摘要:Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. (A) Daniel Brown was just five years old when he climbed into the family car and let it roll away down the road. He was only three when be flooded the kitchen. His mother, Angela Brown, is in despair. She is very busy looking after her new baby, a little gift called Laura, as well as Daniel. She told us, "Daniel is so full of curiosity." At that moment, we hear a huge crash and then silence. We go upstairs and find Daniel crawling out of a wardrobe he has pulled over onto the floor, with a book in his hand. "It's for you, Mum," he says and looks up at his mum and smiles. Seven-year-old Daniel has a lovely face. He has golden hair, big brown eyes, and a friendly smile. I have to admit that Daniel doesn't look like a naughty boy. Angela told me all about it. "Once I found him as he was about to put Jasper in the washing machine." Jasper, she explained, is the Browns' dog. "When I asked him why, he said that he thought Jasper was dirty! It's amazing how one little boy can cause so much trouble. Another time he cut off all the hair of the little girl next door. She was going to attend her sister's wedding and the neighbours haven't spoken to us since." Angela told me about Daniel's most expensive crime. "I was about to do the washing up when the baby started crying. Daniel decided to help and filled the kitchen sink with water. When I came in the water was already flooding the kitchen and was about to flood the hall. The carpet was ruined and had to be replaced. I hope things will get better as he gets older." Amazingly, Daniel is quite well behaved in school. This may be because he is rarely bored. Meanwhile he continues to be the naughtiest little boy in England. Will his baby sister Laura grow up to be the naughtiest little girl? 75. What did Daniel do while his mother was talking to the author? A. He drove away the family car. B. He cut off the hair of the girl next door. C. He flooded the kitchen. D. He fell to the floor with the wardrobe. 76. Why was Daniel going to put the dog in the washing machine? A. He meant to clean the dog. B. He wanted to punish the dog. C. He intended to make trouble. D. He wished to draw his mother's attention. 77. It can be inferred from the passage that A. the mother spoiled the boy B. the boy found school life interesting C. the mother lost hope in the boy D. the boy had no freedom at home 短文介绍Angela Brown向作者抱怨儿子Daniel如何淘气.作者也有耳闻目睹.Daniel在学校很听话.也许因为学校比较有意思.他不感到烦闷.Angela Brown还讲述Daniel一些非常淘气的表现. 75. 答案:D.根据短文第二段At that moment, we hear a huge crash and then silence. We go upstairs and find Daniel crawling out of a wardrobe he has pulled over onto the floor, with a book in his hand.一部分可以确定此题的答案. 76. 答案:A.根据短文第二段When I asked him why, he said that he thought Jasper was dirty! 一部分可以确定此题的答案. 77. 答案:B.通过Amazingly, Daniel is quite well behaved in school. This may be because he is rarely bored.一句的理解可以知道Daniel发现学校的生活不乏味.


Section B

Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


After a few days in Pittsburgh, I was happy to leave the city and enjoy the harmony of the countryside. I left my hotel early and drove south to the Bear Run Nature Reserve. As I arrived, I was immediately impressed by the charming Laurel Highlands and other natural sights. However, I was not there to enjoy beauty: I was there to see a house, one of the most famous houses in the world.

The house I had come to see is Fallingwater. It is called Fallingwater because it was built over a waterfall. As most houses are built on solid ground, this house’s location instantly made it famous. When you approach the house, surrounded by forest, streams and mountains, it looks as though the clear blue water were flowing through it, since the stream rushes out from under the ground floor of the building.

The house was designed by the architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, for businessman Edgar Kaufman and his family. As I toured the house, I learnt that it took Wright three years to build the place. The Kaufman family had asked him to design them a home in the middle of the countryside where they could enjoy the sights and sounds of the natural world. Though they lived in the city, they loved to come to the mountains to spend some time in the peace and quiet of nature, where they could go camping in the forest and play in the stream with their children. In fact, they loved the water so much that they asked Wright to design a house that would let them view the beautiful waterfall every day.

Many people have suggested that this incredible building is a work of art, and I would agree that this beautiful house is a masterpiece of design. It also demonstrates how important it is to live side-by-side with nature and to respect it rather than try to dominate it. 

65. ______ impressed the author first as he arrived at the location of Fallingwater.

A. The beauty of nature                                    B. The sight of the waterfall

C. The designer of the house                              D. The preservation of the environment

66. Fallingwater quickly became famous because ______.

A. a famous architect designed it                        B. it was built over waterfall

C. blue water flowed through it                         D. it was situated in a nature reserve

67. The Kaufman family had the house built there in order to ______.

A. move to the countryside                           B. live in a masterpiece

C. enjoy the harmony of nature                         D. create a new scenic spot

68. What is the best title of the passage?

A. A Talent Designer and His Masterpiece          B. Human and Nature

C. A House over Waterfall                                D. Life in Fallingwater



Section B

Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


After a few days in Pittsburgh, I was happy to leave the city and enjoy the harmony of the countryside. I left my hotel early and drove south to the Bear Run Nature Reserve. As I arrived, I was immediately impressed by the charming Laurel Highlands and other natural sights. However, I was not there to enjoy beauty: I was there to see a house, one of the most famous houses in the world.

The house I had come to see is Fallingwater. It is called Fallingwater because it was built over a waterfall. As most houses are built on solid ground, this house’s location instantly made it famous. When you approach the house, surrounded by forest, streams and mountains, it looks as though the clear blue water were flowing through it, since the stream rushes out from under the ground floor of the building.

The house was designed by the architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, for businessman Edgar Kaufman and his family. As I toured the house, I learnt that it took Wright three years to build the place. The Kaufman family had asked him to design them a home in the middle of the countryside where they could enjoy the sights and sounds of the natural world. Though they lived in the city, they loved to come to the mountains to spend some time in the peace and quiet of nature, where they could go camping in the forest and play in the stream with their children. In fact, they loved the water so much that they asked Wright to design a house that would let them view the beautiful waterfall every day.

Many people have suggested that this incredible building is a work of art, and I would agree that this beautiful house is a masterpiece of design. It also demonstrates how important it is to live side-by-side with nature and to respect it rather than try to dominate it. 

65. ______ impressed the author first as he arrived at the location of Fallingwater.

A. The beauty of nature                                    B. The sight of the waterfall

C. The designer of the house                              D. The preservation of the environment

66. Fallingwater quickly became famous because ______.

A. a famous architect designed it                        B. it was built over waterfall

C. blue water flowed through it                         D. it was situated in a nature reserve

67. The Kaufman family had the house built there in order to ______.

A. move to the countryside                            B. live in a masterpiece

C. enjoy the harmony of nature                         D. create a new scenic spot

68. What is the best title of the passage?

A. A Talent Designer and His Masterpiece          B. Human and Nature

C. A House over Waterfall                                D. Life in Fallingwater


Reading Comprehension

Section B

Directions:Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

  Are organically grown foods the best food choices?The advantages claimed for such foods over conventionally (传统地) grown and marketed food products are now being debated. Supporters of organic foods—a term whose meaning varies greatly—frequently announce that such products are safer and more nutritious than others.

  The growing interest of consumers in the safety and nutritional quality of the typical North American diet is a welcome development. However, much of this interest has been sparked by sweeping claims that the food supply is unsafe or inadequate in meeting nutritional needs.  Although most of these claims are not supported by scientific evidence, the flood of written material advancing such claims makes it difficult for the general public to separate fact from fiction. As a result, claims that eating a diet consisting entirely of organically grown foods prevents or cures disease or provides other benefits to health have become widely publicized.

  Almost daily the public is besieged by claims for “no-aging” diets, new vitamins and other wonder foods. There are numerous unproved reports that natural vitamins are superior to synthetic ones, that fertilized eggs are nutritionally superior to unfertilized eggs, that untreated grains are better than fumigated grains and the like.

  One thing that most organically grown food products seem to have in common is that they cost more than conventionally grown foods. But in many cases consumers are misled if they believe organic foods can maintain health and provide better nutritional quality than conventionally grown foods. So there is real cause for concern if consumers,particularly those with limited incomes, distrust the regular food supply and buy only expensive organic foods instead.

1.The “welcome development” mentioned in paragraph 2 is an increase in ______.

  A. attention to food safety and nutrition among north Americans

  B. the nutritional quality of the typical North American diet

  C. the amount of healthy food grown in North America

  D. the number of consumers in North America

2. The author implies that there is cause for concern if consumers buy organic foods instead of conventionally grown foods because ______.

  A. organic foods can be more expensive but are often not better than conventionally grown foods

  B. many organic foods are actually less nutritious than similar conventionally grown foods

  C. conventionally grown foods are more readily available than organic foods

  D. too many farmers will stop using conventional methods to grow food crops

3.What is the author’s attitude toward the claims made by advocates of health foods?

  A. Enthusiastic.  B. Favorable.  C. Neutral.  D. Distrustful.



Reading Comprehension

Section B

Directions:Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

  Are organically grown foods the best food choices?The advantages claimed for such foods over conventionally (传统地) grown and marketed food products are now being debated. Supporters of organic foods—a term whose meaning varies greatly—frequently announce that such products are safer and more nutritious than others.

  The growing interest of consumers in the safety and nutritional quality of the typical North American diet is a welcome development. However, much of this interest has been sparked by sweeping claims that the food supply is unsafe or inadequate in meeting nutritional needs.  Although most of these claims are not supported by scientific evidence, the flood of written material advancing such claims makes it difficult for the general public to separate fact from fiction. As a result, claims that eating a diet consisting entirely of organically grown foods prevents or cures disease or provides other benefits to health have become widely publicized.

  Almost daily the public is besieged by claims for “no-aging” diets, new vitamins and other wonder foods. There are numerous unproved reports that natural vitamins are superior to synthetic ones, that fertilized eggs are nutritionally superior to unfertilized eggs, that untreated grains are better than fumigated grains and the like.

  One thing that most organically grown food products seem to have in common is that they cost more than conventionally grown foods. But in many cases consumers are misled if they believe organic foods can maintain health and provide better nutritional quality than conventionally grown foods. So there is real cause for concern if consumers,particularly those with limited incomes, distrust the regular food supply and buy only expensive organic foods instead.

1.The “welcome development” mentioned in paragraph 2 is an increase in ______.

  A. attention to food safety and nutrition among north Americans

  B. the nutritional quality of the typical North American diet

  C. the amount of healthy food grown in North America

  D. the number of consumers in North America

2. The author implies that there is cause for concern if consumers buy organic foods instead of conventionally grown foods because ______.

  A. organic foods can be more expensive but are often not better than conventionally grown foods

  B. many organic foods are actually less nutritious than similar conventionally grown foods

  C. conventionally grown foods are more readily available than organic foods

  D. too many farmers will stop using conventional methods to grow food crops

3.What is the author’s attitude toward the claims made by advocates of health foods?

  A. Enthusiastic.  B. Favorable.  C. Neutral.  D. Distrustful.


Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.

Zoo Lights

6pm---10pm Thursdays through Wednesdays, through Jan. 7. The Phoenix Zoo’s 15th-annual holiday light festival features more than 2 million lights and light displays throughout the zoo, as well as a new arctic exhibit and jingo, the talking giraffe. Phoenix Zoo, 455 N. Galvin Parkway, $7 ahead of time. Phoenix. $8 at gate. (602)273-1341. www.phoenixzoo.org.

Cowboy Christmas

5pm---9pm Thursdays, 5pm---10pm Fridays and Saturdays, 5pm---9pm Sundays through Wednesdays, through Jan 1. Rawhide’s Main Street will be lit with 150,000 lights, including a 100-foot tall “tree of lights” and nightly lighting ceremony. Rawhide at Wild Horse Pass, 5700 W. North Loop Road, Gila River Reservation. FREE. (480) 502—5600. www.rawhide.com.

Arizona Celebration of Lights

6pm---9pm Thursdays, 6pm---l0pm Fridays and Saturdays, 6pm---10pm Sundays through Wednesdays, through Jan.1. A 2-mile drive featuring 300 light displays with more than 5 million lights. Community Church of Joy, 21000 N. 75th Ave., Glendale. $12 per car, $8 for adults, free for kids aged 4 and younger, $2 discount with canned food or toy donations. (623)561—0500. www.joyonline.org.

Glendale Glitters Quiet Nights

6pm---10pm Thursdays through Wednesdays, through Jan.6. A display featuring 1.4 million lights decorates downtown Glendale. It also features an animated musical light show in the north part of town. The center of the display is at Murphy Park. Murphy Park, 5850 W. Glendale Ave. Glendale. FREE. (623)930—2820.

Valley of Lights

6pm---12pm Thursdays through Wednesdays, through Dec. 30. A one-mile drive through exhibits featuring more than 100,000 lights and animated displays. Donations accepted. Fain Park, 2200 N. Fifth St., Prescott Valley. FREE. 1一(928)一759—3090. www.pvchamber.org.

These ads are all about__________.

A. night light displays in the Phoenix Zoo      B. celebrations of lights

C. Christmas activities all over the world      D. advertisements of some products

Which of the following websites can offer you further information about the 100-foot tall “tree of lights”?

A. www. pvchamber. org.                     B. www. joyonline. org.

C. www. rawhide.com.                   D. www. phoenixzoo.org.

If Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smith drive to Arizona Celebration of Lights with their son aged 5, most probably how much will they pay for the visit at least?

A. $34.                     B. $36.          C. $28.                    D. $26.

According to the text, which of the following offer animated displays?

A. Zoo Lights & Cowboy Christmas.

B. Valley of Lights & Cowboy Christmas.

C. Zoo Lights & Arizona Celebration of Lights.

D. Valley of Lights & Glendale Glitters Quiet Nights.

What’s the purpose of the text?

A. To attract more visitors to these activities.

B. To collect more donations from the visitors.

C. To let kids have an interesting Christmas Day.

D. To earn more money.


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