
Example 1.(From潮州市质量检测卷),将笫一,笫二句合成一个要点。“梅州市位于广东东北部。总人口491万(2003年)。”写成:“Meizhou City is situated in the northeast of Guangdong Province with a population of 4.91 million.”

Example 2.


将笫四句拆分成二个句子。“客家人的祖先源自中原, 素来崇文重教。”写成“The ancestors of Hakkas migrated southward from Central China.  Education has always been regarded as an important matter in the hakka community.”

Example 3:笫四部分表格中,“车程所需时间”一栏,用一个句子(However, it takes 1 hour to go to Zhongshan University by bus while only 20 minutes to Jinan University.),而“课程设置”一栏却拆分成二个句子(What’s more, in Zhongshan University, all the courses are taught in Chinese as well as English. Compared to this, English is the only language used in Jinan University)


梅州市位于广东东北部。总人口491万人(2003年)。梅州市是著名的世界客都。客家人的祖先源自中原, 素来崇文重教。客家人行走天下,移民世界,且在海内外商界不乏成功者,因此有“东方犹太人”之称。

Meizhou City is situated in the northeast of Guangdong Province with a population of 4.91 million. It is the biggest of the Hakkas community in the country known as the Capital of hakkas. The ancestors of Hakkas migrated southward from Central China. Education has always been regarded as an important matter in the hakka community. Because of the Hakkas’ successes in business worldwide, they are regarded as Oriental Jews.

Looking forward to seeing you,.

Li  Hua

   (  2006-2007学年度第一学期潮州市高三期末教学质量检测, 收集于东莞教研网)


1.     如果是简单句,句子结构是否符合简单句的5种基本结构。哪5种?


(Key 1)


a. I afraid that I can’t pass the exam.

b. Most students against buying gate tickets when entering the park.

c. My favourite subjects including English and Chinese.

2.     如果是复合句,句子结构是否符合复合句的相关结构。

什么是复合句?_______________________________________(Key 2)


A.名词性从句,包括1),_________2),_________3),________4),_______ (Key 3)

●常用的引导名词性从句的引导词:____________________________________________等。(Key 4)

●特别注意不要将that 和what混用,该如何区别?_____________________________(Key 5)

用that 和what填空。

1.It worried her a bit ____ her hair was turning grey.

2._____ I need is more time.

3.My brother isn’t ___ he used to be.

4.____ he has become a rich man is known to all in our town. (Key 6)

B. 定语从句(常用关系代词:which…, that…, who…, whom…..,whose…, when…, where…, why…等)

C. 状语从句(常用引导词:when, where, before, after, because, so that, if , though, although, as if , as though, unless, as soon as, once…等)


a. Before went to bed, I used to watch TV for a while.

b. Though English is hard to learn, but I’ve managed to learn it well.

c. When stayed in the country , I made a foreign friend.

1.如果是并列句,检查并列连词(常用:and, but, however, nevertheless, while(而),or, otherwise, for, so, therefore, not only…but also…, either… or…, both…and…, etc)是否使用正确,并列结构的主语和谓语有没有混用。


a. Though English is difficult to learn, I’ve managed to learn it well.(    )

b. English is difficult to learn, but I’ve managed to learn it well. (    )   <Key7>


2.在基础写作中,祈使句和感叹句用得比较少, 但如使用,必须做到结构正确(祈使句常以动词原形开头,e.g. Finish your homework quickly. Don’t eat snacks in the class.)如果是感叹句,请正确使用how , what  e.g. How hard our English monitor studies!  What a hard-working girl our English monitor is!

   ●试分析以下5个句子是否结构准确, 并找出句中的一处错误,在错误之处划线,并改正在后面横线上。

1.I’m Lu Shumin, and born in Dongguan in August 1988.     __________________


2.From 1994 to 2000,I studied in Dalang Primary school , going to Donghua Middle School of Dongguan the following one year, then I came to study in New Star School 5 years ago.                                                      __________________


3.The main subjects included Chinese, maths, English, physics, politics, chemistry and computer that I studied at school.                          __________________


4.I like English and piano best or I am very good at them.



5. In my spare time, not only do I enjoy listening to music, playing piano, but also I love driving a car.           __________________



thunder  loose  advice  upset  calm  ignore  list
entirely  outdoors  trust  habit  situation  crazy
communicate  reason  power  German  suffer  cheat
dare  teenager  editor  point  questionaire  share

1 A group of Frenchmen and _________ are visiting Window to the World.

2 Please wait in line. Everyone will get his ________.

3 The doorknob (门把手) has come _________. Who will fix it?

4 Don’t always stay indoors. You’d better go __________ for fun time.

5 I once studied some Japanese at college, but I’m afraid that I’ve __________ forgotton it now.

6 Don’t scold him. After all, he is only a __________.

7 __________ often follows lightning.

8 People say that __________ is second nature.

9 China is going through good economic __________ these years.

10 Since you have question, why not turn to him for some __________?

11 My child spends most of the time playing online games. It really _________ me.

12 ___________ well with others is considered a kind of ability.

13 Seeing mother smiling at me among the audience, I felt _________ on the stage.

14 No one knew the __________ why he was absent from class a second time.

15 Seeing the famous film star appearing, all the fans became _________.

16 Do you know when President George Bush came into _________ ?

17 I __________ from a bad cold the other day. It took me days to get rid of it.

18 Only a few years after graduation my sister became the chief _________ with China Daily.

19 Can you design a ____________ to find out what kinds of friends your classmates like to make?

20 He is your father. How __________ you say to him like that?

21 Little Peter always lies to others. His classamtes won’t _________ him anymore.

22 Mrs Wang wrote on the blackboard: No _________ in exams!

23 Mary got very unhappy, for other friends __________ her at the party.

24 I got 90 __________ in the final English exam.

25 Before going shopping you’d better make a _______of what you are going to buy.

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