Ming-bai:  How are you getting along with your English?

Hu-tu:   No b  76   than ever before.

Ming-bai:  How come? It is said that you have been working hard and have made some progress.

Hu-tu:   But the problem is, only under the g  77   of my tutor can I be advancing g  78   (or little by little).I can’t concentrate on my homework without being tutored.

Ming-bai:  No wonder.You should believe in yourself.You should develop the ability to teach yourself English.As you know, it is by working hard on his own that your classmate Cheng Zhang-qi was a  79   into a key university in Senior 2.We should learn from him.

Hu-tu:   That is right.Much of the blame for my disability to study English goes on my parents.They are always f  80   me all sorts of tutors to help me with all my subjects.

Ming-bai:  What a pity! You should convince them that you can work well by yourself and ask your headmaster to criticize your parents.

Hu-tu:   Thank you for your tips.

Ming-bai:  I am told that you are good at English grammar.

Hu-tu:   But I am poor in memorizing words and I wonder how to e  81   my vocabulary.

Ming-bai:  That is because you are forced to be instructed by your tutor and so have not enough time to absorb and digest knowledge, including words and expressions.

Hu-tu:   I see.Words and expressions are hard to remember and especially English u  82   is hard to master.For instance, I don’t know how to apply “resemble” and “look like”.

Ming-bai:  Oh, they d  83   in structure but they are the same in meaning.The former is a transitive verb and the latter is a verb phrase.

Hu-tu:   Thank you for your e  84  .Now I can distinguish between them.How on earth do you improve your English?

Ming-bai:  We should read and listen to some English readers and accumulate our words day by day.If so, you will be able to c  85  your feelings and ideas in English in time.

Hu-tu:   Thank you.I will study the way you have just mentioned.

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