8. In this passage professional sportsmen means people ___.

A. who teach others how to make money in sports

B. who take sports as their jobs               

C. who are very fond of sports

 D. who teach other sportsmen how to play games

Words per minute ______

%Comprehension _______

Passage 13  

Listening to the Stars

Karl Jansky was a young engineer (工程师) who worked for a telephone company. In l931, he was given a hard task. His company told him that it needed to know why so much noise, or static (静电干扰), came over its telephone lines. People could not hear over the roar (轰鸣).

To find the answer, Jansky built a funny-looking antenna (天线) He hoped the antenna would find the cause of the static. Up to that time, everyone believed that static came from thunderstorms (暴风雨). Jansky discovered that some of the static did, indeed, come from storms, both near and far. But one kind of static was always there and was not caused by thunderstorms. This static came from stars far out in space. Radio waves given off by the stars caused the static.

0ther men wanted to study these waves, too. They built other large antennas. The new antennas were the first radio telescopes (望远镜).

Today, radio telescopes are used to make new maps of the sky. Using them, men have found groups of stars that were too far away to be seen with other telescopes.

    Radio telescopes can be used night and day and in all kinds of weather. Radio telescopes have another important use. They can be used to track rockets and spacecraft (跟踪火箭和宇宙飞船) as they circle the earth or climb out into space.

             Length 226

Total Reading Time ___


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