2、It is necessary _____ the papers immediately.  A. for you to hand in  B. that you hand out  C. your hand in  D. for your hand in  (答案:A)  (四)动词不定式的完成式  表示不定式的动作发生在句子谓语所表示的动作之前。  1、Judging from his manners at the party, he doesn’t seem _____ much education.  A. to receive  B. to be receiving  C. to have received  D. to have been received  (答案:C。表示发生在主要动词之前的动作,要用动词不定式的完成式。)(1997年45题)  2、The book is said _____ into several foreign languages up to now.  A. to translate  B. to have translate  C. to have been translated  D. to be translated  (答案:C)


forget doing/to do

  forget to do 忘记要去做某事,forget doing 忘记做过某事。例如:

 The light in the office is stil on. He forgot to turn it off. 办公室的灯还在亮着,他忘记关了。(没有做关灯的动作)

 He forgot turning the light off. 他忘记他已经关了灯了。(已做过关灯的动作)

regret doing/to do

regret to do 对将要做的事遗憾,regret doing 对做过的事遗憾、后悔。例如:

 I regret to have to do this, but I have no choice. 我很遗憾必须这样去做,我实在没有办法。

 I don't regret telling her what I thought. 我不为告诉她我的想法而后悔。

cease doing/to do

cease to do 长时间,甚至永远停做某事,cease doing  短时停止做某事,以后还会接着做。例如:

 That department has ceased to exist forever. 那个系已不复存在。

 The girls ceased chatting for a moment when their teacher passed by. 姑娘们在老师走过时,停了会聊天。

try doing/to do

  try to do 努力,企图做某事,try doing 试验,试着做某事。例如:

You must try to be more careful. 你可要多加小心。

  I tried gardening but didn't succeed. 我试着种果木花卉,但未成功。

go on doing/to do

go on to do 做了一件事后,接着做另一件事,go on doing 继续做原来做的事。例如:

  After he had finished his maths,he went on to do his physics. 做完数学后,他接着去做物理。

  Go on doing the other exercise after you have finished this one. 作完这个练习后,接着做其他的练习

mean  doing/to do 

   mean to do  打算、想,mean doing 意味着。例如:

   I mean to go, but my father would not allow me to. 我想去,但是我父亲不肯让我去。

 To raise wage means increasing purchasing power. 增加工资意味着增加购买力。

感官动词 + doing/ do

感官动词 see, watch, observe, notice, look at, hear, listen to, smell, taste, feel + do表示动作的完整性,+doing 表示动作的进行性。例如:

  I saw him work in the garden yesterday. 昨天我看见他在花园里干活了。(强调"我看见了"这个事实)

 I saw him working in the garden yesterday.(强调"我见他正干活"这个动作)昨天我见他正在花园里干活。


1)They knew her very well. They had seen her ___ up from childhood. 

   A. grow  B. grew  C. was growing  D. to grow

   答案:A。因题意为,他们看着她长大,因此强调的是成长的过程,而非正在长的动作,因此用see sb do sth 的句型。

2)The missing boy was last seen ___ near the river. 

   A. playing  B. to be playing C. play D. to play

   答案A. 本题强调其动作,正在河边玩,应此用see sb. doing sth句型。

1、Good-bye , Mr. Wang. I’m pleased _____ you.  A. to meet  B .meeting  C. to have been meeting  D. to be met  (答案:A)(1998年57题)  2、Encouragement through praise is the most effective method of getting people _____ their best.  A. do  B. to do  C. doing  D. done  (答案为B)(1996年44题)  (二)动词不定式的被动式  当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示的对象时(或动作的承受者时),不定式一般要用被动式。  1、The ability _____ is very important for any speaker.  A. to hear clearly  B. to be clearly heard  C. to hearing clearly  D. to being clearly heard  (答案:B。动词不定式的被动式。)(1999年39题)  2、Mr. and Mrs. Smith didn’t expect the house _____ so well.  A. to be decorated  B. to decorate  C. be decorated  D. decorating  (答案:A)(1995年22题) 三)动词不定式的复合结构  如需指出不定式动作的发出者时(即逻辑主语时)要在不定式前用for加名词(或代词)表示。  1、It was very difficult _____ me to learn Spanish.  A. of  B. to  C. with  D. for  (答案:D)

注意: It's for sb.和 It's of sb.


1)for sb. 句型中的形容词一般为表示事物的特征特点,表示客观形式的形容词,如easy, hard, difficult, interesting, impossible等:例如:

  It's very hard for him to study two languages. 对他来说学两门外语是很难的。

2)of sb句型中的形容词一般为表示性格,品德,心智能力,表示主观感情或态度的形容词,如good, kind, nice, clever, foolish, right。例如:

  It's very nice of you to help me. 你来帮助我,你真是太好了。

用for还是用of 的另一种辨别方法:


1、It’s desired that she _____ to teach us at least twice a week.  A. comes  B. will come  C. come  D. may come  (答案:C)(1997年29题)  2、It’s urgent that a meeting _____ before the final decision is made.  A. will be arranged  B. must be arranged  C. be arranged  D. would be arranged  (答案:C)(2003年45题)  九、It is time (that)…引导的定语从句中,谓语动词用过去时。  1、It’s high time we _____ something to stop traffic accident.  A. do  B. will do  C. did  D. must do  (答案:C)(1996年43题)  2、Don’t you think it is time you _____ smoking?  A. give up  B. gave up  C. would give up  D. should give up  (答案:B)(1999年31题)


lest / for fear that / in case 主语+(should)+动词原形
I wrote everything down
lest I (should) forget it. 我把每件事都记下来惟恐忘记了。
Take your umbrella along
in case it (should) rain. 带着雨伞,以防下雨。
He ran away
lest he (should) be seen. 他跑开了,以免被人看见。
He doesn’t dare to go out
in case he should be recognized. 他不敢出去,以免被人认出来。
She put a blanket over the baby
for fear that he should catch cold.


第五节 非谓语动词?

非谓语动词分三种,即:不定式,动名词和分词。下面分三部分进行介绍。  一、动词不定式  考试重点:动词不定式的基本结构和用法(尤其是复合结构,否定式,被动式,完成式等。);stop和go on接不定式和动名词的区别;remember,forget接不定式和动名词的区别;have sth done 和have sb do sth。  基本形式

(not) to make
(not) to be made
(not) to have made
(not) to have been made
(not) to be making

在句子中可以充当主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语和补足语。  (一)动词不定式的基本结构和用法  动词不定式是一种非谓语动词形式, 由不定式符号to加动词原形构成。



常用结构为to do , only to do(仅仅为了), in order to do, so as to do, so(such)… as to…(如此…以便…)。例如:

   He ran so fast as to catch the first bus. 他飞快地跑以便赶上第一班车。

   I come here only to say good-bye to you. 我来仅仅是向你告别。


   I awoke to find my truck gone. 我醒来发现箱子不见了。

   He searched the room only to find nothing. 他搜索了房间,没发现什么。

3) 表原因

I'm glad to see you. 见到你很高兴。

She wept to see the sight. 她一看到这情形就哭了。


He must be a fool to say so.

You will do well to speak more carefully.

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