摘要: A best title for the text would be . A. Droughts and Floods B. Meteorologists C. Changing Climate D. Solar Heat ( B ) Sydney 2005-01-01 08:33 --- mother of two, Jillian Searle, had to choose between her children when she made a life-or-death decision. Swept up by mountainous tsunamiwaves at a Thai resort , she couldn't hold on to both her young sons and survive. fighting to stay above the waters, she had to choose which one would have to take his chances in the swirling torrent. "I knew I had to let go of one of them and I just thought I’d better let go of the one that's the older," she told sky news television in a report broadcast on Thursday. She said she was accompanied by the two boys,Lachie,5,and two-year-old Blake, and their father, Brad, who had watched the drama helplessly from their first-floor hotel room, when the waves struck." and I was screaming, trying to find him, and we thought he was dead," she told reporters on arrival back in Australia. Lachie was found alive about 2 hours later clinging to a door and, looked uninjured as his mother spoke to reporters. British surfer Martin Markwell is also a lucky man. He had always dreamed of catching that perfect wave-- but when it finally came along, it was a nightmare . he was on his surfboard when he was swept up by a tsunami wave. "It was really terrible because I was surfing, I was really surfing on a wave I wasn't supposed to be on," he said." as an experienced surfer, when I saw the wave come, I realized something was wrong, but I couldn't escape because my surfboard was tied to my ankle." His wife Vicki and son Jake looked on in horror from a hotel balcony as he crashed towards the shore.. Luckily, he stayed atop his board until he reached the hotel, jumped off and got to safety as the ocean rolled back to feed a much larger tsunami wave on its way. The family regrouped and ran to safety just minutes before a giant tsunami wave 10 meters high.


  There is a definite (肯定的) possibility that the climate (气候) of the world may be changing. Some scientists imagine that this could even mean the beginning of another ice age. The effects (作用) of such a change in climate on the human population of the world would be startling (惊人的).

  Recent research suggests that the general warming trend ( 变暖总趋势) of the past hundred years or so may be coming to an end. During the past ten years, meteorologists tell us, the average (平均的) temperature of the earth has dropped about one degree Fahrenheit (华氏). This does not seem like much, but it could have effects on. wind and rain patterns which influence (影响) the overall weather picture. If these patterns change a lot, it could mean that certain regions of the world may continue to have long droughts while others will possibly suffer from widespread flooding.

  What regulates ( 调节) the climate is not exactly known . Meteorologists believe that clouds may be an important factor in regulating the amount of solar (太阳的) heat held by the earth, which in turn determines the temperature of the planet. Another possibility is that man's industrial and agricultural methods may be affecting the natural weather patterns. However, the weather is not understood well enough for scientists to say for certain what is happening to the climate and what side effects this will actually have on the world's population.

1.According to the text, the climate of the world seems to

A.be getting colder.

B.be getting warmer.

C.remain the same in the past ten years.

D.have good effects on the world's population.

2.A meteorologist is a person who

A.reads weather forecasts on radio or television.

B.studies and knows about the weather.

C.thinks there will be another ice age.

D.believes there will be widespread flooding.

3.Which of the following may be factors that affect the natural weather patterns?


B.The amount of heat the earth receives.

C.Man's industrial and agricultural methods.

D.All of the above.

4.A best title for the text would be

A.Droughts and Floods. C. Changing Climate.

B.Meteorologists.    D Solar Heat.


There is a definite(绝对的) possibility that the climate(气候) of the world may be changing. Some scientists imagine that this could even mean the beginning of another ice age. The effects of such a change in climate on the human population of the world would be startling(惊人的).

Recent research suggests that the general warming trend(趋势) of the past hundred years or so may be coming to an end. During the past ten years, meteorologists tell us the average temperature of the earth has dropped about one degree Fahrenheit. This does not seem like much, but it could have effects on wind and rain patterns which influence the overall weather picture. If these patterns(形式) change a lot, it could mean that certain regions of the world may continue to have long droughts(干旱) while others will possibly suffer from widespread flooding.

What regulates(调节)the climate is not exactly known. Meteorologists believe that clouds may be an important factor(因素) in regulating the amount of solar(太阳的)heat held by the earth, which in turn determines the temperature of the planet. Another possibility is that man’s industrial and agricultural methods may be affecting the natural weather patterns. However, the weather is not understood well enough for scientists to say for certain what is happening to the climate and what side effects this will actually have on the word’s population.

1.According to the text, the climate of the world seems to ______.

A.be getting colder

B.be getting warmer

C.remain the same in the past ten years

D.have good effects on the world’s population

2.According to what you have read, which of the following is true?

A.Man’s activities have no effect on the climate.

B.Another ice age will come soon.

C.People don’t care about the changing climate.

D.Scientists are not yet sure about the reason for the changing climate.

3.A meteorologist is a person who ______.

A.reads weather forecasts on radio or television

B.thinks there will be another ice age

C.studies and knows about the weather

D.believes there will be widespread flooding

4.Which of the following may be factors that affect the natural weather patterns?


B.The amount of heat the earth receives

C.Man’s industrial and agricultural methods

D.All of the above

5.A best title for the text would be ______.

A.Droughts and Floods           B.Meteorologists 

C.Changing Climate             D.Solar Heat


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