
每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话读两遍。


6. Why does Jennifer call Professor Smith ?

A. To ask for leave. 

B. To ask about the exam.  

C. To talk about the lecture.

7. What's the matter with Jennifer ?

A. She can't attend the lecture.

B. She has no time to see her father.

C. She can't take part in the final exam.

8. What is Jennifer probably going to do tomorrow ?

A. See her father.    B. See the doctor.  C. Go to the lecture.


9. Where did Tom go during summer vacation?

A. To Beijing.          B. To Hawaii.        C. To a language school.

10. What will happen to the girl's father?

A. He will be out of work. 

B. He is going to travel in China.  

C. He is going to work in Beijing.


11. What is wrong with the man?

A. He has a headache. 

B. He didn't have breakfast.              

C. He has a stomachache.

12. Why does the man fall ill?

A. He works too long.  

B. He eats too much cold food.   

C. He doesn't have regular meals.

13. What is the doctor's warning to the man ?

A. He shouldn't work so long.

B. He should take medicine on time.

C. He should change his eating habits.


14. When did Mr. Johnson arrive?

A. At 9:00 a.m.       B. At 9:20 a.m.           C. At 9:40 a.m.

15. What is the manager doing now?

A. He is having a meeting.

B. He is waiting in the waiting room.

C. He is making a phone call.

16. Where does the woman want the man to go?

A. To the meeting room.     

B. To the waiting room. 

C. To the manager's office.

17. What does the man want his secretary to do?

A. To make a cup of coffee.   

B. To make a long distance call.  

C. To bring his mobile phone.


18. When is the news reported?

A. At about 2:30 p.m.      

B. At about 4:50 p.m.      

C. At about 6:50 p.m.

19. How many robbers are mentioned in the news report?

A. Two.              B. Three      C. Four.

20. What was the result of the robbery?

A. The robbers were caught. 

B. More than 1.5 million dollars was lost.

C. The clerks were hurt by the robbers.

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