4. From the passage, we can infer thatv_________.

  A. it will be 10 years before robotic devices are in use

  B. the wearable robotics technology is quite mature in  some areas

  C. the robots in the robotic devices will do whatever you want to do

  D. people must become lazier and less healthy in the future

答案:B  指导:细节题。由第四段最后一句可知。

Passage 15

   Without most people realizing it, there has been revolution in office work over the last ten years. Before that time, large computers were only used by large rich companies that could af ford the investment.  With the advancement of technology, small computers have come onto the market which are capableof doing the work which used to be done by much larger and expensive computers, so now most smaller companies can use them.

   The main development in small computers has been in the field of word processor system, or WPS as they are often called. 40% of British offices are now estimated to have a word processor and this percentage is growing fast.

   There are many advantages in using a word processor for both secretary and manager. The secretary is freed from a lot of daily work, such as retyping letters and storing papers. He or she can use this time to do other more interesting work for the boss. From a manager's point of view, secretarial time is being made better use of and money can be saved by doing daily jobs automatically outside office hours.

   But is it all good? If a lot of daily secretarial work can be done automatically, surely this will mean that fewer secretaries will be needed. Another worry is the increasing medical problems related to work with visual display units (显示器). The ease of a slow loss of sight among people using word processors seems to have risen greatly. It is also feared that if a woman works at a VDU for long hours, the unborn child in her body might be killed. Safety screens to put over a VDU have been invented but few companies in England bother to buy them.

Whatever the arguments for and against word processors, they are a key feature of this revolution in office practice.

4. By saying "... then you can help make things easier. "the author means you will_________.

  A. make more friends

  B. know more about the world

  C. have more fun in life

  D. find fewer differences between you and others

答案:D  指导:猜测句意题。从作者的总体论述中不难看出,他的观点是“只要我们能换位思考,有文化包容心理,那么一切事情都好办”,换言之,“你就会发现不同文化间无所谓有什么差别了。”

Passage 14

   Just put on your special clothes in the morning and you could jump 3 meters into the air and even carry more than 60 kilograms without getting tired. The walk to school would be very, very easy. Such sophisticated clothing is one of the products that could be created using "wearable robotics"technology.

   Designed to improve a person's senses and skills, the device (装置) could be as simple as a hearing aid. Or it could be a full-body suit that senses what you're going to do, then helps you do it better.

   Robot legs help a man carry a heavy load.

   "A Superman suit would be the final result in wearable robotics, "said Francois Pin, head of robotics and energy systems at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (橡树岭国有验室), US. While these suits are at least ten years away, in some are- as the technology is already in use.

   Researchers are developing artificial arms and legs that allow old, disabled or injured people to move freely.

   A robot is a device that responds to a command. You've probably played with simple robots, such as toy cars or airplanes that respond to buttons you push on a remote control (遥控).

   Wearable robotics goes further. Instead of just receiving information through a wire or remote control, the robotic de- vice can send information back to its controller.

   Suppose you wore a sleeve (袖子) that has sensors where your joints (关节) are. Every time you move your arm, the sleeve senses your movements and sends the information to a robot, which then moves its arm just as you did. When the robot hits or touches something, it sends a signal back to the sleeve and you sense the action.

In this way, scientists are working to wrap the robot around the person. Their goal is to make the sleeve, shoe or suit help you do what you want to do.

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