7.Who are now a married couple?

     A.Lawlis and Clarke. B.Dand Isbell and Foss.

     C.Story and Kurio.                        D.The text doesn’t say.


Long ago, the love apple was grown in flower gardens. The plant’s small yellow flowers were not very bright, but it has very beautiful fruit, round, smooth, and shiny, which turned bright red or yellow as it ripened(成熟). It was beautiful but poisonous, or people believed so. Other people believed it had magic powers to cause.

Early Spanish explorers(探索者)who found this plant growing wild is South and Central America, carried it back to Europe. These plants appeared in gardens in Italy as early as 1554. They must have been the kind that had yellow fruit, because the Italians called the plant “pomidoro”, or apple of gold. By 1750, the plant was grown as a curious plant throughout Europe. Some people were even daring enough to eat the fruit.

1781 in America, Thomas Jefferson raised and ate love apples, but few followed his example. Thirty years later, the love apples were used as food in Louisiana, and by 1835, a few people in the northern states were willing to experiment with them too. But even as late as 1900, there were people who still believed that these “apples of gold” were poisonous.

Although people did not eat fruit of this plant, they liked looking at it in their gardens. Later, when they learned it was both good-tasting and good for them, they moved the love apple plant from the flower garden to the vegetable garden. They learned to call it by a new name “tomato”

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