71. What is the main idea of the passage?

  A. It mainly tells us how to treat friends

  B. It mainly introduces the importance of friends

  C. It mainly explains the lesson for shaking off friends

  D. It mainly gives advice on how to make new friends

答案  68.C  69.B  70.C  71.A

Passage 42


When you choose a freezer, remember it’s probably going to be with you for a long time. So it’s important to know which freezer is right for your needs.

  First, decide if you want an upright or chest model. Uprights are more convenient. Their storage space is more accessible and they take up less floor area. However, chest models are more energy-efficient because less cold air escapes when they are open.

  If you are buying an upright, you’ll have to choose between frostless(无霜) or manual (手动的)defrost(解冻). Chest freezers are always manual. Frostless freezers automatically defrost at present intervals(每隔一段时间) and remove the water. Manual models must be defrosted by hand every few months or whenever frost pile up to about a quarter of an inch.

  To help your freezer reach a ripe old age, try to find a spot that’s cool, dry, and away from drafts(精棉). Drafts and heat will raise the freezer’s cabinet temperature, which makes it work harder to keep cool. That means wasted energy. That means wasted energy and a shortened life.

  Dry air is important because high humidity (湿气) can cause the freezer to rust outside and frost up inside. With proper care, a freezer can serve you for 15 years or more. Regular cleaning and simple maintenance will help it maintain a zero-degree temperature and keep it smelling fresh and looking almost new.

  Frostless models requires less care than manual defrost freezers. The inside of a frostless unit should be washed periodically with warm water and baking soda or a mild soap, rinse, and dried.

  Good habits go a long way toward a freezer that runs efficiently. To get the most from your freezer, check regularly to make sure it’s providing a true zero-degree temperature.

  Keep the freezer at least three-quarters full. The emptier it get, the more energy is wasted. If more than three pounds of food per cubic foot of storage space is added every 24 hours, the resulting high or low temperature can damage the food.

67. Which of the following statements in NOT true ?

A.   A food court in the mall is a big dining place .

B.    You need to bring receipts when having gifts wrapped

C.    You can have your gifts wrapped at any shop in a mall with a receipt

D.    You can take your young baby with you when shopping in the mall.

答案  64.A  65.B  66.C  67.D

Passage 41


Making friends in the first few weeks of school is easy. Many students can find a friend in little time. They can be amazed at how close they can get to someone whose interests are completely different, and how comfortable they feel about expressing their mutual(相互的)fondness.

Unusual bonds(关系) are one of the great pleasures of school life, and can lead to enriching relationships based on mutual respect. Mostly, though, by a couple of weeks into term, they are really embarrassing. And shaking off friends can be a lot harder than making them. School is all about being busy and trying new things, so you needn’t feel too bad about ditching( 与……断绝关系) old friends in favor of new people and experiences. So long as you do it kindly.

The pace of school life can be a great excuse for turning down another invitation for a party. You can even claim to be studying---you’re at school, and you’re supposed to work hard. Another kind way of getting rid of an unwanted friend is to go on inviting them out, but to events where lots of other people will demand your time. Or you could suggest activities that you think they’d enjoy, but which you won’t actually be able to make yourself. Then you could say “I’m really  busy at the moment. I’ll give you a call when I’ve finished this assignment”.

But wait. Hasn’t someone just said that to you? How do you manage to stay such company that you’re not the one being ditched?

For a start, concentrate on how interesting the other person is. Remember the things going on in their lives and text or ring to check how they got on with those things. Do sympathize(同情) if things have gone badly, and congratulate them if things have gone well. Have a weekly time and place where you meet friends, so that you can invite new friends to drop in. There, the more cheerful you appear, the more popular you are likely to be.

63.What could be the best title for this passage?

A. Lectures fight digital learning aids to up class numbers  

B. Lectures apply digital learning aids to up class numbers

C. Lectures fight lower-tech tactics to up class numbers

D. Schools are encouraging more absenteeism

答案  60. D  61.A  62.D  63.A   

Passage 40


 Los Angeles’ Shopping Malls

 Let’s take a look around the mall . You will find various malls in Los Angeles . Stores vary by mall . To better understand shopping at the mall , let’s take a look at the basic structure of malls.

Basic Structure

   Most of the malls are two or three layer (层) buildings including their parking lots. It’s not the norm(标准), but some malls like Beverly Hills Center are located on top of the parking lot . Most of the malls have pathways between the department stores and a food court , a central place for dining . You can also find theaters in malls.

Services of the mall

   It’s easy to find the places you want to go from the directories(电话簿) in each mall.

   Usually the directory is located in several places throughout the mall . You can also carry printouts of the directory while shopping . If you have questions , ask employees for more details.

Most shops do not wrap gifts so you will have to use the department gift service center for wrapping . Make sure you have your receipts(收据) when you go to have the gifts wrapped . Each mall has a variety of service facilities including restrooms . public phones , diaper (尿布) changing rooms . ATM machines , stamp machines and vending (贩卖) machines. 

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