21.It's quite strange that the man sleeps with his mouth________ and his eyes________. A. closed; open   B. closing; opened   C. closing; open   D. closing; opening 22.- Jim, let's hurry to the airport. Mabel is coming. - Oh, I was afraid________ . What's made her change her mind? A. she would never come  B. I would miss her  C. she had already come  D. I might have missed her 23.- Is Mr Smith rich? - Yes, very rich. When he worked in ________town, he earned a lot. Now he has a big farm in _____country. A. at; the         B. /; /        C. /; the        D. the; / 24.Written in a hurry, ________. How can it be satisfactory? A. they found many mistakes in the report   B. Sam made lots of mistakes in the report C. there are plenty of mistakes in the report   D. the report is full of mistakes 25.- Could you do me a favor and take the box up to the sixth floor?  - ________ . No problem at all. A. With pleasure     B. My pleasure   C. For pleasure     D. At your pleasure 26.- How can the problem be solved?  - Well, we must ________ it to the president's own judgment. A. depend        B. leave     C. suggest       D. realize 27.- Do you often visit your grandparents?  - Mmm… ________ , I'm afraid. I usually phone them. A. over again       B. time and again  C. once again     D. now and again 28.- Bob, you're absent - minded !   - Oh, I'm sorry I ________ attention to you, Miss Shute. A. haven't paid      B. wasn't paying  C. am not paying   D. couldn't have paid 29.Mr and Mrs Scott prefer a restaurant in a small town to ________ in so large a city as New York. A. this          B. one      C. it        D. that 30.The boy the teachers considered ________failed in the final exam, ________ surprised them very much. A. to be the best; which            B. as the best student; that   C. to have been studying well; it      D. such as a good student; which 31.- They all agree________ George. Has the project been passed? - Who ________ George can make the final decision? A. except; except   B. except; besides   C. but; but    D. besides; but 32.Thousands of teachers ________into their new fiats and the rest of them ________ for theirs . The government say many more apartment buildings________ A. have moved; is waiting; are to be built           B. have been moved; are waiting; will be completed C. have been moved; is waiting; will have been putting up  D. have moved; are waiting; are to be set up 33.The first set of textbooks_______ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century. A. written      B. had been written       C. to be written   D. was written 34.Is ______48 hours_____ the man- made satellite ____ is made in our country to orbit the planet around? A. it; that; where  B. it; when; what   C. it for; that it takes; that   D. it; that it takes; which 35.- Why does Sara know so much about Angkor Wat?  - She ________have been there, or ... A. must     B. oughtn't to    C. may          D. Can't

答案与分析 1答案 21.A 如果描述刚才一瞬间进行的动作用过去进行时,如I wasn't listening,过去某一结果用一般过去时,如I didn't hear it. 22.A 本句意思是多花了半个小时,因此用extra 表示“额外的,附加的”。  23.C 从答语可知要订房间没有订到,因此选C 24.D 应答别人的感谢你的帮助或款待时用(It's)a/my pleasure. 25.C “另外穿一件衣服”,表示没有具体所指的另外一个。  26.A 问句中有特定的过去时间,表示过去做过某事,因此用一般过去时;第二句表示“北京的很多地方”用much of+单数或不可数名词 27.B 用it 代上文的my passport. 28.B 用独立主格作状语,对主句作补充说明,如果选A、C项要有连词连接两个句子。  29.B “如果你能帮我学英词,我将感激不尽”。 30.D 本句不是强调句,where引导定语从句修饰hotel表示“(故事发生在)和谈将要举行的那家旅馆旁的邮局里。” 和谈进行的地点是在宾馆而不是在邮局。如果选A当强调句处理的话就要翻译成:(故事发生在)那家旅馆旁的,和谈将要在此举行的邮局里。显然不符合常理。 31.D in/for/during the last/past+一段时间表示“在过去多长时间里”做过某事,与完成时连用,但本句中并不是这个含义,而是在“最后十分钟”出现的结果。 32.D 选项部分完全形式为:a student(who is)used to dealing with.,表示“习惯于…的学生”,用过去分词作定语 33.C 对具体情况的疑问判断用may,might或can,could,表示“会是谁呢?” 34.A 应答对方的邀请表示同意时用I'd like/love to。  35.C remain表示“剩下,留下”,其形式是sth./sb.remains:leave表示“把…留下”,leave sth。  2答案 21.B 提示:表特指用定冠词,泛指一类人中的一个用不定冠词。 22.B 提示:谈话的内容是现在通常的情况,故使用一般现在时态。 23.B 提示:句中的主语the three students与judge是逻辑上的动宾关系,即被动意义,故使用过去分词表被动意义,再者judge在句中的搭配为judge+宾语+形容词(判断……为……,认为……是……)。当judge用作不及物动词时,应使用judging from/by… 24.B 提示:incident意为“(发生的较小)事件;事变”。event意为“(发生的较大或重要)事件;(运动的)项目,一场比赛”。case意为“事例,实例,事实,真相”。affair意为“(私营、个别)事情”。 25.A 提示:倍数词+as…as意为“是……多少倍”。 26.D 提示:as引导让步状语从句的句式为:名词/动词/副词/形容词+as+主语+谓语动词(助动词)/情态动/be. 27.C 提示:Yes和No是用来回答一般疑问句的,故A,B可两项排除。D项不合乎问句的要求。问句表示说话人不知实情,所问的事与事实相反,故答语以But开头,说出与问者相反的事实。 28.C 提示:to be completed用作定语表示未来动作。being completed表示正在进行的动作。completed表示完成了的动作。 29.C 提示:see to it that…意为“留意……;负责;务必…” 30.A 提示:then指代at five o'clock,由语境可知是将来时间。将来完成时表示将来某时之前或某动作之前已经完成的动作。 31.D 提示:先行词the best way在逻辑上是定语从句中的谓语think of的宾语,故A项排除。to save是不定式短语作定语从句的目的状语。 32.B 提示:主语many指代“许多人”,与believe是逻辑上的主谓关系。Believing作原因状语。 33.B 提示:whatever+名词;however+形容词/副词,两者都可引导让步状语从句。 34.A 提示:由前句可知,“You”已回来了(不在俄罗斯),那么“You”在俄罗斯呆了多久是指过去的时间。 35.A 提示:对别人的请求给予帮助。 3答案  21.C 提示:keep(sth)a secret意为“保密(某事)秘密”.secret是可数名词。for the moment意为“目前,暂时”。 22.D 提示:pleasure是不可数名词,意为“快乐,愉快,满足”。其与不定冠词a连用表示一次性经历。 23.C 提示:问句是一个(含两项)选择疑问句,答语中用any不合适,因为any指三者或三者以上的任何之一。 24.A 提示:list意为“把……登录,登记在……上”,用作及物动词,故应使用被动语态。include意为“包含”,included常置于名词或代词之后。including活用为介词,常置于名词或代词之前。 25.B 提示:may+have done意为“或许做……”,表示推测。should(not)have done意为“本来(不)应该做……而没有做……/而做了……”,此表达与语境不符。have sb.do sth 意为“叫某人做某事”,不定式不可带to. 26.D 提示:no more.than.意为“与……一样不……”。 27.C 提示:make use of意为“利用”,含此动词短语的句子变被动语态时,可将of的宾语提到句首作主语,也可将use置于句首作主语。 28.C 提示:(It is)not that……but that相当于(It is)not because…but because…意为“不是因为……而是因为……”。 29.A 提示:进行时表示将来时。说话时比赛还在进行之中。 30.B 提示:the moment引导时间状语从句,意为“一……就……”。 31.B提示:“see+宾语+do/doing/done”意为“看到……故/正做/被做。” 32.C 提示:“would rather(not)have done”意为“宁愿(不)做……(而实际没做/做了……)”,这是一种虚拟语气的用法。 33.B 提示:plan to do sth意为“计划做……”,其中的不定式如是前面提到的动词,采取省略方式,只保留不定式符号to. 34.C 提示:How many/much和带any的一般疑问句的答语用none.What提问用nothing回答。quite a little=much. 35.D 提示:对建议和请求的回答是OK/All right,coming 是省略句,相当于I'm coming. 4答案 21.A 提示:时态题,在这所学校学习过两年为过去式。 22.D 提示:指出当时所处状态,不表动物,用过分词。 23.D 提示:鱼有眼和类似鼻子的东西。“象……”用what从句。 24.A 提示:take over“接管,占领”。 25.A 提示:本题中the director had rescue为定语从句修饰five firemen,其关系代词whom省略,本句为have sb do sth 结构。 26.D 提示:with结构作状语,其构成为with+n+ad. 27.C 提示:play a…part…in…“在……起作用”。 28.C 提示:keep record of “保持……记录”本题为其被动式。 29.B 提示:后面的than决定了前面必然有比较级,more likely to do对前面内容加以解释。 30.A 提示:本来可能出事,但司机刹了车,刹车为一真实动作 31.A 提示:this/that+n+of+sb's是一常用结构。 32.B 提示:bargain作名词时为打价后的便宜货。 33.A 提示:should表惊讶,令人奇怪,出乎意料。 34.B 提示:As引导定语从句位于句首,其先行词为后面的句子。因此谓语动词用单数。 35.D 提示:当别人道歉时,常以that's all right,it doesn't matter,not at all等作答。 5答案 21.A 提示:closed为adj.闭着.open为adj睁着,均为状态。 22.A 提示:Mabel已经改变了主意,暗示她不会来了。 23.C 提示:in town在城里,in the country在农村均为固定搭配。 24.D 提示:状语是written他的逻辑主语一定是句子的主语,故为the reports. 25.A 提示:乐于助人去做某事“with pleasure.” 26.B 提示:leave sth to……把某事留给某人…… 27.D 提示:over again反复,time and again和over again 均为又一次之意。now and again时而,只有D与题意相符。 28.B 提示:时态题,刚才走神了。为B。 29.B 提示:prefer A to B. 用one代替another restaurant. 30.A 提示:后半句为非限制性定语从句,用which代表前一分句的内容consider sb to do(be)…… 31.C 提示:all后可加but或except而第二个分句。who but为固定搭配为“除他之外还有谁……” 32.D提示:已经搬进为完成时,在等着为进行时,将要建成为将来时,the rest of them为复数33.A 提示:the first set of text books……in the 16th century说明。书的写作是过去且为被动用过去分词。 34.D 提示:前一部分为强调句式,后一部分是定语从句,时间(48 hours)做take的宾语。 35.C 提示:这是一个猜测的回答后面有or因而不是十分贵的,故用may.

21.- Have you graduated from collage?     - Yes , ________. A. I studied French for two years.        B. I have been studying French. C. I have studied French for two years.    D. I had studied French for two years. 22.Ann was reading a detective novel, ________ completely to the outside world. A. being lost          B. having lost      C. losing      D. lost 23.Fish have eyes and ________appears to be a nose, and they can hear, too. A. that            B. which        C. it       D. what 24.The new government ________ the foreign - owned fields one after another. A. took over          B. took out       C. took off     D. took on 25.The five firemen the director had________ the five people in the fire were highly praised. A. rescue           B. rescued        C. to rescue   D. had rescued 26.________ his son away to college, the old couple got more room in the house. A. As            B. For          C. Through    D. With 27.You should always take into consideration the part a good way of learning will ________ in your studies. A. give            B. make        C. play      D. teach 28.I asked him to show me the record that ________ the meeting, but he refused. A. kept           B. was kept       C. was kept of   D. kept of 29.There are few pieces of electronic equipment ________to raise fears regarding future employment chance than computers. A. likely           B. more likely      C. possibly     D. more possibly 30.The driver night have had an accident but that he________ the car suddenly. A. braked          B. would brake      C. had braked    D. forget 31.Where did you get ________ car of________? A. this; yours         B. the; you        C. a; yours      D. a; you 32.They sold their house for only 12, 000 dollars, so the buyer got a wonderful________. A. cost           B. bargain        C. amount      D. value 33.It's terrible. The ear ________ break down just as we were going on our holiday. A. should          B. would         C. could       D. must 34.As ________ announced in today's paper, he is to visit China on Sunday. A. being           B. is          C. to be       D. been 35.- We are sorry we can't stay with you. - ________. A. No sorry at all      B. I don't think so   C. Don't think so   D. That's all right


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