
考点一    alternative 


have no alternative but to do sth.:     只能做某事;除---外别无选择

We have no alternative but to go on.


There was no other alternative but to fight till the victory.


[拓展延伸]  alternative n.[C]  可能的选择,可能性之一。近义词,choice。

adj.  选择性的, 二中择一的

alternative v.    交替;轮流  

alternatively adv.  交替地,作为另一种选择的

alternate  vt.   使交替;vi.交替; adj. 交替的;轮流的


In this school, the students have three____courses, and seven___courses.

A. required; alternative        B. requiring; alternative

C. required; alternate         D. requiring; alternate

 [答案]A 考查词义和词性

 [点拨]require(尤指根据法规) 规定、需要,此处用过去分词required修饰courses时因为两者之间为被动关系。后空意思为选择,选其一,alternative意思符合

考点二    interrupt


Rain interrupted our baseball game.下雨中断了我们的捧球比赛

The baby interrupted me while I was on the phone.


It is rude to interrupt.打断别人的话,是不礼貌的

“Don't interrupt,”he said. 他说:“别插嘴” 

[拓展延伸]  interrupt sb/sth with sth.     用…打扰/打断

interrupter n         .造成中断或中止的人或事物

interruption n.[U]       中断、中止   [C]阻碍物,障碍物


Traffic in the city was _______ by a snowstorm.

A. blocking     B. hold up      C. interrupted     D. hold back

[答案]C 考查动词词义辨析


考点三   preserve


preserve sth. from        使---免遭----

You can preserve meat or fish in salt. 你可以用盐保存肉或鱼

It is one of the duties of the police to preserve public order.


[拓展延伸]  preservable adj.      可保存的 

preservation n.      保存  

preserver  n.      保护者,保存者


preserve v.     保护、维持、保存

conserve v.     保存、保护(强调珍惜)

reserve v.     指意见、看法的保留;或座位的预定

protect v.     保护


In spite of failing to save every endangered species, we may preserve the majority____ extinction.

A. against     B. with        C. beyond      D. from

[点拨]D 考查固定搭配

[点拨]preserve sth. from  使---免遭----,符合句意

考点四    relief


bring /seek/find/give/feel relief     带来/寻求/得到/予以/感到解脱

much to one’s relief=to one’s great relief 使某人宽慰的------

relief road           备用车道

relief map           地形图

I felt great relief when I heard I had passed the examination.


[拓展延伸]v. relieve one’s feelings      发泄感情

        relieve sb. of         解除某人的(负担)等;

The minister was relieved of his post.      部长被解除了职务 


Hearing the news that her son was found,she breathed a sign of_______.

A. excitement   B. joy      C. relief     D. belief

[答案] C 考查词义辨析


考点五   regardless of


They went there regardless of danger        他不顾危险地去了。

[拓展延伸]regardless adv.           无论如何;不管;不顾

I must make the decision regardless.        不管怎样我得做决定。

近义词/短语:disregarding /in spite of /despite    它们意义和用法相同,区别不大。

regardlessness n. 不注意


Some people act regardless _____what will happen afterwards.

A. with         B. as         C. of       D. for

[答案]C 考查固定结构

[点拨]regardless of不顾、不管符合句意

考点六   cut up


Peter, why don’t you cut up vegetables?       彼得,为何不把蔬菜切碎呢?

[拓展延伸]由cut 组成的常用词组:

cut off       切断;剪掉

cut down vt.    砍伐;削减

cut in       打断  

cut out       剪去,删去,略去

cut into pieces    砍成碎片

Don't cut in while I'm talking.  我说话时别插嘴


When the mother returned, she saw her son _____vegetables into pieces.

A. cut down    B. cut up     C. to cut down     D.to cut up

[答案]B 考查cut 短语和非谓语动词用法

[点拨]cut down砍伐;削减不合句意;由see sb. do sth.句式可知C

考点七    look ahead


They are looking ahead what they’ll do after graduating.

[拓展延伸] look about /around       四下里看,环顾

look over          翻阅,浏览

        look up           仰视,查阅

        look up to sb.         尊敬某人

look down upon sb.      轻视某人

        look into sth.         调查

look out           注意

look forward to        盼望;期待

Look out! There is danger ahead. 当心!前面危险

I'm looking forward to seeing you this summer vacation.



My students look _______me very much.

A. down upon     B. up to     C. back to     D. into

[答案]B 考查固定短语

[点拨]按照句意:我的学生非常尊敬我。look up to sb.尊敬某人符合句意

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