Directions: Write an English composition in over 120 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.



In the picture, a boy is tightly tied up in all kinds of training programmes and extra classes, giving up his hobbies. The boy is sad, but he can’t free himself and have his own spare time. What a pity!

There is no doubt that youngsters should take in as much knowledge as possible and learn as many techniques as they can. However, it is even more important for parents and teachers to help them grow up to be healthy, strong and intelligent. As the proverb goes, work without play makes Jack a dull boy. In order to have no dull boys, I think, it is wise for the children to decide whatever they like and learn what they think is useful for the society. Only in this way can they grow up happily and creatively. And only in this way will they become the pride of the family, school and society.

(152 words)




1-5  DBDAB      6-10  CABAD    11-16  ABACAD

17. 28(th) / twenty-eighth  18. London      19. 1070

20. by the window     21. Main Hall     22. courses

23. Student Advisor     24. English test


25-30 BDDACA   31-35 DBDAB

36-40 BBCCC   41-45 BBCDB

46-50 ADCAB   51-55 BCABB

56-60 ADCAB   61-65 CDACB

66-70 AADBB   71-74 ACDC


75-80 DABBAC   81-85 ADCDB

86-89 CDAB


   In toy stores, what is old is new again.

   Some of the latest toys to hit store shelves include several names that were popular in the 1980's. Among them: He-man, My Little Pony, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Transformers. Their appearance is surprising in an industry where all but classic toys like Barbie dolls tend to stay in the market for only a few years before they leave kid culture for good.

   The return of toys introduced a generation ago, say experts, is largely a generational effect. These toys were among the first to be marketed primarily through TV cartoons. The result: The toys carried with them a much stronger brand identity than toys from previous ages. When those who played with these toys during the 1980s began having children of their own, businessmen realized they could take advantage of parents' emotional ties by bringing the toys back.

   "We're starting to see a lot of properties and products coming back now for the kids of Generation X," says Greg Livingston, vice president of Wonder group, a children's product marketing firm. But other industry observers say this return-of-toy trend is more rooted in basic economics. When the economy isn't strong, they say, toy-makers become more careful.

   One of the safest marketing techniques is bringing back toys that are proven successes. "If you're in the business of making and selling toys, you're going to go the safest route, which is using proven brands," says Stephanie Oppenheimer, co-founder of the Oppenheimer Toy Co., an independent consumer group that rates toys; Other companies use product ideas that have sold well in other countries, such as Japan. Still, Ms. Oppenheimer also believes that American consumers simply are not

in the mood for new, high-tech toys anymore. "People are interested less in what we wish we had and more in what we already have," says Oppenheimer. "As a country, we're looking for things that remind us of simpler times."

86. The expression in the first paragraph "what's old is new again" means that "________.”

   A. both old and new toys are sold

   B. old and new toys are of the same price

   C. old toys are in fashion again

   D. old toys have taken on new forms

87. Which of the following is NOT listed as the cause for the return of the toys popular about two decades ago?

   A. Generational effect.    B. Economic factors.

   C. Marketing techniques.   D. Fierce competition.

88. The expression "for good" in the second paragraph can be replaced by _________.

   A. for ever         B. for the future

   C. for the best        D. for all

89. The main purpose of the passage is _________

   A. to introduce the development of kid culture in the past century

   B. to analyse the reappearance of toys popular in the 1980s

   C. to promote the marketing techniques of toy manufacturers

D. to show the impact of high-tech toys on the kids of Generation X

短文介绍了一种新流行的东西:过去流行过的玩具。形成这一潮流的原因很多,有市场策略,也有怀旧情怀。86. 答案:C。根据短文第二段第一句Some of the latest toys to hit store shelves include several names that were popular in the 1980's.以及每一段的第一句可以综合出此题的答案。

87. 答案:D。短文中提到了is largely a generational effect…, One of the safest marketing techniques…, this return-of-toy trend is more rooted in basic economics,没有提到竞争激烈,由此可以判断此题的答案。

88. 答案:A。结合短文和该词所在句子可以知道for good表示“永远。”

89. 答案:B。综合全文内容可以知道短文分析了过时玩具重新流行的原因。

第Ⅱ卷  (共40分)

I Translation

Directions:Translate the following sentences into English,using the words given in the brackets.

1.我们盼望能参加下星期举行的艺术节开幕式。 (look forward to)




3.因为缺少实践,他没有通过驾驶考试。(The reason why)


4.直到被送入手术间时,他才明白遵守交通规则的重要性。  (not...until...)



1. We are looking forward to attending /taking part in next week's opening ceremony of file art festival /the opening ceremony of the art festival to be held next week.

2. If you take / have more physical exercise(s), you will not catch / are not likely to catch a cold easily.

3. The reason why he didn't pass the driving test was that he lacked practice.

4. He didn't realize the importance of observing / following / keeping / carrying out the traffic regulations/rules until he was sent into the operating room.

5. Although she lives (alone) with no relatives or friends, all the / her neighbours offer her a helping hand / offer to help her.




This Thursday, Irena Sendler will be honoured for her work as a smuggler(偷运者). During World War II, the Polish social worker smuggled nearly 2,500 Jewish children out of the Warsaw ghetto(聚居区). She gave them new identities, found them safe places with good-hearted Christians, and kept the children's real names buried in jars in her neighbours' gardens. (The play, Life in a Jar, based on her story, is being performed.) At 93, Sendler lives in a Warsaw nursing home and is too weak to travel to Washington D.C., to receive the 2003 Jan Karski Award for Valor and Compassion from the American Center of Polish Culture. One of the children she saved will accept the award for her.

You risked your life to save the children.

    I was taught by my father that when someone is drowning, you don't ask if they can swim, you just jump in and help. During the war, everyone was drowning, but mostly the Jewish children.

How did you persuade parents to give up their children?

   I had to answer honestly that I didn't even know if we would get past the guards.

What was the most frightening moment?

   When I saw a priest(牧师) in charge of an orphanage for Jewish children in the ghetto walk with them out to be killed. The children were in then best Sunday suits. The priest was killed with them.

How did you get the children to behave as you smuggled them out?

   I told the older children to act as if they were sick and sometimes gave the younger ones a sleeping pill. They were told to remember their new names. I also told the children to tell guards they had only been visiting a servant in the ghetto and were going back to their real homes outside.

Did you tell your own two children what you did?

   I never told them. Only when my daughter went to Israel did she learn all about me. I thought it was only normal to do so. And it was a very painful subject. It was always on my mind that I couldn't do more.

                        -- Samantha Levine

82. We can learn from the passage that Irena Sendler ______

   A. will go to Washington to accept the award with her daughter

   B. was caught a few times while she was rescuing the Jewish children

   C. told those parents that their children's lives would be guaranteed

   D. saved thousands of Jewish children at the risk of her own life

83. The expression "everyone was drowning" can best be replaced by "_______”

A.    everyone was involved in the war

B. all the people were drowned

   C. people were facing danger and death

D. Jewish children were being killed

84. Which of the following could NOT be expected when Sendler was smuggling the Jewish children?

   A. Some children were told to pretend to be sick in front of the guards.

   B. Some children pretended to be returning home after visiting servants in the ghetto.

   C. The children were asked to remember and use new names instead of real ones.

   D. The children pretended to be brothers and sisters from one big family.

85. Sendler didn't tell her own children what she did in the war because _______

   A. she thought it was the most frightening experience

   B. the topic was too painful and heartbreaking to mention

   C.  it was already recorded and made known to the public

 D.  she planned to bury the secret in her heart until her death

 短文介绍了Irena Sendler为了让犹太儿童生存下来,冒着生命把他们从华沙的聚居区偷运出来,帮他们获得新生。

82. 答案:D。根据短文中During World War II, the Polish social worker smuggled nearly 2,500 Jewish children out of the Warsaw ghetto一句可以确定此题的答案。

83. 答案:C。根据此句前面I was taught by my father that when someone is drowning, you don't ask if they can swim, you just jump in and help.一句可以分析出everyone was drowning实际表明的是每个人都面临着危险和死亡。

84. 答案:D。根据I told the older children to act as if they were sick and sometimes gave the younger ones a sleeping pill.一句可以认定A正确;根据I also told the children to tell guards they had only been visiting a servant in the ghetto and were going back to their real homes outside. 一句可以认定B正确;根据They were told to remember their new names. 一句可以认定C正确。由此可以确定此题答案。

85. 答案:B。根据短文最后一段中And it was a very painful subject.一句可以确定答案。


   Transportation and communication networks bring people together. Yet sometimes people themselves create barriers(障碍) to transportation and communication. In some countries, laws stop people from moving freely from place to place. Over the centuries, many groups of people have been denied the freedom to travel because of their race, religion, or nationality. In the Middle Ages, for example, Jews were often forbidden to move about freely within certain cities. South Africa's government used to require black Africans to carry passes when they travel within the country. Some governments require all citizens to carry identification papers and to report to government officials whenever they move.

  Countries set up customs posts at their borders. Foreign travellers must go through a customs inspection before they are allowed to travel in the country. Usually travellers have to carry special papers such as passports and visas(签证). Some countries even limit the number of visitors to their country each year.  Others allow tourists to visit only certain areas of the country, or they may require that travellers be with an official guide at all times during their stay.

   Many of those barriers to travel also act as barriers to communication.

When two governments disagree with each other on important matters, they usually do not want their citizens to exchange news or ideas freely. Countries often try to keep military or industrial information secret.

   Today, people have the ability to travel, to communicate, and to transport goods more quickly and easily than ever before. Natural barriers that were difficult or dangerous to cross a hundred years ago can now be crossed easily. The barriers that people themselves make are not so easy to overcome. But in spite of all the different kinds of barriers, people continue to enjoy travel and the exchange of goods and ideas.

78. The examples in paragraph 2 are used to tell the readers that _______

   A. people have been allowed to travel freely within the country

   B. people have not been permitted to travel freely for various reasons

   C. travellers have to carry special papers such as passports and visas

   D. customs posts are necessary at the borders of the countries

79. Some governments limit the freedom of communication because___

   A.  they intend to keep their national secrets unknown to others

   B.  they think such freedom will lead to wars

   C.  they often disagree with each other on important matters

   D.  they want to show their authority over communication

80. We may learn from the passage that _______

   A. people do not care about the removal of barriers between countries

   B. people can not remove the obstacles made by themselves

   C. man-made barriers are sometimes harder to overcome than natural ones

   D. barriers should be taken for granted as they always exist

81. Which of the following can serve as the best title of the passage?

    A. Barriers Made by People

   B. Functions of Communication

    C. Restrictions on Transportation

    D. Progress of Human Society


78. 答案:B。根据该段首句Countries set up customs posts at their borders.以及下文的介绍可以分析出答案。

79. 答案:A。根据第三段最后一句Countries often try to keep military or industrial information secret.以及上文内容可以分析出答案。

80. 答案:C。根据短文最后一段中Natural barriers that were difficult or dangerous to cross a hundred years ago can now be crossed easily. The barriers that people themselves make are not so easy to overcome.可以确定此题的答案。

81. 答案:A。综合全文信息可以知道短文侧重表达了:人造的沟通障碍。

Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or  unfinished statements.  For each of them there are four choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


   Daniel Brown was just five years old when he climbed into the family car and let it roll away down the road. He was only three when be flooded the kitchen.

    His mother, Angela Brown, is in despair. She is very busy looking after her new baby, a little gift called Laura, as well as Daniel. She told us, "Daniel is so full of curiosity." At that moment, we hear a huge crash and then silence. We go upstairs and find Daniel crawling out of a wardrobe(衣橱) he has pulled over onto the floor, with a book in his hand. "It's for you, Mum," he says and looks up at his mum and smiles. Seven-year-old Daniel has a lovely face. He has golden hair, big brown eyes, and a friendly smile. I have to admit that Daniel doesn't look like a naughty boy.

    Angela told me all about it. "Once I found him as he was about to put Jasper in the washing machine." Jasper, she explained, is the Browns' dog. "When I asked him why, he said that he thought Jasper was dirty!  It's amazing how one little boy can cause so much trouble. Another time he cut off all the hair of the little girl next door. She was going to attend her sister's wedding and the neighbours haven't spoken

to us since."

   Angela told me about Daniel's most expensive crime.  "I was about to do the washing up when the baby started crying. Daniel decided to help and filled the kitchen sink with water. When I came in the water was already flooding the kitchen and was about to flood the hall. The carpet was ruined and had to be replaced. I hope things will get better as he gets older."

   Amazingly, Daniel is quite well behaved in school. This may be because he is rarely bored. Meanwhile he continues to be the naughtiest little boy in England. Will his baby sister Laura grow up to be the naughtiest little girl?

75. What did Daniel do while his mother was talking to the author?

   A. He drove away the family car.

   B. He cut off the hair of the girl next door.

   C. He flooded the kitchen.

   D. He fell to the floor with the wardrobe.

76. Why was Daniel going to put the dog in the washing machine?

    A. He meant to clean the dog.

    B. He wanted to punish the dog.

    C. He intended to make trouble.

    D. He wished to draw his mother's attention.

77. It can be inferred from the passage that ______

   A. the mother spoiled the boy

   B. the boy found school life interesting

   C. the mother lost hope in the boy

   D. the boy had no freedom at home

短文介绍Angela Brown向作者抱怨儿子Daniel如何淘气,作者也有耳闻目睹。Daniel在学校很听话,也许因为学校比较有意思,他不感到烦闷。Angela Brown还讲述Daniel一些非常淘气的表现。

75. 答案:D。根据短文第二段At that moment, we hear a huge crash and then silence. We go upstairs and find Daniel crawling out of a wardrobe(衣橱) he has pulled over onto the floor, with a book in his hand.一部分可以确定此题的答案。

76. 答案:A。根据短文第二段When I asked him why, he said that he thought Jasper was dirty! 一部分可以确定此题的答案。

77. 答案:B。通过Amazingly, Daniel is quite well behaved in school. This may be because he is rarely bored.一句的理解可以知道Daniel发现学校的生活不乏味。


   In Renee Smith's classroom, attendance is up. Trips to the headmaster's office are down and students are handing in assignments on time. The Springfield High School teacher says she  has seen  great   65   since adding a few new students to her class ――five Labrador puppies and their father.

    The seven   66   students in Smith's class have a history of discipline   67  . But since they've started teaching the dogs obedience(顺从), their own  68   has improved. A dog trainer Chuck Reynolds   69   the students a new trick each week that they then work

on with the puppies. At night, the dogs go home with the staff members  who have raised them. They get dropped off in the morning,   70   a parent would take a child to day care.

Smith said she came up with the idea when her dog had puppies and she say, how  71   her own children responded to them. She consulted with school psychologist Kristin Edinger, 72    they took the idea ―along with letters from students   73   the programme ― to the school board. A pet therapist said, "What you are trying to teach is   74   and that there

are consequences for the decisions you make."

65. A. promotion        B. progress

  C. disturbance        D. disappointment

66. A. human  B. dog     C. new  D. Labrador

67. A. problems B. questions  C. issues  D. troubles

68. A. habit   B. attitude   C. action D. behaviour

69. A. guides  B. teaches   C. permits  D. aids

70. A. such as  B. much as   C. so that D. even if

71. A. well   B. quickly  C. poorly  D. carelessly

72. A. but    B. so.    C. and   D. because

73. A. revising       B. describing

  C. opposing      D. supporting

74. A. self-criticism     B. self-respect

  C. self-control     D. self-importance


65. 答案:B。根据下文的描述,孩子们在课堂上的表现有很大进步。

66. 答案:A。对比上下文可以知道他们是7个人。

67. 答案:A。他们有纪律方面的问题,所以老师才会想出新奇的方法。

68. 答案:D。因为教狗顺从,所以他们的行为也改善了很多。

69. 答案:B。训狗员每天教他们一招,他们再把这一招用到狗身上。

70. 答案:B。整个作法很像父母带孩子到托儿所。as连词,much表示程度。

71. 答案:A。她想知道:她的学生会对此做出什么反映。

72. 答案:C。承接上文,and表示并列。

73. 答案:D。从上下文可以知道学生支持这一作法。

74. 答案:C。全文介绍如何教会学生自律

Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A. B, C and D.  Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.


People wear hats for three main reasons: protection, communication, and decoration. Protection.  People first began to wear hats to  55   themselves from the climate. In hot, sunny climates, wide-edged hats provide   56    from the sun. In cold climates, people often wear wool hats. In some regions, people wear a variety of protective hats,  57   the season.  They may wear a wool hat in winter, a rain hat in spring or fall and a wide-edged hat in summer. Hats also provide protection in certain   58  . Construction workers, footbal1 players, military personnel, and people in many other fields wear metal or plastic helmets(头盔) for protection from  59   . Communication. Hats can communicate various things about the people who wear them. The hats of coal miners, cowboys and firemen indicate the wearer's  60  . Students may wear a mortarboard(学位帽) to show they are graduating from high school in college.

    Decoration. Most people wear a hat that they believe makes them look attractive,  61  the hat's main purpose may be protection or communication. Many protective hats are attractive and stylish. Even the caps of police officers and military personnel are designed to   62   the  wearer's appearance. Certain decorative hats are worn as a(n)   63 . In Scotland, for example, people wear a cap called a tam-o'-shanter that is part of their national costume(服装). Many people change their style of hat from time to time because they feel more   64   when keeping up with the latest fashion.

55. A. defend  B. protect   C. prevent   D. hide

56. A. shade   B. shadow  C. security  D. cover

57. A. resulting from       B. basing upon

  C. relating to        D. depending on

58. A. seasons B. climates C. activities D. communities

59. A. injury   B. destruction  C. harm  D. pollution

60. A. experience        B. occupation

  C. personality      D. education

61. A. as     B. unless   C. though   D. because

62. A. change  B. increase  C  display   D. improve

63. A. tradition B. label    C honour   D. fashion

64. A. sociable  B. informal  C. attractive  D. noble

人们戴帽子出于三种考虑:1.保护:防寒,防晒,安全保护 2.交流。不同身份的人们戴不同帽子3.装饰。人们的帽子都有装饰的作用。  55. 答案:B。protect sb. from…保护……免受…伤害。上下文有暗示。

56. 答案:A。宽沿帽子可以给人们提供阴影(防晒)。

57. 答案:D。depend on依靠,根据……而定

58. 答案:C。根据下文的介绍可以分析出此处应该是“活动,活动范围”。

59. 答案:A。上文提到的几种情况都是为了使戴帽子的人免受伤害 -- 以外事故造成的。 60. 答案:B。既然有交流的目的,再加上下文的举例,此处可以分析出帽子也象征着一个人的职业。

61. 答案:C。根据上下句,“虽然人们戴帽子的目的可能是保护或者交流,但是,他们都戴让他们看起来好看的帽子。”

62. 答案:D。根据上文可以知道此处为“改进提高”。

63. 答案:A。根据下文介绍Scotland人们的做法可以知道这是一种传统。

64. 答案:C。上文两次提到attractive,应该是一种明显的暗示

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