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Dear Tom,

  I’ m very glad to have received your letter. In your letter you mentioned the three problems you may face in China. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  Best regards,

                                  Li Hua


Dear Tom,

    I’m very glad to have received your letter. In your letter you mentioned the three problems you may face in China. First, I ‘d like to tell you that here in Beijing we have various kinds of delicious local foods as well as lots of western restaurants , so I’m sure that you’ll get used to the food soon. In addition, I don’t consider the language a big problem, as many Chinese students can speak very fluent English .At the same time, you will get as many opportunities as possible to study Chinese with the Chinese people who are friendly and helpful. I don’t think you will feel lonely or homesick because it is quite convenient for you to keep in touch with your family by using the Internet or making a phone call. Besides, you’ll have many good friends here .I’m deeply convinced you’ll have a wonderful time in China. 





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