122. undertake . v. (pt. undertook pp. undertaken)
1) 承担(某事物);负起(某事物)的责任 ; 2)同意或答应做某事
121. typhoon 台风
120. trolleybus n. 无轨电车
119. transparent .adj.1) 透明的 a box with a transparent lid 带有透明盖的盒子;
2) 明显的,无疑的,无错误的 a ~ lie 易识破的谎言;
3) 易懂的,清楚的 a ~ style of writing 简明的文体。
118. tram (有轨的)电车
117. tournament n.
1) 联赛,比赛,竞赛,锦标赛(常为淘汰制);2) (旧时 )武士骑马比武(用钝武器,尤指长矛)
116. tissue n. 1) [u,c] 动植物的组织;2) [c] (用作手帕等的)纸巾 a box of tissues一盒纸巾
3) [c ] (包装物品用的)薄纸,棉纸.;4) [c, u] (任何种类的)薄织物
5) [c] ~ (of sth) (相关的或交织的)一套,一系列
His story is a tissue of lies. 他的话是一派谎言.
115. tentative .adj. 试验性质的,踌躇的,试探性的,不确定的,非决定性的.
reach a tentative conclusion 得出暂时的结论
114. tendency .n. 1) ~ (to/ towards) sth (to do sth) (人或物呈现的)倾向,趋势 a tendency to fact / towards fatness / to get fat 发胖的趋势
2) (事物运动或变化的)趋向,倾向,趋势
Prices continue to show an upward tendency. 物价呈持续上升的趋势.
113. systematic .adj. 1) 有系统的,有计划的,有条理的;
He’s very systematic in all he does.他做一切事情都很有条理.
2) 有预谋的,蓄意的 a systematic attempt to ruin sb’s reputation 蓄谋破坏某人的名誉