A friend of mine was sitting in the living room one day when his cat dragged in a little “gift” in its mouth - a dead animal of some sort. Taking a closer look, he was surprised to  31   it as the bunny that  32   Mary, the young daughter of the family next door. My friend felt  33  , believing his cat had killed Mary’s bunny.

My quick-thinking friend came up with a plan.  34   from the cat’s mouth the dead animal, which by now was a  35   mess, he put it in the kitchen sink. With a little warm water and some shampoo, he tried to  36   the dead bunny as best he could. Then he took a hair dryer and blow-dried the bunny  37   it looked pretty good.

Finally, under the cover of darkness, he crept into the next-door garden and placed it  38   in the cage. He managed to make the bunny look very  39   there in his little box.

The next morning, my friend looked out of the window and noticed a crowd of people  40   around the rabbit hutch. Everyone seemed to be talking and pointing. My friend  41   to go over and act like any normal  42   neighbor and find out what was going on.

When he got there, Mary’s mother said to my friend, “You won’t believe this! It’s a(n)  43   thing! Mary’s bunny  44   a few days ago, and we buried that little bunny right over there...”

Have you ever tried to cover up one wrongdoing with another? Covering up only makes matters  45  .

When we get caught doing something  46  , for example, we may  47   to cover it up with a lie. But just like Mary’s bunny, the result is  48  what we expected. We  49  looking foolish. We would have been better off admitting we were wrong and accepting the  50  . What do you think of it?

31. A. treat       B. catch         C. appreciate      D. recognize

32 A. looked for    B. got along       C. belonged to      D. resulted from

33. A. pleased      B. terrible        C. confused      D. excited

34. A. Looking     B. Removing      C. Preventing     D. Hearing

35. A. dirty       B. lovely        C. gifted       D. strange

36. A. dress up      B. bring up       C. clean up      D. make up

37. A. whenever     B. though        C. before        D. until

38. A. carefully     B. strangely      C. especially      D. wonderfully

39. A. serious      B. accurate        C. balanced       D. natural

40. A. cheered      B. gathered       C. ran        D. looked

41. A. wished      B. decided        C. hesitated      D. meant

42. A. anxious      B. discouraged     C. wise        D. curious

43. A. strange      B. difficult        C. committed     D. annoying

44. A. passed away    B. ran away      C. set out        D. went up

45. A. more       B. worse        C. better       D. faster

46. A. exciting      B. perfect       C. strange       D. wrong

47. A. refuse      B. attempt        C. promise       D. pretend

48. A. often       B. just        C. always        D. never

49. A. get down     B. end up       C. go through     D. set out

50. A. consequences   B. opportunities   C. expectations    D. choices

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