1.( )I have a new wallet.It’s my birthday present _____ my aunt. a.for b.from c.of 2.( )Nancy ____ at the back of the bus ,suddenly the bus ______ . a.sitted,stoped b.sited,stopped c.sat,stopped 3.( )Here’s ______ interesting book for you. a./ b.an c.a 4.( )Would you please show _____how to ____ a cake? a.me,make b.us,making c.we,making 5.( )We ______ read in the sun.It’s bad for our ______’t,ears b.must,eyes c.shouldn’t,eyes 6.( )What _____ is it today? It’s__________. a.day,the 6th of June b.date, on the 6th of June c.date, the 6th of June 7.( )---Is this comb _____?---Yes,it is mine. a.your b.your comb c.yours 8.( )---Is this _____ comb?---Yes,it is mine. a.your b.your comb c.yours 9.( )Who are they talking ______? a.to b.about c.of 10.( )---Was she at home?----___________. a.Yes,he was. b.Yes,she is. C.Yes,she was. 11.( )______ is his favourite holiday? a.When b.What C.Who 12.( )In ___ word“pineapple”,we can find a ‘pine’and_____’apple’. a.a;an b.the; a c.the;an 13.( )Where ____ you go last Sunday? a.are b.were c.did 14.( )Would you like ______ ice cream? a.any b.many c.some 15.( )Do you like_______ TV? a.watching b.watch C.to watch 16.( )Would you like_____TV? a.watching b.watch C.to watch 17.( )What else ____ you do after we had supper? a.do b.are c.did 18.( )We _____ to _____ football last weekend. a.wanted,play b.wanted.played c.want;played 19.( )We______ basketball and _____ some housework three days ago. a.played,do b.played,did c.play,did 20.( )What do you want to do ____ the weekends? a.on b.at c.in 21.( )What did you and your friends do _____ different holidays? a.in b.on c.at 22.( )----When’s your birthday?---It’s on the ____ of November. a.twentieth –one b.twentieth-first c.twenty-first 23.( )What’s come before Christmas? a.Halloween b.New Year’s Day c.Spring Festival 24.( )Jack is reading____ book and ____ book is not his. a.a;a b.the;the c.a;the 25.( )Lily always _____lots of questions. a.have b.is having c.has 26.( )What _____ the signs _____? a.does;mean b.do;mean c.are ;meaning 27.( )The Music Room is on _______in this building. a.second b.the second c.the ;two 28.( )It’s time _____ have some juice. a.for b.of c.to 29.( )----What is the third day of a week?---__________ a.Wednesday b.Thursday c.Tuesday 30.( )I learn a lot _____ public signs. a.about b.of about  c.from 31.( ) Where___ you yesterday?I____ at a camp. a.are,am b.were;were c.were;was 32.( )My birthday is ______ August of December. a.in b.on c.at 33.( )What are they talking_____? a.to b.about c.with 34.( )Mike is telling____ his mother _____ the party. a.to;about b.to;/ c./;about 35.( )talking ____his teacher _____this homework.. a.to;about b.to;with c.about;with 36.( )Please sit in front of _____. a.her b.he c.I 37.( )_____you tired that day? a.Did b.Were c.Do 38.( )Are you feel tired that day? a.Did b.Were c.Do 39.( )______come to YangLing’s birthday party? a.Would like to b.Would you like to c.Would you like 40.( ) All the_____ are playing____ now. a.students,the cards b.student;cards c.students;cards 41.( )______your new sweater ___ me,please. a.Show;to b.Give;for c.Shows ;to 42.( )____the magazine____ me. a.Give; for b.Give;to c.Give ;from 43.( )My skateboard is on ______Lucy’s desk. a.the b./ c.that 44.( )Happy birthday!---______ a.Happy birthday,too. bThanks. c.Me too. 45.( )Today is my birthday.---_______ a.Thank you. bHappy birthday. C.Oh,when? 46.( )The sign ‘keep off the grasss’means_________________. a.we shouldn’t keep off the grass b. we should keep off the grass c.we should walk on the grass. 47.( )It’s very hot. Jim is __________ his coat. a.putting on b.taking off c.taking of 48.( )________ make noise,they are ______ music. a.Don’t;listening b.No;listening to c.Don’t ;listening to 49.( )Your books are under the desk.Please pick ____. a.them up. b.up them c.up it 50.( )The_______ children are watching the ______race. a.exciting;excited b.excited;exciting c.exciteing;excited 51.( )I’d like to learn a lot _______ volleyball. a.of b.about c.from 52.( )____ do you go home every day?On foot. a.What b.Who c.How 53.( )---____you like a VCD?---_______Yes,please. a.Do b.Would c.Are 54.( )Kate’s birthday is ______soon.I will make a card ____eing,ing;ing;for 55.( )I want to buy some flowers____ my mother. a.to b.for c.give 56.( )We’re in the ______ school,but in ______classes. a.same;different b.same;same c.different;same 57.( )The sign’No littering’______we_______litter here. a.mean shouldn’t b.means ;should c.means;shouldn’t 58.( )I usually________ oranges____ the farmer on a farm. a.picks,with b.pick;and c.pick;with 59.( )Can I take a walk? a.Yes,Ican. b.No, you can. C.Yes,you can.. 60.( )She must ____clothes every day. a.washes b.washs c.wash 61.( )Look, they _____an Maths class. a.had b.are having c.have 62.( )He usually ______to music on Sundays. a.listens b.listened c.listening 63.( )I_____ oranges that day. a.pick b.picks c.picking 64.( )Easter is in____ or _______. a.March,April b.May,June c.October. 65.( )They often give presents _______ their friends at Christmas. a.to b.for c.of 66.( )I will buy some presents ______ my good friends. a.to b.for c.from 67.( )He asked me_______the CDs to the Music room. a.take b.took c.to take 68.( )Open________for me. a.my b.me c.mine 69.( )The books are_______,but where are______? a.ours;ours b.theirs;ours c.his;your 70.( )The wallet is for_____. a.her b.hers c.she 71.( )The wallet is_____. a.her b.hers c.she 72.( )The wallet is from_____. a.her b.hers c.she 73.( )We visited our ________this weekend. a.grandparents’ b.grandparents c.grandpresent 74.( )The teapots are_______. a.grandparents’ b.grandparents c.grandpresent 75.( ) The teapots are for_______. a.grandparents’ b.grandparents c.grandpresent 76.( )I went to the park and_____my good friend Jim.. a.see b.seed c.saw 77.( )I went to _____ my good friend Jim.. a.see b.seed c.saw 78.( )My present is nice,what about______? a.you b.your c.yours 79.( )I am opening my present,what about _____? a.you b.your c.yours 80.( )The bus _____and an old man_____ off. a.stopped;got b.stoped;got c.stopped;get 81.( )I am ____ a book about a farm now. a.looking b.reading c.watching 82.( )He needs a _____to listen to music. a.camera b.songbook c.Walkman 83.( )Lucy likes_______ stamps. a.collecting b.collect c.collects 84.( )Three days ago,I ______ to the zoo and I ____ very happy. a.go;am b.want;were c.went;was 85.( )I usually ____ a big lunch with my family on New Year’s Day. a.eat b.have c.had 86.( )I’d like_____ . a.going swimming. b.going swim c.to go swimming. 87.( )Do you like watching______? a.the moon? b.a moon? c.moon

1.( )I have a new wallet.It’s my birthday present _____ my aunt. a.for b.from c.of 2.( )Nancy ____ at the back of the bus ,suddenly the bus ______ . a.sitted,stoped b.sited,stopped c.sat,stopped 3.( )Here’s ______ interesting book for you. a./ b.an c.a 4.( )Would you please show _____how to ____ a cake? a.me,make b.us,making c.we,making 5.( )We ______ read in the sun.It’s bad for our ______’t,ears b.must,eyes c.shouldn’t,eyes 6.( )What _____ is it today? It’s__________. a.day,the 6th of June b.date, on the 6th of June c.date, the 6th of June 7.( )---Is this comb _____?---Yes,it is mine. a.your b.your comb c.yours 8.( )---Is this _____ comb?---Yes,it is mine. a.your b.your comb c.yours 9.( )Who are they talking ______? a.to b.about c.of 10.( )---Was she at home?----___________. a.Yes,he was. b.Yes,she is. C.Yes,she was. 11.( )______ is his favourite holiday? a.When b.What C.Who 12.( )In ___ word“pineapple”,we can find a ‘pine’and_____’apple’. a.a;an b.the; a c.the;an 13.( )Where ____ you go last Sunday? a.are b.were c.did 14.( )Would you like ______ ice cream? a.any b.many c.some 15.( )Do you like_______ TV? a.watching b.watch C.to watch 16.( )Would you like_____TV? a.watching b.watch C.to watch 17.( )What else ____ you do after we had supper? a.do b.are c.did 18.( )We _____ to _____ football last weekend. a.wanted,play b.wanted.played c.want;played 19.( )We______ basketball and _____ some housework three days ago. a.played,do b.played,did c.play,did 20.( )What do you want to do ____ the weekends? a.on b.at c.in 21.( )What did you and your friends do _____ different holidays? a.in b.on c.at 22.( )----When’s your birthday?---It’s on the ____ of November. a.twentieth –one b.twentieth-first c.twenty-first 23.( )What’s come before Christmas? a.Halloween b.New Year’s Day c.Spring Festival 24.( )Jack is reading____ book and ____ book is not his. a.a;a b.the;the c.a;the 25.( )Lily always _____lots of questions. a.have b.is having c.has 26.( )What _____ the signs _____? a.does;mean b.do;mean c.are ;meaning 27.( )The Music Room is on _______in this building. a.second b.the second c.the ;two 28.( )It’s time _____ have some juice. a.for b.of c.to 29.( )----What is the third day of a week?---__________ a.Wednesday b.Thursday c.Tuesday 30.( )I learn a lot _____ public signs. a.about b.of about  c.from 31.( ) Where___ you yesterday?I____ at a camp. a.are,am b.were;were c.were;was 32.( )My birthday is ______ August of December. a.in b.on c.at 33.( )What are they talking_____? a.to b.about c.with 34.( )Mike is telling____ his mother _____ the party. a.to;about b.to;/ c./;about 35.( )talking ____his teacher _____this homework.. a.to;about b.to;with c.about;with 36.( )Please sit in front of _____. a.her b.he c.I 37.( )_____you tired that day? a.Did b.Were c.Do 38.( )Are you feel tired that day? a.Did b.Were c.Do 39.( )______come to YangLing’s birthday party? a.Would like to b.Would you like to c.Would you like 40.( ) All the_____ are playing____ now. a.students,the cards b.student;cards c.students;cards 41.( )______your new sweater ___ me,please. a.Show;to b.Give;for c.Shows ;to 42.( )____the magazine____ me. a.Give; for b.Give;to c.Give ;from 43.( )My skateboard is on ______Lucy’s desk. a.the b./ c.that 44.( )Happy birthday!---______ a.Happy birthday,too. bThanks. c.Me too. 45.( )Today is my birthday.---_______ a.Thank you. bHappy birthday. C.Oh,when? 46.( )The sign ‘keep off the grasss’means_________________. a.we shouldn’t keep off the grass b. we should keep off the grass c.we should walk on the grass. 47.( )It’s very hot. Jim is __________ his coat. a.putting on b.taking off c.taking of 48.( )________ make noise,they are ______ music. a.Don’t;listening b.No;listening to c.Don’t ;listening to 49.( )Your books are under the desk.Please pick ____. a.them up. b.up them c.up it 50.( )The_______ children are watching the ______race. a.exciting;excited b.excited;exciting c.exciteing;excited 51.( )I’d like to learn a lot _______ volleyball. a.of b.about c.from 52.( )____ do you go home every day?On foot. a.What b.Who c.How 53.( )---____you like a VCD?---_______Yes,please. a.Do b.Would c.Are 54.( )Kate’s birthday is ______soon.I will make a card ____eing,ing;ing;for 55.( )I want to buy some flowers____ my mother. a.to b.for c.give 56.( )We’re in the ______ school,but in ______classes. a.same;different b.same;same c.different;same 57.( )The sign’No littering’______we_______litter here. a.mean shouldn’t b.means ;should c.means;shouldn’t 58.( )I usually________ oranges____ the farmer on a farm. a.picks,with b.pick;and c.pick;with 59.( )Can I take a walk? a.Yes,Ican. b.No, you can. C.Yes,you can.. 60.( )She must ____clothes every day. a.washes b.washs c.wash 61.( )Look, they _____an Maths class. a.had b.are having c.have 62.( )He usually ______to music on Sundays. a.listens b.listened c.listening 63.( )I_____ oranges that day. a.pick b.picks c.picking 64.( )Easter is in____ or _______. a.March,April b.May,June c.October. 65.( )They often give presents _______ their friends at Christmas. a.to b.for c.of 66.( )I will buy some presents ______ my good friends. a.to b.for c.from 67.( )He asked me_______the CDs to the Music room. a.take b.took c.to take 68.( )Open________for me. a.my b.me c.mine 69.( )The books are_______,but where are______? a.ours;ours b.theirs;ours c.his;your 70.( )The wallet is for_____. a.her b.hers c.she 71.( )The wallet is_____. a.her b.hers c.she 72.( )The wallet is from_____. a.her b.hers c.she 73.( )We visited our ________this weekend. a.grandparents’ b.grandparents c.grandpresent 74.( )The teapots are_______. a.grandparents’ b.grandparents c.grandpresent 75.( ) The teapots are for_______. a.grandparents’ b.grandparents c.grandpresent 76.( )I went to the park and_____my good friend Jim.. a.see b.seed c.saw 77.( )I went to _____ my good friend Jim.. a.see b.seed c.saw 78.( )My present is nice,what about______? a.you b.your c.yours 79.( )I am opening my present,what about _____? a.you b.your c.yours 80.( )The bus _____and an old man_____ off. a.stopped;got b.stoped;got c.stopped;get 81.( )I am ____ a book about a farm now. a.looking b.reading c.watching 82.( )He needs a _____to listen to music. a.camera b.songbook c.Walkman 83.( )Lucy likes_______ stamps. a.collecting b.collect c.collects 84.( )Three days ago,I ______ to the zoo and I ____ very happy. a.go;am b.want;were c.went;was 85.( )I usually ____ a big lunch with my family on New Year’s Day. a.eat b.have c.had 86.( )I’d like_____ . a.going swimming. b.going swim c.to go swimming. 87.( )Do you like watching______? a.the moon? b.a moon? c.moon

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