第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



66. They are Americana not _______(加拿大人).                              66. ______ 

67. When we got there it had ______(下沉) below the water.                 67. ______  

68. What is your home  ______(地址), please?                            68. ______  

69. She bought a packet of _______(信封) at the stationery store.              69. ______   

70. Any son of my father’s brothers will be my ____( 堂兄弟).             70. ______ 

71. Would it be ______(方便) for you to pick me up at four o’clock and take me to

the airport?                                                  71. ______

72. The thieves _______(钻) a hole in the iron box.                        72. ______  

73. The football team are having _______(洗澡) and are then coming back here

for tea.                                                     73. ______ 

74. We will meet on ________ (星期四) .                              74. ______ 

75. You can’t leave the city; all the roads are _______(阻塞) by snow.              75. ______ 

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