What’s on stage

  An acrobatic(杂技)show:To celebrate its 50th anniversary, the China Acrobatic Troupe(剧团)will present” The Soul of China”,where the seemingly impossible is made real.Chills(寒意)will run down your spine(脊柱)as you watch breathlessly as performers take their art and their bodies to the edge.

  Time:7:30 p.m.,September 13-19

Place:Capital Theatre,22 Wangfujing Dajie,Dongcheng District

  Exhibitions:Joint(联合的)Show:A group ink painting exhibition is running at the Huangshicheng Art Gallery in Beijing.About 50 works by 25 young artists including Ge Yun and Yu Yang are on display.

Time:9: 00 am.-5:00 p.m.until September 10

Place:Huangshicheng Art Gallery,136 Nanchizi Dajie,Dongcheng District

 Oil paintings:The Wanfung Art Gallery will host a joint show of oil painting by 10 young and middle-aged artists.On display are, more than 30 of their latest works,which capture the wondrous variety of life in unique(独特的)styles.

Time:9:00 a.m.-4:00 P.m.until September 15

Place:136 Nanchizi Street, Dongcheng District

Literature museum:The National Museum of Modern Chinese Literature offers an in-depth study of the evolution(发展)of Chinese contemporary literature from 1919 to l949.

Time:9:00 a.m.-4:00 P.m.,daily

Place:45 Anyuan Donglu,Chaoyang District(Shaoyaoju area)

Concert:Beijing rocks:"The Fashion Night of Chinese Rock" is set to bring rock fans out by the thousands next month.Nine Chinese rock bands will perform at the concert,including older generation 6ands,middle generation and some recent arrivals.The audience will be given a chance to decide what songs they want to hear,which is sure to bring a storm.

Time:September 11-14

Place:The Olympic Center

 69.Which of the following is true about the acrobatic show mentioned above?

   A.The performers will move their bodies to the edge of the stage.

   B.Something strange will puzzle everyone,including experts.

   C.Unexpected things will make you excited and surprised.

   D.When you watch it,you will feel.the theatre airless.

70.The most characteristic thing about the Fashion Night of Chinese Rock is that_______.

A.it will certainly cause a rock storm throughout China

   B.it is to bring thousands of rock fans out of their homes

   C.it will let the audience choose the music

   D.nine Chinese rock bands will perform at the concert.

71.Suppose it is September 14th today, how many activities can people choose to attend?

A.2.   B.3.   C.4.   D.5.


   This week in our Foreign Student Series,we talk about getting an American education online.A student named Hendra has written to us from Indonesia asking about a good online university.Finding the right online program requires research.Talking to advisers and recruiters(招募者)can help.Keep in mind,though,that they might have a financial interest to direct you to certain programs.

   The Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) recognizes a group in Washington,D.C.,to accredit(授权) schools that offer distance learning.One hundred and ten programs in the United States and six other countries are accredited by the Distance Education and Training Council.

   We asked the executive director,Michael Lambert,for advice on choosing a distance learning program.He says the first thing is to go on the CHEA website to find if a school is accredited.The address is c-h-e-a dot o-r-g.

   Next,make sure the school offers what you need.Do you need a degree,or will a certificate or license be enough?

   Another consideration is cost.Often the published price does not include all the costs-like books.Technology requirements can also add to the costs.Will you need to get new software or a high-speed Internet connection or even a new computer to take the classes you want?

   Also,consider the level of interaction that an online program offers.You might never meet the teacher or other students in person.

   Finally,and this is our own advice,find out what others say on the Internet for comments or news stories about schools that interest you.Just remember that what people say is not always fair or true.

 64. This passage is probably from_________.

   A.a magazine      B.a newspaper

   C.a text book      D.a radio program

 65.This passage is mainly about_________.

   A.how to get an American education online

   B.what to learn in an American university

   C.the introductions to schools offering distance learning

   D.the advantages of online education

66.What else should be taken into consideration about cost besides the published price?

   A. The cost for technology requirements and even a classroom.

   B.The cost for books and a new computer.

   C.The cost for new software and a high-speed Internet connection.

   D.The cost for books and technology requirements.

67.How can you find the information about schools accredited to offer distance learning easily?

   A.Ask the members of CHEA.

   B.Go on the website of chea.org.

   C.Ask Michael Lambert for help.

D.Talk to advisers and recruiters.

68.According to Michael Lambert,_________.

   A.to get a certificate or a license is much easier than to get a degree

   B.it’s not fair for the schools to charge extra money beside the published price

   C.the level of interaction that an online program offers needs considering

D.people's comments about schools are always unbelievable


   When women sit together to watch a movie on TV, they usually talk simultaneously(同时的) about a variety of subjects,including children,men,careers and what’s happening in their lives.When groups of men and women watch a movie together, the men usually end up telling the women to shut up.Men can either talk or watch the screen--they can’t do both--and they don’t understand that women can.Besides,women consider that the point of all getting together is to have a good time and develop relationships--not just to sit there like couch potatoes staring at the Screen.

   During the ad breaks,a man often asks a woman to explain the plot and tell him where the relationship between the characters is going.He is unable,unlike women,to read the subtle body language signals that reveal how the characters are feeling emotionally.Since women originally spent their days with the other women and children in the group,they developed the ability to communicate successfully in order to maintain relationships.For a woman,speech continues to have such a clear purpose: to build relationships and make friends.For men, to talk is to relate the facts.

   Men see the telephone as a communication tool for sending facts and information to other people,but a woman sees it as a means of bonding.A woman can spend two weeks on vacation with her girlfriend and,when she returns home,telephone the same girlfriend and talk for another two hours.

   There is no convincing evidence that social conditioning,the fact that girls’ mothers talked to them more,is the reason why girls talk more than boys.Psychiatrist Dr Michael Lewis,author Social Behavior and Language Acquisition,conducted experiments that found mothers talked to and looked at,baby girls more often than baby boys.Scientific evidence shows parents just respond to the brain differences of their children.Since a girl's brain is better organized to send and receive speech,we therefore talk to them more.Consequently,mothers who try to talk to their sons are usually disappointed to receive only short grunts in reply.

  60.While watching TV with others,women usually talk a lot because they  

   A.are afraid of awkward silence with their families and friends

   B.can both talk and watch the screen at the same time

   C.think they can have a good time and develop relationships

   D.have to explain the plot and body language to their husbands

 61.After a vacation with her girlfriend.a woman would talk to her again on the phone for hours in order to    

   A.experience the happy time again    B.keep a close tie with her

   C.recommend her a new scenic spot   D.remind her of something forgotten

  62.What does the author want to tell us most?

   A.Women’s brains are better organized for language and communication.

   B.Women love to talk because they are more sociable than men.

   C.Men do not like talking because they rely more on facts.

D.Social conditioning is not the reason why women love talking.

 63.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

   A.Women Are Socially Trained to Talk

   B.Talking Maintains Relationships

   C.Women Love to Talk

D.Men Talk Differently from Women


   My son and I were trying to sell the house we had, repaired, but in the barn(谷仓) there were bats and they would not leave. The barn was their home. They hung there in the barn and seemed determined to stay for the season. "Don' t worry about it, Dad," Patrick said, "they keep down the mosquitoes."      

Unfortunately they also kept the buyers away. When we asked a person to sell the house for us, he refused to see it because of the bats. "Bats are popular," Patrick comforted me, "they're ecological." "Isn't there a machine you can buy that has high frequency sounds to keep bats away?" I asked. "I don't know," said Patrick, "But I like bats and whoever buys this house will probably like them too." "How many bats are there, anyway? ""I counted about 90 last night," said Patrick, "They were dropping out from under the edge of the roof. " "You mean there are more-outside?" "They're everywhere, Dad. But look at it this way. When the cold weather comes, they'll be off to Mexico. Maybe in the spring we can keep them out." he said for the hundredth time. "It's not a problem."

   The bat expert I called was even more active than Patrick. "I think you've got a large number there," he said in wonder, "I've been trying to attract bats to our house for 25 years. A single bat eats up his weight in mosquitoes and black flies three times every night. You've very lucky man." I offered to share my luck with him. He could take them away. "bats have a remarkable homing instinct(本能)," he said, "They'd fly straight back even if I transported them 100 miles. Once they have settled, you can't stop them from coming back." I was silent.

   Finally we managed to rent the house to a young family, who were also interested in buying it. "What about the bats?" I said to Patrick.

   "Oh, they love the bats," he said. "No mosquitoes. No black flies. It's one of the things that attracted them." "Do you think they will really buy the house? I asked. "Probably." "Probably? Well, if they do, I suppose I'll have to admit that I was wrong." "You mean you're going to eat your words? Patrick laughed and asked. "Yes, I am."

56. What was the problem the author had with his house?

  A. There were many bats living in their rooms.

  B. The author and his son couldn't sleep well because of the bats.

  C. Bats were living in the barn and wouldn't go away.

  D. The house was still badly in need of repair.

57.Why did the author fall silent when he talked with the bat specialist?

  A. He learned that he would he able to share his luck with the expert.

  B.He found out that it would be impossible to remove the bats.

  C.He felt sure about the situation.

  D.He liked the advice given by the expert.

58.What happened to the house in the end?

  A.The bats left the house for Mexico in the spring.

  B.The author failed to find anybody who wanted to live in the house.

  C.The bat expert moved the bats to his home.

  D.Some people agreed to rent and probably buy the house.

59.Why did the author think he might have to “eat his words”?

  A.He felt sorry for the bats.

  B.He might be mistaken about being unable to sell the house.

  C.He realized he might be wrong about the bats’ actions.

D.He didn’t believe what his son said.

第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

   At Christmas last year, I received form my sons a lovely card,  36  "You are the most courageous woman we know."

   They didn't know me when I was a five-year-old girl who was too  37  to go on stage when  38  as "the cutest child" in kindergarten. They wouldn't have thought of me as  39  when I was the one girl in my high school class who had found it easier to succeed at nothing than to try and then fail at  40  .

   What they_  41  as my courage came later. And it came from my hero, my husband-James Peterson. He had  42  and enthusiasm that is much more than my own and  43  of most people I know. However, in his forties, tests from the hospital  44  that he had cancer. I was desperate. My hour-long drive to and  45  hospital was often filled with fear, tears and prayer. Endless treatments  46  him out, but not once did he say "Why me?"  47  he said, "I've had forty five years with my loved ones that many people don't have." I saw in him determination  48  danger and a  49  to overcome the danger. Eventually, he, not the cancer, won the battle.

   James' recovery was the passing of a torch to me. I now am  50  that trying and failing is better than  51  to try. I now  52  go out of my comfort zone to  53  a goal. If that makes me courageous in my  54  eyes, I accept the praise with joy. I had a great  55  .

36. A. writing    B. saying      C. shouting     D. explaining

37. A. delighted   B. fascinated    C. frightened     D. amazed

38. A. picked    B. treated      C. grown      D. taught

39. A. brave     B. shy       C. attractive     D. outgoing

40. A. something   B. anything     C. everything     D. nothing

41. A. recognize    B. look      C. think       D. wonder

42. A. sorrow    B. wisdom     C. experience    D. energy

43. A. that     B. one        C. it        D. which

44. A. claimed    B. announced    C. confirmed    D. described

45. A. in      B. around      C. within      D. from

46. A. wore     B. ran        C. sent       D. went

47. A. Instead    B. So         C. Though     D. Since

48. A. in the charge of           B. in the face of

   C. in the name of           D. in the control of

49. A. power     B. strength      C. will       D. sense

50. A. aware     B. awake       C. confident    D. doubtful                                                                                                  

51. A. attempting   B. failing       C. succeeding    D. hesitating

52. A. dare to    B. need to       C. turn to      D. suggest to

53. A. abandon    B. win        C. accomplish    D. gain

54. A. husband's   B. children's      C. friends'     D. parents'

55. A. child     B. companion     C. teacher      D. son

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