Wild Bill Donovan would have loved the Internet .The spymaster who built the Office of Strategic Service in World War Ⅱ and late laid the roots for the CIA(美国中央情报局)was very interested in information .Donovan believed in using whatever tools came to hand in the “great name”of discovering information –spying as a “profession”(职业).These days the Net ,which has already re-made such everyday pastimes as buying books and sending mail,is resharping Donovan’s job as well.

  The latest revolution isn’t simply a matter of gentlemen reading other gentlemen’s e-mail .That kind of electronic spying has been going on for decades.In the past three or four years,the World Wide Web has given birth to a whole industry of point-and-click spying.The spies call it “open-source intelligence (情报),and as the Net grows ,it is becoming increasingly to affect people’s lives. In 1995 the CIA held a contest to see who could collected the most facts about Burundi .The winner was a tiny Virginia company called open source solutions ,whose clear advantage was its mastery of the electronic world.

  Among the firms making the biggest splash  in this new world is Straitford,Inc .,a private intelligence-analysis (情报分析)firm based in Austin,Texas.Straitford makes money by selling the results of spying (covering nations from Chile to Russia ) to corporations like energy-services firm McDermott International .people may find its forecasts online at .

  Straitford president Geroge Friedman says he sees the online world as a kind of tool for both collecting and giving out information, a spymaster’s dream. Last week his frim was busy searching for information from the far corners of the world and saying there would be a crisis (危机)in Ukraine. “As soon as that report runs ,we’ll suddenly get 500 new Internet sign-ups from Ukraine,”says Friedman,a former political science professor . “And we’ll hear back from some of them .” Open-source spying does have its risks,of couese ,since it can be difficult to tell good information from bad .That’s where Straitford earns its keep .

  Friedman relies on only 20 people in Austin .Several of his staff members have military-intelligence (军事情报) backgrounds .He sees the firm ‘s outsider position as the key to its success.Straitford’s brief don’t sound like the usual Washington back-and –forthing,by which people avoid dramatic declarations on the chance they might be wrong .Straitford ,says Friedman ,takes pride in its independent voice.

  71.The Internet has ______     A.received support from fans like Donovan

B.reshaping the intelligence services

C.    offered people more chances to enjoy many common pastimes.

D.   Made spying a job respected by people.

72.Donovan’s story is mentioned in the text to ______.

A.   introduce the topic of online spying

B.    show how he fought for the U.S.

C.    give us an example of the information war

D.   honor his special services to the CIA

73.The underlined phrase “making the biggest splash” (Line 1,Prara.3)most probably means ____

A.   causing the biggest trouble

B.    making the greatest effort

C.    achieving the greatest success

D.   enjoying the widest popularity

74.It can  be learned from Para.4 that ______     A.what Straitford said about Ukraine has proved true

B.    Straitford can promise that all its information is true

C.    Straitford cam never prove the truthfulness of its information

D.   Straitford is able to provide fairly reliable information

75. Straitford is most proud of its____

A.   independent outsiders  B.Outsider position

C.working starff      D.military background


  Priscilla Ouchida’s house turned out to be a horrible dream .When she and her engineer husband married a few years ago ,they built a $100,000 ,three-bedroom home in California.Tightly sealed to prevent air leaks,the house was equipped with small double-paned(双层玻璃的) widows and several other energy –saving qualities .Problems began as soon as the couple moved in,however.Priscilla”s eyes burned .Her throat was often dry .She suffered from headaches and could hardly sleep .It was as though she had suddenly developed a strange illness.

  Experts finally found the cause of her illness.The level of formaldehyde(甲醛) gas in her kitchen was twice the largest amount allowed by  federal standards for chemical workers .The source of the gas? Her new kitchen cabinets and  wall-to –wall carpeting.

  The Ouchidas suffered the effects of indoors air pollution,which is not given enough attention partly because of the nation’s drive to save energy .The problem itself isn’t new .  “The indoor environment was dirty long before energy saving came along ,”says Moschandreas,a pollution scientist at Geomet Technologies in Maryland .”Energy saving had worsened the situation in some cases.”

  The problem appears to be more troublesome in newly constructed homes rather than old ones.Back in the days when energy was cheap ,home builders didn’t worry much about unsealed cracks(裂缝).Because of such leaks,the air in an average home was replaced by fresh outdoor air about once an hour .As a result ,the pollutants caused by most households seldom built up to dangerous levels.

  62.It can be learned from the passage that the Ouchidas’ house______.

A.   is well worth the money spent on its construction

B.    is almost faultless from the point of energy saving

C.    failed to meet energy saving standards

D.   was designed and constructed in a scientific way

  63.What made the Ouchidas’ new house a horrible dream?

A.   Lack of fresh air

B.    Poor quality of building materials

C.    Gas leakage in the kitchen

D.   The newly painted walls

  64.Why didn’t people care about cracks in the past?

A.   Because indoor cleanness was not emphasized

B.    Because energy used to be inexpensive

C.    Because environmental protection was not taken into consideration

D.   Because they had to build their houses in that way

  65.This passage is most probably taken from an article with the title “______”

A.   Energy saving  B.House building

B.    Air Pollution Indoor D.Traps in buildingConstruction


Long after the 1998 World Cup was won,disappointed fans were still questioning the refereeing on their decisions that denied victory to their team.A researcher was aked to study the performance of some top referees.

  The  researcher organized an experimental tournament involving four youth teams.Each match lasted an hour ,divided into three periods of 20 minutes ,during which different referees were in charge.

  Observers noted down the rederees’ errors,verted to a standard match of 90 minutes ,each referee made almost 23 mistakes ,a very high number.

 The researcher then studied the videotapes to study the matches carefully .Surprisingly ,he found that errors were more likely when the referees were close to the incident .When the officials   got it right ,they were ,on average ,17 meters away from the action .The average distance in the case of error was 12 meters .The research shows the optimum distance is about 20 meters.

  There also seemed to be an optimum speed .Correct decisions came when the referees were moving at a speed of about 2 meters per second .The average speed for errors was 4 meters per second..

  If FIFA,football’s international ruling body ,wants to improve the standard of referees at the next World Cup,it should encourage referees to keep their eyes on the action from a distance,rather than rushing to keep up with the ball ,the researcher argues.

  He also says that FIFA’s insistence that referees should retire at age 45 may be misguided.If keeping up with the action is not so important ,their physical condition is less important.

  66.The experiment done by the researcher was meant to ______

A.   review the decisions of referees at the 1988World Cup.

B.    Find out the cause of errors made by football referees.

C.    Set a standard for football refereeing

D.   Re-examine the rules for football refereeing

  67.The number of refereeing errors in the experimental matches was ____

A.   slightly above average

B.    higher than in the 1988 World Cup

C.    quite unexpected

D.   as high as in a standard match

  68.The findings of the experiment show that ______.

A.   errors are more likely when a referee keeps close to the ball

B.    The farther the referee is from the incident,the fewer the errors

C.    The more slowly the referee runs ,the more likely errors will occur

D.   Errors are less likely when a referee stays in one spot

  69.The word “ officials” (Para .4) most probably refers to _____    A.the researchers involved in the experiment

B.the inspectors of the football tournament

C.    the referees of the football tournament

D.   the observers at the site of the experiment

70.What is one of the possible conclusions of the experiment?

A.   the ideal retirement age for an experienced football referee is 45

B.    Age should not be the chief consideration in choosing a football referee.

C.    A football referee should be as young and energetic as possible

D.   An experienced football referee can do well even when in poor physical condition.


Have you ever wondered how plants produce other plants?

Pollen(花粉) is a yellow powder that contains the male cell of plants.It is found on stalk-like parts of the plant called stsmens .Then ,when pollen is carried to the pistils,or female parts ,of the plant,pollination(授粉) takes place.Pollination is the way in which plants are fertilized.In order for most plants to reproduce or make new plants ,pollination is necessary.

 Pollination can take place in many ways .the wind helps pollinate corn .The stamens of the corn plant grow above the leaves ,and the wind blows the pollen from the stamens onto the pistils.

Sometimes the stamens grow inside the flowers of a plant .Insects help to pollinate these plants .The monarch buttery ,for example,feeds on milk-weed nectar(花蜜).While the butterfly is feeding,its legs get covered with pollen .When the butterfly moves to other milkweed plants,some of the pollen comes off its feet.The pollen lands on the plants’ pistils and fertilizes them.

  People who grow fruit often use hand-pollination.They do this only with healthy trees.The pollen from these trees is collected and placed,by hand ,on  the pistils of other healthy trees.Hand-pollination usually results in larger and better-tasting fruit .With this method,the pollination is not simply left to chance.

59.The female part of a plant is called the ____.

A.   cell  B.stalk  C.stamen  D.pistil

pared to hand –pollination,the pollination of milkweed is _____.

A.   left to chance  B.carefully controlled

B.    done by the wind D.more scientific

61.Why does hand-pollination ,the pollination of milkweed is ____.

A.   It is safer than waiting for the wind to do it

B.    The pollen ripens faster

C.    Only healthy trees are selected as parents

D.   The pollination takes place unexpectedly


  You may have heard the saying, “ One picture is worth 1,000 words.” Many photographers believe this is true.They use photographs to tell different groups of people in our country what is happening to other groups.

  Photography has grown more and more popular as a hobby in recent years .But photography has also become more important to national communication .

  Before television,photos were the best way for people in one part of the country to learn about the troubles of another part.

  During this country’s hard times ,in the 1930s,two photographers ,Dorothea Lange and Walker Evans ,used Photographs to record the lives of poor people in rural America.Those who saw the photos could see the sadness in the people’s faces.The pictures showed the struggles many people were having.People felt great sympathy for each other when they saw these photos.

  Dickey Chapelle was a wartime photographer –journalist .From 1945 to 1965,she worked on combat duty ,traveling with the troops and recording everything with her camera.She took photos of battle and of the misery of wounded soliders .National magazines printed her photos.They told a powerful story about the hardship of war.

  Today ,many photographers use movies to tell important  stories .Some stories are about teenage problems in Harlem ,some are about the struggles of migrant workers in Texas.These photographers are using cameras to communicate stories cross-country from one group to another

 56.The story does not say so ,but it makes you think that _____

A.   people in rural America like to take pictures

B.    photography is a  way of recording history

C.    hobbies are important to Americans

D.   photography has become a popular hobby recently

 57.On the whole,this story is about_____

A.   how to start a camera club

B.    the wars in 1940

C.    the importance of serious photography

D.   three great photographers

58.Which statement does the story lead you to believe?   A.photographers earn a lot of money for their families

B.photographs from a connection between people

C.Cameras are no longer important today

D.Owing to photography ,there are less sadness and less sympathy in the world nowadays

第二节:完型填空(共20题;每小题1.5 分。满分30分).

The United States is a sports –loving country .Almost everyone in the country __36 ___ sports or is a sports fan of one kind or another.But why do Americans take part in sports__37 __ much more than people of many other countries ?In the __38 ___or two when the earliest settlers came to the newly –discovered continent,they found there was only a __39___ land .Life at that time was __40__indeed.Skill in hunting ,fishing ,swimming __41__was necessary and important to them .In order to __42__,they had to__43__,they had to swim and they had to hunt wild__44___.Today ,of course ,life has become much easier. Present-day Americans don’t have to fish,to hunt ,to swim__45__in order to live .But the devotion __46__and deep love of those activities __47__ as a need ,a pleasure or a hobby to the people__48__.

Secondly ,most Americans stick more than any other people to the rule of thumb: Work__49_ you work and play while you play .In America there are probably more serious social __50__than in many other countries ,but their work week is shorter than that of the other countries .The work week for most Americans is forty hours or __51__.We are trying the application of “Flexible time” and the “Job –sharing”system (采用弹性工作制)---a __52___of still fewer work __53__.This gives the workers plenty of __54___time to take part in __55___.And this is the reason why the United States had become one of the greatest sports countries.

 36.A.attends     B. joins      C.is engaged to     D.goes in for

 37.A.rather      B.too       C.very        D.so

 38.A.last century   B.last year     year      century

 39.A.wild      B.empty      C.strange       D.dangerous

 40.A.simple     B.hard       C.rich        D.easy

 41.A.and that     B.and etc      C.and something   D.and so on

 42.A.eat       B.live       C.play       D.enjoy

 43.A.run       B.jump      C.fish        D.last

 44.A.animals     B.fish       C.vegetables     Dplants

 45.A.just      B.much      C.therefore     D.almost

 46.A.in       B.for       C.of        D.to

 47.A.regard     B.take       C.remain      D.meet

 48.A.as a result    B.as a whole    C.on the whole    D.as a rule

 49.A.as       B.while       C.as long as     D.when

 50.A.questions    B.problems     C.troubles     D.mistakes

 51.A.more     B.so         C.less       D.much

 52.A.love      B.devotion      C.week      D.system

 53.A.time      B.weeks       C.months     D.hours

 54.A.free      B.spare       Cwork      D.play

 55.A.sports     B.exercises     C.fights     petitions

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