the government. 4. The rest go to private schools where teachers are more interested in pushing children towards a higher education. In public schools. motivation is low and students seem uninterested in learning. Experts agree that teacher training throughout the Emirates needs to be improved.

5. 0ne of them is the population's widespread thinking that the government will always supply young citizens with jobs. Authorities are convinced that just pouring money into the school system won't achieve the desired results. Their aim is to have more Emirati males finish high school and continue to go to university, where they will get degrees and have a bright future.

A. But what comes after oil runs out in the country?.

B. Boys and girls are often separated in public schools.

C. Few women will marry a man with lower education.

D. However. only 40% of all children attend these schools.

E. The Emirati people have been living on the land for centuries.

F. Many mistakes have actually been made in the past few years.

G. Currently about 25% of boys in the country do not finish high school


"How was school, Ben?" I asked my after he began kindergarten(幼儿园) this year. "The work is too and there's not enough time to play." he replied with a deep .

I couldn't help but remember Ben's mother. my daughter, Jane, and her to the first day of school. When Julie home that afternoon. I asked her the same question . She also replied with a long, face but her answer was a little different as she announced . " I didn't learn to today."

What a disappointment for a little girl who thought she would know how to read her little books after the first day of school. I had to explain to her that she would learn to read but didn't happen quite that fast.

My went back to my school days again I could almost the chalk dust in the air. I suppose few schools still use chalk and blackboards. They have probably been with newer equipment and large computer screens

On the first day of school, the expectation was s0 that I would be up early in the morning and long before it was time to leave for school We . about 6 blocks to school new shoes that felt tight and carried our small supplies inside a cigar box from one of the local stores. The stores must have saved cigar boxes just to give to us children .We them from year to year until they fell apart.

The first day of school was a new beginning, although there might be on the first day. The doors of knowledge had been opened and we great learning adventures. It is an in our lives that most of us remember. It's a big step for a small child toward leaving babyhood and so "there isn't enough time to play".

1.A. son B. grandson C. brother D. cousin

2.A. short B. loose C. hard D. long

3.A. cheer B. expression C. concern D. sigh

4.A. attention B. approach C. reaction D. access

5.A. returned B. left C. headed D. escaped

6.A. cheerful B. friendly C. sad D. familiar

7.A. write B. read C. listen D. speak

8.A. widely B. magically C. perfectly D. commonly

9.A. eventually B. originally C. occasionally D. constantly

10.A. idea B. view C. mind D. sight

11.A. smell B. imagine C. taste D. reach

12.A. decorated B. replaced C. exchanged D. equipped

13.A. small B. great C. faint D. slight

14.A. anxious B. nervous C. curious D. ready

15.A. walked B. drove C. ran D. rode

16.A. on B. in C. by D. with

17.A. saved B. used C. protected D. hid

18.A. excitement B. anxiety C. disappointment D. sorrow

19.A. expected B. promised C. demanded D. appreciated

20.A. matter B. affair C. fact D. event



Alan: Racial prejudice continued to be exercised by the authorities long after the end of the slavery and the 1. (liberate) of slaves in the United States of America. You only have to look into this case to see 2. I mean.

Gina: So what's the ease about?

Alan: It's about a handful of black teenagers accused 3. robbery

Gina: How did they come to be accused?

Alan: Some white teenagers said they had been attacked by black teenagers and the police 4. were looking for them stopped a train and searched it. They and several other black and white people on board were found riding the train without 5. (possess) tickets. Two of the white women swore that they 6. (rob) of their cash and chequebook by these boys.

Gina: Then what happened?

Alan: They were arrested and sentenced to death

Gina: So what was the problem?

Alan: At first they were kept under high security and not allowed 7. (see) lawyers. When they were finally tried, the jury(陪审团) was all white and so was 8. judge.

Gina: They still might have been guilty.

Alan: No. One of the women later admitted she had lied Despite this, only four of them were

released. By then, they had spent six years in prison. The 9. were either sent to jail forseventy five years or sentenced to death.

Gina: So what happened? Was there a happy en ding?

Alan: Not really. In the end none of them spent less than ten years in prison. Twenty four years later. only long after they had all died, were all of them 10. (final) pardoned.


The giant vending machine (自动售货机) is a new village shop

Villagers have long been used to facing a drive when they run out of basic supplies. However, help is now nearer at hand in form of the country’s first automatic push-button shop. Now residents in the Derbyshire Village of Clifton can buy groceries around the clock after the huge vending was installed outside a pub in the village this week.

Peter Fox, who is1.______electrical engineer, spent two and a half years working on the project. The machine 2.______ (equip) with securing cameras and alarms and looks like a mini shop with a brick front, a grey roof and a display window.

Mr. Fox said he hoped his invention, 3._____ is set to be installed in other villages in the area over the coming months, will mark a return to convenience shopping for rural communities.

He said:“ I had this idea a few years ago but I couldn’t find a manufacture who could deliver what I wanted, so I did it by 4._____. The result is what amounts to huge outdoor vending machine. Yet I think the term “automatic shop” is far 5.______ (appropriate)

In recent years, the commercial pressure from supermarket chains6.______ force village shops across the country to close. In 2010, it was estimated that about 400 village shops closed, 7.______ (urge) the local government to give financial support to struggling shops or set-up new communities stores.

Hundreds of communities have since stepped in and opened up their won volunteer-run shops, but Mr. Fox hopes his new invention will offer a solution8.______these villages without a local shop.


Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. alert B. classify C. commit D. delicately E. gentle F. impose

G. labels H. moderation I. relieve J. signals K. simply

Let's say you've decided you want to eat more healthfully. However, you don't have time to carefully plan menus for meals or read food __1.__ at the supermarket. Since you really__2.__ yourself to a healthier lifestyle, a little help would come in handy, wouldn't it? This is where a "choice architect" can help__3.__some of the burden of doing it all yourself. Choice architects are people who organize the contexts in which customers make decisions. For example, the person who decides the layout of your local supermarket-including which shelf the peanut butter goes on, and how the oranges are piled up—is a choice architect.

Governments don't have to__4.__healthier lifestyles through laws for example, smoking bans. Rather, if given an environment created by a choice architect-one that encourages us to choose what is best-we will do the right things. In other words, there will be designs that gently push customers toward making healthier choices, without removing freedom of choice. This idea combines freedom to choose with__5.__hints from choice architects, who aim to help people live longer, healthier, and happier lives.

The British and Swedish governments have introduced a so-called "traffic light system" to __6.__foods as healthy or unhealthy. This means that customers can see at a glance how much fat, sugar, and salt each product contains__7.__by looking at the lights on the package. A green light __8.__that the amounts of the three nutrients are healthy; yellow indicates that the customer should be__9.__; and red means that the food is high in at least one of the three nutrients and should be eaten in __10.__. The customer is given important health information, but is still free to decide what to choose.


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