摘要: Verb Pattern 3: Subject + Predicate (vt.) + Object. eg. We like English. He has repaired the TV set for me. Verbs: teach, want, fix, support, liberate, find, carry, repair, break, see, produce, remember, etc. 注:正确区分上述三种动词.对于理解和使用英语句子十分重要: 1)词义不变.有时作vt . 有时作vi. ① Shall we begin right now? (vi.) Lenin began learning English in Siberia. (vt.) ② That knife will do. (vi.) The boy does his lessons well. (vt.) ③ The new book sells well. (vi.) The shop sells many things. (vt.) 2)有些动词.在不同的句子中用作vt..vi..link v..意义均不同.这就需要熟悉这些基本句 型.根据动词在上下文中的意义.来判断它有否宾语.是宾语还是表语? eg. The earth turns round the sun once a year. The young worker successfully turned his first part on the machine. The leaves are turning green. The plants are growing well. We grow rice here. It is growing colder and colder. 3)有些近义的动词.有的是及物动词.有的是不及物动词. eg. ① Crusoe looked round, but could see nothing; he listened, but could hear nothing. ② The foreign guests arrived late last night. They reached the town early in the morning. Doctor Bethune arrived in China in 1938. When we got to Beijing, it happened to be raining. ③ The representatives went into the Great Hall. The representatives entered the Great Hall. Verb Pattern 3(1): Subject + Predicate (vt.) + infinitive. eg. He refused to accept my advice. Verb Pattern 3(2): Subject + Predicate (vt.) + gerund. eg. Have you finished reading the novel? Most children enjoy watching TV. I like seeing films very much. 注:① 下列动词只能跟不定式作宾语: decide, expect, hope, pretend, promise, refuse, want, wish, offer, plan, etc. ② 下列动词只能跟动名词作宾语: imagine, enjoy, avoid, consider, risk, escape, resist, cannot help, insist on, be worth, be busy, be/ get used to, look forward to, etc. ③ 下列动词既能跟不定式作宾语.又能跟动名词作宾语.它们之间的意义差不多: like, continue, begin, start, hate, prefer, intend, etc. ④ 下列动词既能跟不定式作宾语.又能跟动名词作宾语.但它们之间的意义区别很大: A. remember to do sth. remember doing sth. eg. Remember to bring your notebook tomorrow. I remember seeing him before. B. forget to do sth. forget doing sth. eg. I'm afraid he will forget to write to me. I shall never forget seeing the Great Wall for the first time. C. try to do sth. try doing sth. eg. You must try to be more careful. He tried raising silkworms, but failed. D. regret to do sth. regret doing sth. eg. I regret to say that I shall take my leave tomorrow. I regret missing the film. E. mean to do sth. mean doing sth. eg. I mean to finish the task tomorrow. If you failed, it would mean waiting for another chance. F. go on to do sth. go on doing sth. eg. Having read Lesson One, we went on to read Lesson Two. After a short rest, he went on doing his homework. G. stop to do sth. stop doing sth. eg. When I came in, he stopped to talk to me. When he heard the knock at the door he stopped eating and went to open the door. H. want eg. She wants to look after the child. The patient needs looking after. = The patient needs to be looked after. Verb Pattern 3(3): Subject + Predicate (vt.) + object clause. Verbs: show, explain, think, know, say, hope, remember, forget, suggest, insist, wish, etc. eg. I hope that you will come. I don't know when we will have the meeting. He asked me if Xiao Wang will come. Please tell me how you are getting on with your studies at school. 注:1.在order, suggest, insist, demand, request, command 等动词后面所跟的宾语从句中 应用虚拟语气(其构成为 should+ 动词原形.其中should可以省略). eg. He ordered that the soldiers fire at the enemy. He suggested that we have a meeting. He insisted that his son be sent to work in the countryside.


Some English words are made up of the same part and have different beginnings or different endings, such as import, export, repot and transport. All these words, you can see, have the same root “port” , which comes from the Latin word, meaning “to carry”  or “to move” from one place to another. And according to the bit at the beginning—which we call the prefix (前缀)—the meaning changes: “im” means “in” , so the word “import”  means “to carry in” , or “to bring into a country” ; “ex” means “out of” ,so the word “export” means “to carry out of a country” ; “re” means “back”, so the word “report” means “to tell somebody, to bring back information to somebody” ; “trans”  means “across” , so “transport”  means “to carry from one place to another” .

Let’s look at the following words: supporter, reporter, importer and exporter. You can see that in this case these words are nouns which are made up of the verbs plus the suffix (后缀 ) “er” , thus meaning a person who completes the “verb” . So supporter means somebody who supports something. A reporter is somebody who reports something. Importer is somebody who imports something and exporter is somebody who exports something, and so on.

( ) 1. “Some English Words are made up of the same part....”In the sentence “part” means________.

    A. different beginnings and different endings

B. the same part which has several meanings

C. the root of a word.

D. the same root which has different meanings

( ) 2. Which of the following is not true?

A. Besides “port”, most English words have the same root which comes from the Latin word.

    B. “Port” is the root forming some English words.

C. The root “port” means “to carry”.

D. “Port” can mean “to move” from one place to another.

( ) 3. By adding a prefix or a suffix to a root, we can get a word which has________.

A. the meaning of a Latin word

    B. a different meaning

    C. the meaning of “in” or “out”

D. a lot of meanings

( ) 4. We can get a noun________.

A. just by adding “er” to a verb

B. by changing a prefix

  C. only by adding “er” to a root

D. by adding a suffix to a verb

( ) 5. According to the passage, if we talk about a repairman, you may guess/ know that he must be________.

A. somebody who regained health

    B. a person who can repair something

    C. somebody who has good health

    D. a person who can do only simple things


Some English words are made up of the same part and have different beginnings or different endings, such as import, export, repot and transport. All these words, you can see, have the same root “port” , which comes from the Latin word, meaning “to carry”  or “to move” from one place to another. And according to the bit at the beginning—which we call the prefix (前缀)—the meaning changes: “im” means “in” , so the word “import”  means “to carry in” , or “to bring into a country” ; “ex” means “out of” ,so the word “export” means “to carry out of a country” ; “re” means “back”, so the word “report” means “to tell somebody, to bring back information to somebody” ; “trans”  means “across” , so “transport”  means “to carry from one place to another” .

Let’s look at the following words: supporter, reporter, importer and exporter. You can see that in this case these words are nouns which are made up of the verbs plus the suffix (后缀 ) “er” , thus meaning a person who completes the “verb” . So supporter means somebody who supports something. A reporter is somebody who reports something. Importer is somebody who imports something and exporter is somebody who exports something, and so on.

( ) 1. “Some English Words are made up of the same part....”In the sentence “part” means________.

    A. different beginnings and different endings

B. the same part which has several meanings

C. the root of a word.

D. the same root which has different meanings

( ) 2. Which of the following is not true?

A. Besides “port”, most English words have the same root which comes from the Latin word.

    B. “Port” is the root forming some English words.

C. The root “port” means “to carry”.

D. “Port” can mean “to move” from one place to another.

( ) 3. By adding a prefix or a suffix to a root, we can get a word which has________.

A. the meaning of a Latin word

    B. a different meaning

    C. the meaning of “in” or “out”

D. a lot of meanings

( ) 4. We can get a noun________.

A. just by adding “er” to a verb

B. by changing a prefix

  C. only by adding “er” to a root

D. by adding a suffix to a verb

( ) 5. According to the passage, if we talk about a repairman, you may guess/ know that he must be________.

A. somebody who regained health

    B. a person who can repair something

    C. somebody who has good health

    D. a person who can do only simple things



 When you read a story in English, do you read it for the story or for the English? This is a  1  that is not so foolish  2  it may seem For I  3  that many students of English  4  far more attention to the story than to the EnglishThey read and  5  and for a long time  6  remember the story, but do not care to study the  7  of words and  8  in itFor instance, they care for the memory of  9  the mystery(神秘)in the story is solved, but do not remember a  10  sentence in the story and cannot  11  what preposition is used before or after a certain  12  in the speech of a  13  character

 Of course, it is all right to read and enjoy and  14  a story, and so  15  as one wants to  16  the story only, one need not bother(费心) about the languageBut the case is quite different with a  17  of English I mean a student of English is different from a student of stories or  18  is called the general reader

 As you may also have  19  from the above, you ought to read very  20  , Not only very carefully but also aloud, and keep on doing that again and again  21  you know the passage by heart and can  22  it as if it were your ownPositively(正面说)this will teach you many  23  words and phrases; negatively (负面说)it will help you to avoid many errors and faults in expressionIncidentally I have found from  24  that intelligent copying is a help to  25  by heart


(1) Aquestion




[  ]

(2) Asince




[  ]

(3) Adiscover




[  ]

(4) Aoffer




[  ]

(5) Alike




[  ]

(6) Aafterwards




[  ]

(7) Ameaning








[  ]


(8) Atitle




[  ]

(9) Awhen




[  ]

(10) Asimple




[  ]

(11) Atell








[  ]


(12) Asentence




[  ]

(13) Astrange




[  ]

(14) Aremember




[  ]

(15) Ashort




[  ]

(16) Aread




[  ]

(17) Astudent




[  ]

(18) Athat




[  ]

(19) Amastered   




[  ]

(20) Asilently




[  ]

(21) Atill




[  ]

(22) Akeep




[  ]

(23) Auseful




[  ]

(24) Aexperiment




[  ]

(25) Aremembering




[  ]



  Ask just about any college student you know, and he is likely to tell you that he is a member of facebook.com.Many students say they check their e-mail.It’s so popular “facelooking” has become a verb “Everywhere everyone is doing it, ”college student Katie Silverman said, “It’s like everyone’s center of life.”

  Facebook is an online social meeting place where students create profiles(简介),share personal information, and meet other members.It is password protected and targeted to high school and college students; members must have an edu.email address to join.

  Many students say it has changed their social lives, giving them an easy way to find and chat with classmates who share their interests.“Some people might be too shy to go to talk to someone they like in one of their classes, but on facebook it’s a lot easier to strike up a conversation, ”said Rahul Vanjani.

  The website was founded by two Harward University students who wanted to meet more of their classmates.It became so popular that the website is at 2, 200 colleges and at 22, 000 high schools.It says that it has 6 million active users, two-thirds of whom are on it every day.Many of the facebook members said their parents had no idea they were on it.“No way.My parents certainly don’t know about it,” said a college senior who asked us not to use his name.

  To keep it popular, Facebook says it stops students posting improper information.Some students have paid the price.At Fisher College in Boston, two students were kicked out for using facebook.com to do something that is against the law.At North Carolina State University, four students were punished for posting photos about drinking.


The passage is mainly about ________.

[  ]


student’s idea about Facebook


the development of Facebook


the popularity of Facebook with students


the rules of Facebook


To become a member of Facebook, you must ________.

[  ]


have an edu, e-mail dress


have your own profile


be a high school student


offer main personal information


By saying “Some students have paid the price” in the last paragraph, the author means more students ________.

[  ]


will have to pay money for being on Facebook


always use Facebook to do something against the law


have been punished for doing some improper things on Facebook


often stop others from posting improper information on Facebook


We can learn about Facebook from the passage that ________.

[  ]


the information that students offer to Facebook is secret to others


Facebook is at more colleges that at high schools


6 million active users of Facebook are on it every day


many students don’t want their parents to know they are facebooking


违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
