5. 当先行词指人时that一般可以与who 通用;当先行词指物时,that一般可以与which通用。但是当先行词符合下列条件之一时,只能用that.

⑴ 当先行词指物为不定代词时,只用that引导定语从句。

I've forgotten everything that I learnt at school. 我在学校学的东西我全忘记了。

⑵ 当先行词是最高级或被最高级所修饰时,只能用that引导定语从句。

This is the best way that we can raise money. 这是我们可以筹钱的最好方法。

⑶ 当先行词是序数词或被序数词所修饰时,只能用that引导定语从句。

He is the first person that I met this morning. 他是我今天早上见到的第一个人。

⑷ 当先行词被only, very, just, last, one of, all no, little, few, any等词修饰时,只能用that引导定语从句。

It is one of the beautiful views that I have seen. 这是我所见到的最美的风景之一。

⑸ 当先行词既有人又有物时,只能用that引导定语从句。

We talked the things and persons that we were interested in.


⑹ 如果有两个从句,其中一个用了who (which)来引导,则另一个用that以避免重复。

He built up a factory which produced things that had never been seen before.


⑺ 当先行词被the only, the very, the some, the last等词修饰时,只能用that引导定语从句。

  This is the last place that I want to visit. 这是我想参观的最后一个地方。

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