摘要:Directions: Write an English composition in over 120 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 简要描述图片.并谈谈你对学生在业余时间参加过多的补习和培训的看法. In the picture, a boy is tightly tied up in all kinds of training programmes and extra classes, giving up his hobbies. The boy is sad, but he can’t free himself and have his own spare time. What a pity! There is no doubt that youngsters should take in as much knowledge as possible and learn as many techniques as they can. However, it is even more important for parents and teachers to help them grow up to be healthy, strong and intelligent. As the proverb goes, work without play makes Jack a dull boy. In order to have no dull boys, I think, it is wise for the children to decide whatever they like and learn what they think is useful for the society. Only in this way can they grow up happily and creatively. And only in this way will they become the pride of the family, school and society. 2004年全国普通高等学校春季招生考试英语试题答案 第I卷 第-大题第1至第川小题每题1分.第11至第16题每题2分.第17至第24小题每题1分:共30分. 1-5 DBDAB 6-10 CABAD 11-16 ABACAD 17. 28(th) / twenty-eighth 18. London 19. 1070 20. by the window 21. Main Hall 22. courses 23. Student Advisor 24. English test 第二大题至第四大题 25-30 BDDACA 31-35 DBDAB 36-40 BBCCC 41-45 BBCDB 46-50 ADCAB 51-55 BCABB 56-60 ADCAB 61-65 CDACB 66-70 AADBB 71-74 ACDC 第五大题 75-80 DABBAC 81-85 ADCDB 86-89 CDAB


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