第三节:书面表达(满分30 分)
一份调查显示了中国现代农业与传统农业的不同之处,以及中国未来农业的发展趋势。请根据下表提示以The development of agriculture 为题写一篇120词左右的英语短文。
过去 |
人多地少;传统耕种技术,地产;作物单一;化学农药对环境有害。 |
现在 |
人多地更少;现代耕种技术,高产;多种作物;环保型农业。 |
将来 |
既多产又环保的有机农业。 |
The development of agriculture
A survey carried out in China shows many differences between traditional agriculture and modern agriculture. Compared with modern agriculture, traditional agriculture has many disadvantages. In the past, we were proud to have a large country with lots of people,…..
天水一中2010级2010-2011第二学段阶第一次 英语考试试题
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