5.  Verb  Pattern 5:  Subject  +  Predicate  (vt.)  +  Object  +  Object  Compliment. 

 1)   Verb  Pattern 5(1):  Subject  +  Predicate  (vt.)  +  O.  +  adj. / adv. / n. / prep. phrase.

   Verbs: believe, think, consider, find, feel, make, keep, call, name, drive, choose, elect,              paint, dye, leave, declare, prove, etc.

   eg. We believe him honest.

      He dyed the cloth red.

      I feel it right.

      Let's paint the door yellow.

      They often keep the room clean.

      We all consider him a clever boy.

      We elected him chairman of the meeting.

      We made her our group leader.

      He found himself in hospital when he woke up.

      I found her in high spirits.

      The minister saw nothing on the looms.

      Aqiao found herself in a different world.

      What makes you in such a hurry?

      We regard him as our teacher. (treat, look upon/ on, think of, consider)

 2)   Verb  Pattern 5(2):  Subject  +  Predicate  (vt.)  +  O.  +  infinitive.


    ⑴ 五官感觉动词:see, watch, observe, notice, hear, feel, listen to, etc.

     eg. I watched her cross the street.

        I felt something crawl up my arm.

        The thief was seen to steal into the house.

        She was heard to sing beautifully.

    ⑵ 意愿好恶动词:expect, want, wish, like, prefer, love, hate, etc.

     eg. The Party wants us to become red and expert.

        Would you like me to wait till she comes?

        I prefer Jane to meet her tomorrow.

        I hate you to be punished.

    ⑶ 心理活动动词:know, think, consider, find, trust, report, feel, etc.(不定式总是to be或       to have been)

     eg. I believe him to be honest.

        I consider him to be a good boy.

        I knew the man to be a liar.

        I found it to have been a mistake.

        I felt the plan to be all right. 

    ⑷ 命令、允许的动词:ask, tell, request, order, allow, permit, persuade, forbid, etc.

     eg. He asked me to sit down and have a rest.

        Allow me to congratulate you.

        I persuaded him to go with me.

    ⑸ 致使动词:make, let, have, force, oblige, get, cause, etc.(make, let, have后不定式前       不加to)

     eg. The sun and rain caused plants to grow.

        They forced her to go.

         I shall get him to do the work.

         I'll have (make) him do the work.

         Let me do the work.

     ☆ help后不定式前可加to,也可不加to)

       eg. Help me (to) do the work.

 3)   Verb  Pattern 5(3):  Subject  +  Predicate  (vt.)  +  Object  +  Past Participle.

    Verbs: 能带“Object  +  Infinitive”的动词,很多根据意义也可带“Object  + Past P. ”            如:see, hear, find, want, hate, feel, order, have, get等。

   eg. He heard his name called.

      I want it done at once.

      You can see many problems settled in this way.

      I don't like it discussed.

      Jack found his wallet stolen.

      He ordered the work started at once.

      Please get my letter posted.

      I had my hair cut yesterday.

 4)   Verb  Pattern 5(4):  Subject  +  Predicate  (vt.)  +  O.  +  V-ing (Present Participle).

    Verbs: ① 五官感觉、个别心理活动的动词:find, feel, see, watch, hear, notice, etc.

           eg. I heard her singing in the next room.

              I saw a man coming towards us.

              Dick found himself walking in the street.

          ☆ 和不定式的区别:_________________________________________________


          ② 致使动词:keep, leave, set, have, send, etc.

           eg. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.

              An apple's falling left Newton thinking a lot.

              The joke set all of us laughing.

              The two men had the lights burning all night long.

      此外,在“excuse, remember, mind  +  Object”这一结构后的V-ing也被一些语法学家      看作是宾语补足语。例如:

     eg. Would you mind me opening the door?

        Please excuse me coming late.

        I remember him coming.

        c.f. Would you mind my opening the door?

    注意:1)如果这种复合宾语是不定式、动名词或that从句时,常采用it做形式宾语,而把             真正的主语放在补足语后面。

          eg. We found it difficult to do so.

             I think it my duty to serve the people.

             I consider it no use asking him.

              I think it a pity that you didn't try harder.

             He made it clear that our team had won.


          eg. The man stood there with a book in his hand.

              I can't sleep with the lights burning.

              We are waiting for the meeting to begin.

              I never hear of that being possible.

              The Party calls on us to become both red and expert.

              Without the soldiers keeping watch, the fort would have been seized.

3. Verb  Pattern 3:  Subject  +  Predicate (vt.)  +  Object.

  eg. We like English.

     He has repaired the TV set for me.

   Verbs: teach, want, fix, support, liberate, find, carry, repair, break, see, produce, remember,   etc.


  1)词义不变,有时作vt , 有时作vi.

   ① Shall we begin right now?  (vi.)

      Lenin began learning English in Siberia. (vt.)

   ② That knife will do.  (vi.)

      The boy does his lessons well.  (vt.)

   ③ The new book sells well.  (vi.)

      The shop sells many things.  (vt.)

  2)有些动词,在不同的句子中用作vt.,vi.,link v.,意义均不同,这就需要熟悉这些基本句    型,根据动词在上下文中的意义,来判断它有否宾语,是宾语还是表语?

   eg. The earth turns round the sun once a year.

      The young worker successfully turned his first part on the machine.

      The leaves are turning green.

      The plants are growing well.

      We grow rice here.

      It is growing colder and colder.


   eg. ① Crusoe looked round, but could see nothing; he listened, but could hear nothing.

      ② The foreign guests arrived late last night.

        They reached the town early in the morning.

        Doctor Bethune arrived in China in 1938.

        When we got to Beijing, it happened to be raining.

      ③ The representatives went into the Great Hall.

        The representatives entered the Great Hall.

   Verb  Pattern 3(1):  Subject  +  Predicate  (vt.)  +  infinitive.

     eg. He refused to accept my advice.

   Verb  Pattern 3(2):  Subject  +  Predicate  (vt.)  +  gerund.

     eg. Have you finished reading the novel?

        Most children enjoy watching TV.

        I like seeing films very much.

注:① 下列动词只能跟不定式作宾语: decide, expect, hope, pretend, promise, refuse, want,        wish, offer, plan, etc.

    ② 下列动词只能跟动名词作宾语: imagine, enjoy, avoid, consider, risk, escape, resist,         cannot help, insist on, be worth, be busy, be/ get used to, look forward to, etc.

    ③ 下列动词既能跟不定式作宾语,又能跟动名词作宾语,它们之间的意义差不多: like,        continue, begin, start, hate, prefer, intend, etc.

    ④ 下列动词既能跟不定式作宾语,又能跟动名词作宾语,但它们之间的意义区别很大:

     A. remember to do sth.

       remember doing sth.

      eg. Remember to bring your notebook tomorrow.

         I remember seeing him before.

     B. forget to do sth.

       forget doing sth.

      eg. I'm afraid he will forget to write to me.

         I shall never forget seeing the Great Wall for the first time.

     C. try to do sth.

        try doing sth.

      eg. You must try to be more careful.

         He tried raising silkworms, but failed.

     D. regret to do sth.

        regret doing sth.

      eg. I regret to say that I shall take my leave tomorrow.

         I regret missing the film.

      E. mean to do sth.

        mean doing sth.

       eg. I mean to finish the task tomorrow.

          If you failed, it would mean waiting for another chance.

      F. go on to do sth.

        go on doing sth.

       eg. Having read Lesson One, we went on to read Lesson Two.

          After a short rest, he went on doing his homework.

     G. stop to do sth. (不定式在此充当状语)

        stop doing sth.

      eg. When I came in, he stopped to talk to me.

         When he heard the knock at the door he stopped eating and went to open the door.

     H. want (need, require)

      eg. She wants to look after the child.

         The patient needs looking after.

         = The patient needs to be looked after.

   Verb  Pattern 3(3):   Subject  +  Predicate  (vt.)  +  object clause.

    Verbs: show, explain, think, know, say, hope, remember, forget, suggest, insist, wish, etc.

   eg. I hope that you will come.

      I don't know when we will have the meeting.

      He asked me if Xiao Wang will come.

      Please tell me how you are getting on with your studies at school.

  注:1、在order, suggest, insist, demand, request, command 等动词后面所跟的宾语从句中         应用虚拟语气(其构成为 should+ 动词原形,其中should可以省略)。

       eg. He ordered that the soldiers (should) fire at the enemy.

          He suggested that we (should) have a meeting.

          He insisted that his son (should) be sent to work in the countryside.

1. Verb Pattern 1:  Subject  +  link v.  +  Predicative.

  eg. This is a book.

  1) Link verbs:

   ① become, turn, get, fall, go, grow, keep, remain, seem, appear, look, sound, smell, taste,      feel, prove, etc.

    eg. He has become a League member.

       They seem to be eating something.

       She looks happy.

       He appears (to be) very young.

       The elephant's trunk feels smooth.

       The soup tastes delicious.

       He fell fast/ sound asleep.

       What he said sounded reasonable.

       His experiment proved (to be) true.

       It is getting warmer and warmer.

        It grew dark when we got there.

       We can never turn traitors to our country.

       His theory proved (to be) right.

   ② stand, sit, live, come, return, go

    eg. He left a child and returned a hero.

       The owner of the shop stood dumbfounded.

       They all sat silent.

  2) Predicative: n., adj., adv., infinitive, gerund, participle  or a clause

   eg. He has become a Party member. (n.)

      He has grown old. (adj.)

      The light is off. (adv.)

      What's on tonight? (adv.)

      To see is to believe. (infinitive)

      My job is teaching English. (gerund)

      The book is interesting. (present participle)

       We are satisfied with what he said. (past participle)

       The reason why he was late is that he had to send his sick mother to hospital. (clause)

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