8. The best title of this news story would be___________

    A. Narrow escape       B. Disaster caused by tsunami

    C. Exciting surfing experience    D. Struggle against tsunami   (答案:DBCA)

              ( C )

People can enjoy visiting some major imperial temples (帝王庙宇) where emperors worshipped nature on various sacred days• Temple of Moon (Yuetan)  Built in 1530,the roughly 8 hectare Temple of Moon,or Yuetan Park,to west of the imperial city was the site of imperial sacrifices to the moon. In the past decades, bushes and fruit trees have been planted here.In 1969,a 180 meter--all television broadcasting tower was erected in the park,taking up about one eighth of its total space•    Opening hours:6 am-9 pm    Location:6 Yuetan Beijie,Xicheng District.Buses to get there:15,19,823. Temple of Earth (Ditan)    The Temple of Earth,or Ditan Park,near the North Second Ring Road,is where emperors prayed to the earth for favorable weather and national prosperity.Built during the Ming Dynasty in 1 530,it is the only existing place to worship the earth.   The surrounding areas have become an open space for people to engage in leisurely activities.Since the late 1980s,traditional temple fair have been held here regularly during the Chinese lunar new year.    Opening hours:6 am-9 pm    Location:A2 Di’anmenwai,Chaoyang District.Buses to get there: 104,108,116,or take the subway to get off at Yonghegong to go north. Temple of Sun (Ritan)    The Temple of Sun,or Ritan Park,in eastern Beijing,is located near the Jianguomen area and adjacent(邻近的) embassy district.It is a short walk from the Yong'anli subway station on the Line 1.The altar (祭坛) was built in l530 as a place for emperors to make ritual sacrifices to the sun.    It features expansive gardens and a small lake.A mural (壁画)wall, the park’s main scenic attraction now,was a piece of artwork created about 20 years ago to draw more sightseers.The park is also known for its blossoming lotuses.    Opening hours:6 am-9 pm    Location:6 Ritan Beilu,Chaoyang District.Buses to get there:1,4,28,43,57.120. 9.What kind of people is the text mainly written for?    A.Parents.   B.Students.   C.Tourists.  D.Teachers- 10.You can take a No.______ bus if you want to visit The Temple of Sun     A.19      B. 104      C.108    D.120 11.If you want to worship the earth,you must go to _____.     A.Yuetan Park  B.Ditan Park   C.Ritan Park  D.Beilu Park 12.The purpose of building a mural wall in Ritan Park was to   .    A.defend the park    B.prevent people from coming into the park    C.attract more sightseers    D.make ritual sacrifices to the sun (答案:CDBC)

              (D )

Researchers have uncovered a village that may have been home to the builders of Stonehenge(巨石阵), the mysterious circular stone monument in England. The village of small houses dates back to about 2600 B.C.That's about the same time Stonehenge was built.   “Clearly, this is a place that was of enormous importance,” said researcher Mike Parker Pearson.   The ancient houses are at a site known as Durrington Walls, about two miles from Stonehenge. Researchers believe Stonehenge was a memorial site or cemetery for the villagers. The village also had a wooden version (模型) of the stone circle. It may have been used by people attending festivals at Stonehenge.   Eight of the houses have been excavated, or dug up. Researchers say there may be as many as 25 of them. The wooden houses were square and about 14 feet along each side. There are signs of bed frames along the walls and of a dresser or storage unit. The houses also had fireplaces.   Two of the houses were separate from the others and may have been the homes of community leaders. Researchers say those sites didn't have the debris(残骸)and household trash that was found in the other homes. Stone tools, animal bones, arrowheads and other artifacts were found throughout the village site. 13.The village is of great importance in that_________.     A.it was different from other villages of the time     B.it may have been home to the builders of mysterious Stonehenge    C.it may become an attractive tourist site    D.it had 25 old houses newly excavated 14.What do we know about Stonehenge?     A.It was constructed about 2600 years ago.     B.It was just a memorial site for the villagers.     C.It was located about two miles from Durrington Walls.     D.It was not only discovered in England but in other countries as well. 15.Which of the following is not true of the village?     A.There may be 25 of them already dug up.     B.The houses of the village were wooden and square.     C.There were signs of bed frames along the walls.     D.There were fireplaces. 16.The aim of this text would probably be_________.     A.to encourage more people to love research work     B.to advise people to protect ancient sites     C.to introduce a new discovery     D.to attract more visitors to come  (答案;BCAC )

            ( E) 

Bill Javis took over our village news-agency at a time of life when most of us only want to relax. He just thought he would like something but not too much to do, and the news-agency was ready-made. The business produced little enough for him, but Bill was a man who only wanted the simplicity (简单)and order (秩序) and regularity (规律) of the job. He had been a long-serving sailor, and all his life had done everything by the clock.    Every day he opened his shop at six a.m. to catch the early trade (买卖); the papers arrived on his door-step before that. Many of Bill’s customers were city workers, and the shop was convenient for the station(邮局). Business was tailing off by 10 o’clock, so at eleven sharp Bill closed for lunch. It was hard luck on anybody who wanted a paper or magazine in the afternoon, for most likely Bill would be down on the river bank, fishing, and his nearest competitor was five kilometers away. Sometime in the afternoon, the evening paper landed on the doormat, and at 4 o’clock Bill reopened. The evening rush lasted till seven, and it was worthwhile.    He lived in a flat above the shop, alone. Except in the very bad weather, you always knew where to find him in the afternoon, as I have said. Once, on a sunny afternoon, I walked home along the river bank from a shopping trip to the village. By my watch it was three minutes past four, so I was astonished to see Bill sitting there on his little chair with a line in the water. He had had no luck, I could see, but he was making no effort to move. “What’s wrong, Bill?” I called out from the path.    For answer, he put a hand in his jacket and took out a big, golden object. For a moment I had no idea what it could be, and then it suddenly went off with a noise like a fire engine. Stopping the bell, Bill held the thing up and called back, “Ten to four, you see, and this is dead right.” I had never known anyone carrying a brass alarm clock (闹表) round with him before. 17.Bill opened the shop so early in the day because ___________.   A. he liked to do as much as possible before he went to work   B. the shop had to be open when the morning papers came   C. he was never sure of the time   D. it was then that he did a lot of business 18.You might say “hard luck” to someone who __________.   A. has just heard some very good news   B. is less fortunate than he or she ought to be   C. puts great effort into whatever he or she tries   D. fails through his or her own fault entirely 19.On that sunny afternoon, the writer was surprised when he saw Bill because ________.   A. he thought it was late for Bill to be still fishing   B. he thought Bill was ill, since he was not moving at all   C. Bill had not caught anything, and that seemed strange   D. Bill stayed in his flat 20.From the information given in the passage, who or what do you think was wrong?   A. The bell was; it must have gone off at the wrong time.   B. Bill was; he had dropped off to sleep.   C. The writer’s watch was fast.   D. Bill’s clock was wrong; it was very old.  (答案;DBAC)

4. A best title for the text would be ______.

A. Droughts and Floods    B. Meteorologists

C. Changing Climate     D. Solar Heat  (答案:ADCC)

            ( B )

 Sydney 2005-01-01 08:33 --- mother of two, Jillian Searle, had to choose between her children when she made a life-or-death decision.

Swept up by mountainous tsunami(海啸)waves at a Thai resort ( 旅游胜地), she couldn't hold on to both her young sons and survive. fighting to stay above the waters, she had to choose which one would have to take his chances in the swirling torrent( 漩流 ).

"I knew I had to let go of one of them and I just thought I’d better let go of the one that's the older," she told sky news television in a report broadcast on Thursday. She said she was accompanied by the two boys,Lachie,5,and two-year-old Blake, and their father, Brad, who had watched the drama helplessly from their first-floor hotel room, when the waves struck." and I was screaming, trying to find him, and we thought he was dead," she told reporters on arrival back in Australia.

Lachie was found alive about 2 hours later clinging (扳住) to a door and, looked uninjured as his mother spoke to reporters.

British surfer ( 冲浪运动员) Martin Markwell is also a lucky man. He had always dreamed of catching that perfect wave-- but when it finally came along, it was a nightmare (噩梦). he was on his surfboard when he was swept up by a tsunami wave.

"It was really terrible because I was surfing, I was really surfing on a wave I wasn't supposed to be on," he said." as an experienced surfer, when I saw the wave come, I realized something was wrong, but I couldn't escape because my surfboard was tied to my ankle(脚踝)."

His wife Vicki and son Jake looked on in horror from a hotel balcony (阳台) as he crashed towards the shore.. Luckily, he stayed atop his board until he reached the hotel, jumped off and got to safety as the ocean rolled back to feed a much larger tsunami wave on its way. The family regrouped and ran to safety just minutes before a giant tsunami wave 10 meters high.

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