




An old woman went suddenly blindness. She promised a doctor      1.    

a lot of money if he could make her to see again.“If you fail,”     2.    

she said,“you will get nothing.”The doctor agreed.

The doctor soon discovered what is wrong with her, but he decided     3.    

not to cure her right away. Instead of, each time he visited, he secretly 4.    

took some of his things. When he had taken everything he wanted       5.    

he cured her blindness and set her a large bill. Now when the old woman  6.    

could not see again, she noticed that all her things had gone and she   7.    

refused to pay the bill. So the doctor brought her before a judge.     8.    

“What the doctor says is true,” she said to a judge, “but I say I am not cured,


because I still cannot see any of the things in my house.”

The old woman won her case and the doctor went away unhappy without getting his pay.     10.  

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违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
