16.What is mainly discussed in the passage ?

    A.Ways to relax in a hurry .          B.You need to relax .

    C.Ways to be healthy .             D.Scientists’ suggestions .


Bulls and humans alike slipped and slid on the cobblestone streets , but the first of Pamplona’s yearly runs with the bulls was largely injury free as thousands of daredevils rushed with the half-ton animals .

Some runners , sounding disappointed , said they’d seek out greater danger in coming days as the wildly popular , centuries-old San Fermin festival serves up six more runs this week .

“It was a bit fearful, to be honest . Nowhere near as scary as in the books ,” said Johnny , 26, from New Zealand , here for the first time after reading about San Fermin on a Website .

“Tomorrow we’re gong to try and run a bit closer to the bulls and get a bit more excited,” added his friend ,Richard ,26, holding the day’s first beer .

The streets were slightly wet with morning dew as six fighting bulls and six steers (小公牛)dashed from a corral along the 900-yard course through the city’s old quarter to the bull ring .

No one was gored (拱、戳), although four people who were trampled were hospitalized for treatment of head , chest , rib or leg injuries . None was seriously hurt .

The steers are meant to keep the bulls more or less in a group-a frightened , isolated bull is very dangerous -and that’s pretty much what happened Monday .

At two sharp turns , several bulls slipped and went down heavily , and two bulls were separated from the pack . And a minor pileup of fallen runners formed at the tunnel leading into the bull ring . Bulls jumped and stepped over the runners .

Thousands of people watching in the street and from balconies shouted as the bulls rumbled (发隆隆声)through the city’s old quarter , taking just over two and a half minutes to cover course .

The fiesta , famous for its all-night street parties , dates back to the late 16th century but gained world fame from Ernest Hemingway’s 1926 novel The Sun Also Rises .

Tens of thousands from all over the world have been pouring into Pamplona for the yearly festival ever since .

12.The program leaders think the program is worth trying NOT because       .

    A.there will be more problems        

B.they can’t solve problems for everyone

    C.there will be less cars on the streets anyway 

D.there will be more parking spaces


The phones , the caffeine , the boss , dinging faxes , deadlines , doubling up for laid-off colleagues , fear of being fired yourself-eek , pretty soon your body is a clenched fist and you haven’t stood up from the desk in hours .

You need to relax . But who can remember to -and who has time ? You do ! It only takes five minutes .

Scientists say the opposite of the stress response is the relaxation response . They suggest a quick mantra meditation(快速入静疗法)when you feel yourself breathing shallowly and tensing up .

“There are two things to remember about this,” scientists say . “First , repetition is the key , and second , when you feel other thoughts coming -and they will-you must let them pass by and not deal with them .”

Here’s what you do : At your desk , close your eyes , consciously relax your muscles , breathe in and out slowly ,say a meaningful word , for example love .

Breathe in , say the word silently while breathing out . When thoughts come ,let them drift past . Do this for three or four minutes , open your eyes , and get back to work . Scientists recommend doing this each morning before breakfast , too , for more than ten minutes , but less than twenty minutes . This will set the practice in your mind , so when you need it at work , it will produce relief almost immediately .

Scientists have another way of causing the body to unclench itself. And that’s by making it even more stressed ! Run up a flight of stairs . Put demands on your body -this will cause the same pathways in the brain and nervous system as stress does and fool the body into thinking it needs to go into recovery . Scientists even suggest dropping down in your room and doing ten pushups(俯卧撑)quickly .

According to scientists , you can relax your body by muscle group . Tense your facial muscles for five seconds , then relax . Then neck and shoulders . Work your way down . Shaking your arms and legs like a wet dog is also recommended.

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