
A: What are you doing for vacation?

B: I’m going to San Francisco.

A: 46._________________. Who are you going 47.________?

B: I’m going with my family.

A: 48.___________________________?

B: I’m going on the 11th.

A: 49.___________________________?

B: I’m staying for a week.

A: How are you getting there?

B: I’m 50._______ a plane there.

A: I wish you a good trip.

B: Thank you.


A: We are going to play basketball. 41               ?

B: I’d like to. But I can’t

A: 42              ?

B: I have to see Xiao Fang in the hospital.

A: 43          with her? 

B: She has a stomachache and she doesn’t want to eat.

A: I’m sorry to hear that.  44                ?

B: Yes, she often eats junk food. It’s bad for her  45      .

A: That’s right. Let’s go to see her together, shall we?

B: OK. Let’s go.


Mei:    Mum, my American friend, Mary , invited me to dinner this evening.

Mother: Really? 46.          ?

Mei:  Seven .I’m afraid I have to go now.

Mother: 47.   ______     _   .It’s only five thirty. You still have one and a half hours left. Besides , her home 48.________  ___from here.

Mei:  Maybe I should get there early , or she will be worried.

Mother:You know , in the USA, people go to dinner neither too late nor too early . You should 49._________there at about seven.

Mei:    I see. What do you think I should bring with me?

Mother: You don’t need to take anything. If you like, you can 50_______________.

Mei:    Do you think only flowers are enough?

Mother: Of course. That’s pretty good.


Li Peng and Yang Bin are talking about what they are going to do in the future.

L: (1)______________________________________________________?

Y: I’m thinking about becoming a pilot . That way I would be able to travel.

L: (2)______________________________________________________?

Y: Of course I do. I like to visit different places, make different friends and learn different things.

L: That sounds good. You seem to be very healthy.  (3)_____________________  _ _          ?

Y: It’s just so-so. I find it difficult to learn English well.

L: What can you do if you are not good at English?

Y: It’s hard to say. I’ll try to learn it better. (4)_________________________________?

L: Maybe I’ll be a businessman. I’d like to go into business and make some money.

Y: (5)__________________________________________________.

L: But I think being busy is better than doing nothing.

Y: Yes. I agree with you.



A: Jim, do you know when Mother’s Day is? I think it’s next Tuesday, but I’m not sure.   

B: Yes, __________________ It’s next Tuesday. Do you want to get Mom a present?

A: Yes, but I’m not sure what to buy for her. ______________________________

B: How about a nice dinner? I’m sure she’ll be happy if you cook her a nice dinner.

A: ________________ I can’t cook well because I’m not interested in cooking.

B: OK. _______________ buy her a new dress? She doesn’t have a new dress now.

A: Hmm, I’m not sure if that’s a good idea. I think I’ll ____________ Dad. I’m sure he’ll know what Mom likes.


A: Do you want to go out to dinner tonight?

B: Sure. __________________________________

A: Well, what do you think of Indian food?

B: ________________, but I’m not really in the mood for it today.

A: Yeah. I’m not __________, I guess. It’s a bit spicy.

B: Hmm. How do you like Japanese food?

A: Oh, I like it a lot.

B: _________________ And I know a nice Japanese restaurant near here --- it’s _________ Iroha.

A: Oh, I’ve always wanted to go there.

B: Great! _____________


A: Hi, Dave. Winter vacation is coming. Where are you going for vacation?

 B: I’m going to Hainan.

 A: That sounds great. 1________________________________________

 B: By air. It’s fast and safe, though it’s a bit expensive.

 A: Oh, 2_________________________________________

 B: I’m going there with my mother.

 A: 3___________________are you staying there?

 B: About two weeks.

 A: 4_________________________________________

 B: Because I hear Hainan is a good place to go sightseeing and relax.

 A: That’s true. I went there last year. It was really interesting.

 B: Wow, I can’t wait.

 A: 5__________________________

 B: Thank you.


A: Anna, what are you doing tonight? Would you like to go out?

B: __________________ I’m going to work late tonight. I have to finish this report.

A: Well, ______________ tomorrow night? Are you doing anything then?

B: No, I’m not. _____________________

A: I’m going to see a musical . _____________________?

B: Sure, I’d love to. But let me pay for the tickets this time. It’s my turn.

A: _________________ Thanks!


A: Good morning! Welcome to our shop. ___________________

B: I bought this pen here, bur it’s not good.

A: _____________________________

B: It doesn’t work. Would you mind giving me a new one?

A: ___________________ What about this one?

B: It looks nice, but I don’t like blue. Black is my favorite color.

A: ______________ We don’t have this kind of pen in black. What other kind of pen do you like?

B: The one on the left looks very beautiful.

A: Yes. That’s the best pen in our shop.

B: OK. I’ll take this one ___________. How much money do I need to pay for it?

A: Ten more yuan, please.

B: Here’s the money. Thanks.



A: Hi Joyce. What’s up?

B: Hi, Clara. I’m on my way to the English corner. We are starting a lesson on English-speaking skills, and ________1_________.

A: Really? Why not?

B: I am not brave enough to speak English, so     2    . What should I do?

A: Oh, don’t be nervous. If you really want to improve your English-speaking skills,                3    .

B: But     4     if I make mistakes when speaking to others.

A: Don’t be afraid to make mistakes because that is part of the process of English learning. Gradually you’ll get more confident and    5    .

B: Thank you for your advice. I will do my best. Oh, I’ll be late. Bye!

A: Bye!

1.        2.       3.       4.       5.       

A. I’ll feel shy.             B. it’ll be easier some day   
C. you have to be brave, just speak aloud   D. you can always ask for help
E. I’m afraid to speak in class.       F. I’m not looking forward to it.


W1: Mary, I’m going shopping. ________ 1________?

W2: I’d love to, mom, but it’s really hot today. Shall we go to the supermarket nearby?

W1: Yes, it should be hot. _______2________.

W2: Well, come on, mom. Early shop and early home, okay?

W1: Just a minute. _____3______.

W2: Oh, I need a pen and some reading books. Please take them down, mom.

W1: Okay. A pen and some reading books …____4________.

W2: Well, What’s on the list?

W1: We’ll get some beef , fish, eggs, beans, and …

W2: Mom, get some read Fuji Apples , Okay?

W1:Sure. I’m ready. Let’s go, _____5_______?

W2:Okay, let’s go.

A. shall we?   B. will you?    C. It’s July now.   D. Anything else? 
E. Let me take the shopping list.  F. Would you like to go with me?


A: Hi, Alice. I didn’t find you last week. 1                 ?

B: I went to the United States for a trip.

A: How was your trip?

B: 2            . I really enjoyed it.

A: 3            have you been away?

B: I have been away for two weeks.

A: That’s a long time. So, what was the best thing about your trip?

B: That’s hard to say. But I think I liked Niagara Falls. What about you?

4            the United States?

A: No, I haven’t.

A: What a pity! 5              go there in this summer vacation? It’s really beautiful.

B: That’s a good idea. I will think about it.


A: Hi, Dave. What are you doing?

B: 1_______________________________.

A: Learning English? Well, it’s too difficult.

B: 2____________________ ________?

A: My problem is that I can’t memorize so many English words.

3 _______________________?

B: You can do it by singing English songs and also, you can do it _______________. In the club you can meet many interesting people. You can have a try.

A: _______________________.

B: You are welcome.


(National Day Holiday is coming , Li Qing and Feifei both have different plans for it.)

Li Qing: What’s your 1.____________ for ‘Golden Week’, Feifei?

Feifei:  2.___________________________________________.

Li Qing: That's special . Do you know there is a new Disneyland in Hong Kong? Will you go there?

Feifei:  Yes, I will. And our family will go shopping ,too.

Li Qing: That sounds like fun . Is there anything you want to buy?

Feifei:  I’m not sure. I’d like a new CD player. Maybe I’ll buy one in Hong Kong.

Li Qing: 3.______________________________?

Feifei:  Yes. We will see some other famous sights.  I think it will be fun. 4_________   _______?

Li Qing: Well, I can’t go to Hong Kong like you. I will go to visit my grandparents in the countryside. They live on a farm with lots of fruit trees.

Feifei:  That sounds like fun, too. 5.__________________________________?

Li Qing: Apple trees and pear trees.

Feifei:  Wonderful!     Will you bring some back for me?

Li Qing: Sure !



(A)  A: Do you like Jazz, Tom?

B: No, I don’t like it   (1)   . Do you?

A: Well, yes, I do. I’m a real fan of Wynton Marsalis.

B: Oh, does he play the piano?

A:    (2)    . He plays the trumpet. So,    (3)     

B: I like rock a lot.

A: Who’s your    (4)    group?

B: The Cranberries. I love their music. How about you? Do you like them?

A: No, I don’t. I can’t   (5)    them.

(B) A: Look! These jackets are nice.  (1)      

B: I like the wool(羊毛的) one better.

A: Really?  (2)   ?

B: It looks warmer.

A: Well, I prefer the leather(皮革的) one.

B: It’s more fashionable  (3)    the wool one.

A: Hmm. There is no price tag.

B: Excuse me.   (4)     is this jacket?

C: It’s $499. Would you like to try it on?

B: Oh, no. That’s OK! But thank you anyway.

C:    (5)     

(C)  (National Day Holiday is coming , Li Qing and Feifei both have different plans for it.)

Li Qing:What’s your 1.____________ for ‘Golden Week’, Feifei?

Feifei:  I’ll go to Hong Kong with my family.

Li Qing: 2.       Will you go to the new famous Disneyland?

Feifei:  Yes, I will. And our family will go shopping ,too.

Li Qing: That sounds like fun . Is there anything you want to buy?

Feifei:  I’m not sure. I’d like a new CD player. Maybe I’ll buy one in Hong Kong.

Li Qing: 3.______________________________?

Feifei:  Yes. We will see some other famous sights.  I think it will be fun.

What about you?

Li Qing: Well, I can’t go to Hong Kong like you. I will go to visit my grandparents in the countryside. They live on a farm with lots of fruit trees.

Feifei:  That sounds like fun, too. 4.___________________fruit trees are there?

Li Qing: Apple trees and pear trees.

Feifei:  Wonderful!    Will you bring some back for me?

Li Qing: Sure !

Feifei:  5.         

Li Qing: The same to you.

(D)  A: 1._______________________?

B: It’s April 1st.

A: 2.______________ to Dave? He was so upset.

B: Don’t you know? He was fooled this morning. His girlfriend made him wait for three hours but she didn’t even 3.________ up.

A: To tell you the truth, I don’t like Dave’s girlfriend even if you don’t tell me about it. I often see her stay with other boys talking, playing, laughing. If I 4     Dave, I wouldn’t make friends with her.

B: 5       . But making a girlfriend isn’t the only thing that men should think of doing in the world. We have some other things to talk about.

(E)  W: We have to meet the others at 8:30 at the reserve (自然保护区) , don’t we ?

M: Yes, ___(1)___

W: Do you know how long it takes to get there ?

M: ___(2)___ It will be an hour-long drive .

W: Can you tell me something about that reserve ?

M: Well , it’s an area that protects lots of different animals .

W: What kinds of animals can we see there ?

M: ___(3)___ I only know that there are many different kinds there .

W: I’m sure there will be some interesting animals there .I’ll take my camera with me .

M: ___(4)___ Should we take an umbrella ?

W: ___(5)___ It won’t rain tomorrow .

M: Well ,see you tomorrow then .


A: Excuse me, Miss Black. Do you have a big family?

B: Not very big, but    1    it’s small. I have two brothers. The older is married.

A: Do your brother and his wife have any children?

B: Yes. They had twins last month.

A: Boys or girls?

B: A boy and a girl.

A: Oh,   2    ! In China there are still quite a lot of large families.

B:     3       . There are too may people in China. Shops are full of people on Sundays.

A: Thanks to the “one-child” policy(政策) in China, more and more families have only one child. They usually have a boy or a girl. And these families are becoming richer and richer.

B:      4     your family? Is your family large?

A: No, I have only one sister, but my grandparents live with us.

B: I see, but in America many children live     5     their parents when they are just 18 or 19.

A: In China, too. More and more young people live far away from their parents as they are married.

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