第二节  书面表达

It seems that many people today are overweight. Some people even suffer from obesity, which can lead to heart disorders and other health problems.

There are several reasons for it. Some people couldn’t resist the temptation of all kinds of delicious food, such as hamburger, chicken, fatty pork and sugary cola. All these are rich in fat and sugar, which can easily make people fat. Once we become overweigh, it is not an easy job to lose it. It requires well-balanced diet and proper exercise. You’d better eat food high in protein like meat, fish, eggs and nuts. Vegetables and fruits are very important because they provide necessary vitamins and minerals. However, don't overeat. What’s the most important is the determination.

One can't take good health for granted. It is important to remember that the body needs proper care in order to be healthy. There are three things that a person can do to help stay in good shape: one should eat right food, get enough sleep, and exercise regular1y.


Text 1

M: Do you know if the flower shop is still open?

W: Yes, it’s open till six. I’m sure.

Text 2

W: Did you see Sue? Her dog was hit by a car this afternoon.

M: I know. It died before the driver took it to the hospital.

Text 3

M: I hate memorizing vocabulary.

W: Well, it’s part of learning a second language so there is not a whole lot you can do about it.

Text 4

M: This should be State Street up here on the left.

W: It’s not. I think you should have turned left at the last crossroads.

Text 5

W: I’m glad I don’t have your job, working all night and sleeping in the daytime.

M: Oh, I stopped that when I got my promotion. Now I’m on three days and off two days.

Text 6

M: Did you hear the thunder last night?

W: Yes. I was awake at that time. It was really loud.

M: I didn’t see any lightning though. I thought thunder and lightning always occur together.

W: What makes you believe that?

M: A science book says, when lightning quickly beats the air, it will cause thunder.

W: I guess you didn’t read the whole article because the book also says if the lightning is very high in the sky, you might not see that.

Text 7

M: Hello, Mrs. Thomas. What can I do for you?

W: Well, I’ve been having bad stomach pains lately, doctor.

M: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. How long have you been having them?

W: Just in the last few weeks. I get a very sharp pain about an hour after I’ve eaten.

M: I see. Do you get this after every meal?

W: Let me think. No, it’s usually in the afternoons, after lunch.

M: Well, what do you have for lunch?

W: Oh, I mostly just have a quick hamburger and rush back to the office. We’re very busy at the moment.

M: Well, I don’t think it’s anything serious. Maybe you eat too quickly. It’s bad for your health.

W: My husband is always telling me that.

M: Anyway, I’ll give your something for it and we’ll see what happens. Take the medicine three times a day.

W: After meals or before?

M: After eating.

W: Thank you, doctor.

M: You’re welcome.

Text 8

W: Hi, Jim, got a minute?

M: Sure, come in, what’s on your mind?

W: Oh, that’s the plan for the students about the use of computers.

M: What’s the trouble?

W: The students are supposed to use the computers for only one hour a day because so many students need to use them every day.

M: I can see that.

W: Well, now it seems that some of the students aren’t willing to give up their machines when the hour is over.

M: I suppose they feel that it doesn’t matter very much to keep them a few minutes more.

W: Yes, but this makes it hard for those who are waiting to use the machines.  

M: You’re right. Let’s prepare a notice right now, and we can pass it out tomorrow to clear up the problem.

Text 9

W: Good evening. What can I do for you?

M: I wonder……I’m looking for a Mr. and Mrs. Sallies. Some friends told me to visit them.

W: Oh really!! What friends?

M: Mary and Edward Rolls.

W: Oh, Mary and Edward……but it is a bit late. Why didn’t you drop in earlier?

M: I missed the train.

W: Really. That was a bit careless, wasn’t it? Well, I suppose you’d better come in. I’m Barbara. And this is my husband, Harry Sallies. Well, what’s your name?

M: Bridges, John Bridges.

W: And you know Mary and Edward?

M: Yes, very well. I’ve known them for years. I’m sorry it’s so late. It’s really unforgivable.

W: How are Mary and Edward?

M: Oh, very well. They sent you their best wishes.

Text 10

Dear Kathy,

Thank you very much for inviting my family to your house for dinner. We really enjoyed our visit with you and your wonderful family. Please say“Hi”to Glen and Christopher for us.

Our last two weeks in Canada were wonderful. At the end of our visit, we took a train ride cross Canada back to Vancouver. The scenery was beautiful. On the train I sat next to an interesting woman from India. We might write to each other.

We’ve been back in China for almost two weeks now. It has been very cold since our arrival in Beijing. I’ve been teaching a new course in English conversation for almost a week. I’m preparing my lesson plans right now.

Last week David invited us to dinner but we couldn’t go. So he is coming to our house for dinner next Saturday night. We’re looking forward to hearing all about his new work.

I hope that you and your family are doing well. We’d like you to visit us in China. We won’t forget your kindness to us. Please send my regards to everyone.

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