0  2103  2111  2117  2121  2127  2129  2133  2139  2141  2147  2153  2157  2159  2163  2169  2171  2177  2181  2183  2187  2189  2193  2195  2197  2198  2199  2201  2202  2203  2205  2207  2211  2213  2217  2219  2223  2229  2231  2237  2241  2243  2247  2253  2259  2261  2267  2271  2273  2279  2283  2289  2297  3002 



第 I 卷(选择题,共75分)






第 I 卷(选择题,共75分)






英  语


第Ⅰ卷(选择题  共70分)



英  语






Ⅰ.Listening(本题共20分,Part One、Part Two、Part Three、Part Four每小题1分)

Part One        Choose the right picture according to the dialogue you hear.

1.                         2.                    3.                   4.             5.           

Part Two       Match the best choice from A to G according to the dialogue you hear.

6.Many people         A.likes listening to music and doing some reading.

7.Helen                   B.loves looking at the rain and thinking about something interesting.

8.Alice                   C.feels excited.

9.David                     D.enjoy sunshine very much.

10.Tony                  E.enjoys rainy days.

F.enjoys playing outside on rainy days.

G.1ike sunshine a little.

Part Three     Choose the right answer according to the passage you hear.

11.It takes Tom              time to watch matches.

A.little                                  B.much                                 C.a little

12.One evening there was a big             match.

A.football                             B.basketball                          C.table tennis

13.--Did Tom get a ticket for the match?


A.Yes,he did.                   B.No,he didn't.                    C.I'm not sure.

14.Tom climbed up a             outside the playground.

A.house                                B.wall                                  C.tree

15.The policeman                  watching matches.

A.would like                                B.doesn't like                            C.likes

Part Four      Complete the note according to the passage you hear.




What happened:(19)               



Ⅱ.Multiple choice(本题共15分,每小题1分)

Choose the best answer from A、B and C according to the meaning of the sentence.

21.Please                the light when you leave the room.

A.turn on                                 B.turn down                             C.turn off

22.--                has your uncle been to Canada?

--Only twice.

A.How many time                    B.How often                                   C.How long

23.Mrs. Black doesn’t know if her American friend                   to Heilongjiang.If he             here,she will meet him at the airport.

A.will come;come                  B.will come;will come            C.comes;will come

24.There are a lot of              in our school.They work very hard.

A.woman teachers                     B.women teachers                     C.womans teachers

25.--A number of students                   in the dinning hall.

--Let me count.The number of the students                about 400.

A.are;is                                 B.is;are                                 C.are;are

26.                  soldiers and doctors have been in Wenchuan to help the people there.

A.Thousand of                          B.Two thousands                      C.Thousands of

27.My physics teacher said that light                    faster than sound.

A.travel                                          B.travels                                  C.traveled

28.--Which sign can’t be seen on the road?


29.The busier he is,the          he feels.

A.happiest                             B.happy                                C.happier

30.--Do you think it will rain tomorrow?

--        .Because farmers need rain very much.

A.I think so                           B.I hope so                              C.I’m afraid so

31.--Would you like some bread for breakfast?

--         .I'm full.

A.Yes,please                          B.Sure,I'd love to                   C.No,thanks

32.--Tom prefers          to         

--Let’s ask him to take part in our dancing club!

A.singing;dancing                  B.dancing;singing                   C.to sing;dance

33.How much does the train ticket          from Harbin to Beijing?

A.cost                                   B.spend                                C.pay

34.--He          the English-Chinese dictionary for about twenty years,but it is still new.

--What a careful man!

A.has bought                            B.has borrowed                        C.has had

35.Either Mary or he          going to Paris.Only one person may go there.

A.are                                    B.is                                      C.was

Ⅲ.Cloze test(本题共15分,每小题1分)

Choose the best answer to complete the passage.

Now,people use satellites(卫星)to do many things.So far,man has invented four kinds of satellites.  36    of them is used to study the weather.Weather satellites can   37    any part of the world.They can watch clouds and strong winds moving across the earth and  38  many pictures of atmosphere(大气层)  39    the same time.The pictures    40    the weather stations by these satellites.Scientists can know   41    the weather will change by studying them,and then tell people in time.Weather plays an   42    part in people's everyday life.

Today,many weather stations in the world can receive satellite pictures.After receiving them,the scientists compare(比较)them with   43    ones.Perhaps they may find that the clouds    44    during the last few hours.This may mean that weather on the ground may  __45_  change soon.In their next forecast(预测),the scientists can   46   this.So satellite pictures are   47    to scientists.

__48   satellites were invented,the scientists could forecast the weather for about twenty-four or forty-eight   49  .Now they can make good forecasts for three or five days.Thanks   50   weather satellites,people can know more about the weather.

36.A.Every one                          B.Each                                    C.One

37.A.reach                                 B.arrive                                 C.get

38.A.taking                               B.take                                   C.takes

39.A.of                                     B.in                                      C.at

40.A.were sent to                        B.are sent to                             C.send to

41.A.how                                  B.what                                  C.which

42.A.useful                                B.important                           C.useless

43.A.early                                 B.earlier                                C.earliest

44.A.changed                             B.change                               C.have changed

45.A.also                                   B.too                                    C.either

46.A.talk                                   B.speak                                 C.say

47.A.helpful                              B.help                                  C.helping

48.A.After                                 B.Before                               C.When

49.A.weeks                                B.days                                  C.hours

50.A.to                                     B.for                                    C.at


(A)Choose the best response from A to F according to the sentences given.Each choice should be used only once.

51.Have a good holiday l

52.My pen doesn't work.Can I borrow yours?

53.Hello! May I speak to Jim?

54.What's your hobby?

55.Chinese climbers who carried the Olympic flame(奥运圣火)scaled to Mount Qomolangma successfully.

A.Certainly.Here you are.

B.OK.I'm Jim speaking.

C.Collecting kites.


E.Sorry,he isn't in.

F.Wow! We are proud of them.

(B)Complete the dialogue with proper words or sentences.

(Li Lei and Zhang Hai are talking on the phone.)

L--Li Lei.Z--Zhang Hai

L:Hello,Zhang Hai! I haven't heard from you for a long time.(56)        ?

Z:I'm preparing(准备)for the final exams.

L:Good luck to you! Summer holiday is coming.(57)        ?

Z:First,I'll have a good rest,and then I will go to Belling to watch the Olympic Games.


Z:Wonderful! Our plans are almost the same.

L:Are you going to visit some places of interest?

Z:(59)        ,I want to visit the Great Wall.

L:Let's meet in Beijing.We may do something useful to support the Olympics together.

Z:Sounds great.

L:See you then.


第三部分  阅读理解(共计40分)

V.Reading comprehension(本题共40分,A、B每小题1分,C、D、E每小题2分)


Choose the best topic from A to F according to the meaning of the passage.

61.Years ago,if a person had some problems or wanted to write something down,he/she might keep a diary.But now,more and more people go onto the Internet,and write something in a blog(博客).

62.In many ways, a diary and a blog are almost the same.Both diaries and blogs can tell what happened to the writer.

63.A blog is a public way of writing.Anyone can read what you write in it.So you'd better be careful of your writing.However,a diary is just opposite.It is personal,your secrets can be kept well.

64.On the Internet, I sometimes read some people's blogs.They often write about studying,working,travelling,spots and so on.From their blogs,I can find some of their thoughts,feelings,etc.

65.If a person isn't afraid to let others know something about himself/herself.A blog is a very good way to record(记录)everyday life.

A.Differences between a blog and a diary.

B.A diary and a blog have the same points.

C.Some people like writing in a blog now.

D.A blog is public.

E.People may write something different in a blog.

F.A good way to record everyday life.


Peter and I live in the same building.His room is on the tenth floor,but mine is on the ninth floor.He is kind but careless,and sometimes gets into trouble.

Last Friday afternoon,the young man went to a wild island to spend his holiday with his friends.They swam in the river,went fishing,played the guitar.They had a good time.Three days later,they decided to come back to the bank.Unfortunately,their boat hit a rock and soon went down.They were all in danger.With a villager's help,all of them were out of danger.They didn't come back until midnight.The young man was too hungry and quite tired.So he wished to get home as soon as possible.But the lift didn't work.He had to walk upstairs.He stopped by my door and took out a key.Of course,he could not open the door.He tried it again and again,but failed.He became angry and shouted,“I’ll cut you down with a knife!”

The noise woke me up and I opened the door.I understood at once what was happening and said,“You are trying to open a wrong door,Peter.”

“Sorry,I can’t agree with you,Mike!” he shouted,“It’s my room.You have entered it by mistake!”

Judge the following sentences true(T)or false(F).

66.Peter and his friends enjoyed themselves on the island.

67.The young men went back to the bank by themselves.

68.The lift took Peter to the tenth floor.

69.Mike opened the door to see what happened outside.

70.Peter was so careless that he opened the wrong door.


Choose the best answer from A、B or C according to what you read.

71.The black dress is made of              

A.cotton                               B.wool                                  C.silk

72.How much should you pay for them if you buy a red dress and a black dress?

A.¥296.                            B.¥376.                            C.¥316.

73.Mrs White is very tall and fat.She may buy a          dress.

A.red                                    B.purple                               C.yellow

74.You may order a dress on the         

A.phone                                B.Internet                             C.A and B

75.Of all the dresses, red cotton dresses are         

A.the most expensive                B.the cheapest                          C.the biggest


Do you often feel a little sleepy after lunch? Well,that's normal.Your body naturally slows down.What should you do about it? Don't drink coffee,take a nap(打盹),instead.

There are many advantages of a daily nap.First of all,you can remember things better and make fewer mistakes.Also,you can learn things more easily after taking a nap.A 20-minute nap can reduce(减少)your pressure(压力).Finally,a nap can make you cheerful.

But there are some simple rules that you should follow about taking a nap.You should take a nap at noon,about eight hours after you wake up.In general,a 20-minute nap is the best.If you sleep longer,you may fall into a deep sleep.After waking up,you'll feel worse.Also,you may set an alarm clock.That way,you can feel fully relaxed during the nap.You don't have to keep looking at the clock so that you don't oversleep(睡过头).

Now,the next time you feel sleepy after lunch,don't get stressed.Put your head down,close your eyes and have a short sleep during the daytime.

Fill in the blanks according to the passage.Only one word for each blank.

When you feel a little sleepy after lunch,you should take a nap(76)         of drinking coffee.After twenty(77)        nap,you can remember things better,make fewer mistakes,learn things more easily.It can reduce your pressure and cheer you up.But if you don't(78)                                       _______  the simple rules,you won't feel(79)        .In order to(80)         yourself during the nap,you should set an alarm clock to wake you up on time.


Each year,many Chinese people go abroad because of all kinds of reasons.They are becoming younger and younger year by year.Even some Chinese parents send their children to foreign countries when they are only in a middle school.They think their children can get a wider view,less academic(学业)competition or family honor.But life can be hard for young people there.At first,they have to face the culture differences and language problems.However,these are not always the most difficult things to overcome(克服).To most children,controlling(管理)themselves well is a big challenge when studying alone in a strange country.

Yu Yang,a 15-year-old student from Guangdong Province studies in a high school in Toronto,Canada.To his surprise,his teachers there seldom push students to study hard.And usually there isn't too much homework.Students have lots of free time to do some activities.Some of his friends spend their whole year's money in the first two months of the new term.So they have to ask their parents for some more money.

On the one hand,studying abroad can help students learn foreign languages quickly and open up their eyes,but on the other hand,some children may feel lonely,become bad,lose themselves,etc.Many problems may happen to them.These are different from their original thoughts.So parents should think them over before their children go abroad.

Answer the questions according to the passage.

81.Why do Chinese parents send their children abroad?

82.What do the students have to face in foreign countries at first?

83.Controlling themselves well is a big challenge,isn't it?

84.Do students in Canada have more free time than those in China?

85.What’s the article mainly about?

第四部分  书面表达(共计15分)





Dear Wu Dong,


July 1st




提示:可能用到的词或短语:earthquake 地震,sorrow 悲痛,be deeply moved 受到感动,comfort 安慰,rebuild 重建,volunteer(自愿)to do …




第Ⅰ卷(选择题  共95分)



1.A.watching                               B.walking                               C.washing

2.A.$235                                      B.$212                                   C.$325

3.A.this September                     B.next September                            C.this December

4.A.a white shirt                        B.a black shirt                       C.a black skirt

5.A.I only like the last story.        B.I don't like the last story at all.

C.I like the last story better than any other one.


6.A.She's a nurse.                    B.She's very busy.                  C.She's at work.

7.A.Beijing is great!                   B.Thank you.I hope so.

C.You too.Thank you.

8.A.I guess so.                         B.I don't think so.                   C.I am happy for you.

9.A.Thanks.I'd love to.            B.It doesn't matter.                 C.You'd better not.

10.A.Don't worry.                    B.You can't miss it. 

C.Sorry,I'm new here.


11.How’s the weather outside?

A.It's rainy.                        B.It's nice.                             C.It's cloudy.

12.Who is answering the phone?

A.Mary.                               B.John.                              C.Betty.

13.What time does Bill get up these days?

A.At 6:00                                    B.At 7:00                                    C.At 8:00

14 What’s Alan’s favorite ball game?

15.What does the man want to have for his meal?


16.What season do you think it is now?

A.It's summer.                       B.It's winter.                        C.It's spring.

17.Why do they go to the beach for their holiday?

A.Because they can swim there.

B.Because there are lots of hotels.

C.Because they can get relaxed there.

18.Where did Sky grow up?

A.In New York.                   B.In Chicago.                       C.In Washington.

19.What languages is Sky studying now?

A.Chinese and Russian.           B.Chinese and Japanese.

C.Russian and Japanese.

20.What does Sky enjoy doing in the free time?

A.Riding,cooking and doing sports.

B.Reading,cooking and doing sports.

C.Fishing,reading and doing sports.




21.My father is           engineer.He works very hard.

A.a                         B.an                       C.the                        D.不填

22.Look at the photo.The girl beside           is Nancy.

A.I                         B.my                      C.me                        D.mine

23.You must ride your bike           the right side of the road.

A.at                        B.on                       C.in                          D.for

24.Can you imagine what life will be like in           time?

A.20 years'              B.20 year's                 C.20-years'                 D.20-years

25.The air in the countryside is          .So many people from the city go there on weekends.

A.soft                     B.pretty                    C.fresh                      D.delicious

26.There           a lot of rain in this area in August every year.

A.is                        B.was                     C.are                         D.were

27.The children           a P.E. class on the playground when it suddenly began to rain.

A.have                    B.are having            C.had                        D.were having

28.I tried several jackets on,but           of them looked good.

A.both                     B.either                    C.none                      D.neither

29.          wonderful movie! We like it very much.

A.What                    B.What a                  C.How                      D.How a

30.Susan will not arrive at the airport off time           she hurries up.

A.once                     B.if                        C.when                     D.unless

31.David jumped           in the long jump.He won the game!

A.longest                  B.farthest                 C.fastest                    D.highest

32.Nick           a new camera.He has taken lots of pictures with it.

A.buys                     B.is buying                C.bought                   D.will buy

33.--Please bring your homework to school tomorrow,Steven.


A.will                      B.won't                    C.do                         D.don't

34.Thomas,please be quiet.The others           hear very well.

A.can't                     B.mustn't                   C.shouldn't                D.needn't

35.Last year,Li Hua,a college student,          to work for the Olympic Games.

A.is choosing          B.is chosen                 C.was choosing          D.was chosen

36.This is the dictionary           Mum gave me for my birthday.

A.which                   B.what                    C.whose                    D.whom

37.          those lights,please.Don't use so much energy.

A.Take off                 B.Put on                   C.Turn off                 D.Turn on

38.How's Annie? I           her for a long time.

A.don't see              B.won't see                 C.didn't see                D.haven't seen

39.We are going for a picnic tomorrow.I'll call Wendy to make sure          

A.why to start         B.when to start           C.what to start           D.which to start

40.You are growing so fast.Can you tell me           now?

A.how fast are you                                       B.how fast you are

C.how tall are you                                         D.how tall you are



These days,it is easier for us to travel to other countries than ever before.However,there is a big difficulty that most of us   41    when we meet people in other countries―we cannot communicate with them.There are   42   where English is still not spoken,though it is the most widely known language.So,wouldn't it be   43   if there was one language that could be understood by anyone anywhere in the world?

Esperanto that was created in 1887 may be the world's  44  truly international language.In fact,although   45   artificial(人造的)languages have been already created,only Esperanto has had much success.Its learners say that it is about four times   46    to learn than other languages.Spelling and pronunciation are both easy,too.For example,it does not have silent __47_ like the “h” in “honest”.If you   48   a word,you can spell it without any difficulty.The grammar is also as simple as possible:only sixteen basic   49   ,no irregular verbs(不规则动词),only six verb endings.

In short,Esperanto should be attractive(有吸引力的)as a language to learn,  50   there is a problem:how many people have met anyone who can really speak it? Anyway,we hope that some day one language can be mastered easily by anyone.

41.A.need                    B.miss                    C.face                       D.touch

42.A.offices                   B.schools                  C.cities                     D.places

43.A.safe                      B.nice                     C.funny                    D.difficult

44.A.first                      B.another                 C.last                        D.other

45.A.little                     B.a little                   C.few                       D.a few

46.A.better                    B.easier                    C.slower                    D.shorter

47.A.marks                   B.parts                    C.words                    D.letters

48.A.hear                      B.see                      C.watch                    D.notice

49.A.subjects                 B.sentences                C.rules                      D.lessons

50.A.and                       B.but                      C.so                          D.because




Jane Gooddall first made friends with a chimp(黑猩猩)when she was one year old.On her first birthday her mother carried her to the zoo near her home and bought her a toy chimp.She loved her furry(毛绒)friend very much.At age 7,Jane Gooddall read Dr.Doolittle,a book about a doctor who could talk to animals.She wanted to be able to talk to her favorite animal,too.She expected to go to Africa some day so that she could learn more about chimps.When Jane grew up,she still dreamed of going to Africa.She got her wish when she was 26 years old.She went to Gombe National Park where many chimps lived in the forests.

Jane watched the chimps closely day after day.She saw that they were a lot like people.They could think and make plans.They used tools.They showed their fear,pain,or pleasure.Sometimes,they fought.Often,they hugged(拥抱)and kissed.

Scientists were surprised by what Jane saw.They knew that the relation between chimps and humans was the closest.However, they did not know they acted so much like us.

Jane still has the toy chimp she was given as a child.She has studied her furry friends for over 30 years.Now,she speaks for them to groups around the world.She hopes that what she has to say will make others do something to protect chimps from being hurt.

51.When Jane was 7,she wanted          

A.to read Dr.Doolittle again                         B.to talk to animals,too

C.to buy another toy chimp                             D.to meet a doctor at once

52.Jane went to Gombe National Park to          

A.have a trip there                                         B.train a baby chimp

C.learn more about chimps                             D.protect the chimps there

53.The scientists were surprised when they heard that          

A.the chimps could act so much like humans

B.Jane had been in Africa for such a long time

C.Jane watched the chimps closely day after day

D.Jane still had the toy chimp she was given as a child

54.Jane speaks for chimps to groups around the world to          

A.help the scientists learn more about chimps

B.study her furry friends in sonic other countries

C.make more people do something to protect chimps

D.let people know that chimps are lovely animals

55.From the passage,we can learn that          

A.Jane found more about chimps than the scientists did

B.Jane dreamed of going to Africa when she was 26

C.Jane could talk to chimps with the help of the scientists

D.Jane knew nothing about chimps before going to Africa


Click(点击)and shop

Do you always go shopping at the supermarket or often forget to buy something? If you do forget something,we believe you never want to go back for it.But with Webshop,

our new Internet shopping service,you won't have to.Also avoid standing so long to pay for what you get.Start shopping online now!


Eat what you like

Do you usually want to avoid eating any spicy (辛辣的)food? Do you always regret drinking too much fizzy(起泡的)drinks? Well, now it is time for you to hold a chance to change the things.You had better try taking our Gasgo and begin to feel the difference!


24 hours to success

Do you regret not working harder at school? Do you want to improve your language? With Polyglot's system(系统),you can learn to speak any language in 24 hours! Try following our system and see how different it is from the rest.Why not make an early start in a class today?


You're never too old to surf(冲浪)

Do you want to surf the Internet but think you’re too old to start learning new skills? If so,why not take a course at CompuWiz? We promise to make you master a computer whatever your age.Don't forget to call us before July 1st at 28190818, and receive a 50% lower price on lessons.


56.With Webshop,you                  

A.often forget to buy what you need                B.have to stand to pay for the things

C.can buy everything you need easily               D.can't go back to buy what you forget

57.If you don't like to eat something spicy or drink something fizzy,you may try        to see how different it is.

A.Polyglot                B.Gasgo                   C.Webshop                D.CompuWiz

58.Try to          and you will learn any language in a very short time.

A.click on the Webshop                                  B.take the Gasgo

C.follow Polyglot's system                              D.call at 28190818

59.You can save 50% of your money if you          before July 1st.

A.do shopping with Webshop                          B.hold a chance to try Gasgo

C.start early with Polyglot's system                  D.learn surfing the Internet at CompuWiz

60.According to the passage,one can         

A.take a surfing course at Webshop in a class

B.possibly learn to speak English in 24 hours

C.try taking Gasgo food or drinks when he is old

D.do shopping online without paying for his things


If you have failed in the past to try to make big changes in life,try again now,one tiny step at a time.

Every year it's the same.As December comes to an end,you think about the new year and all the ways you want to improve your life.But as you start to write down your hopes for the new year,you think about the last year.You excitedly write down all the changes you are going to make,but by the end of January those ideas get lost in your busy life.

Here's a suggestion:Forget the too big,hard-to-achieve goals and just think about the small ones.“We often think that we have to do everything in big steps, even though it's so hard for us to reach it.” said Robert Maurer,who recently wrote the book One Small Step Can Change Your Life.“What we try to do is to begin with such a small step that we can’t find any excuse not to do it.”

“Kaizen”,a Japanese word,is used to mean to change behavior and attitudes(态度).During World War Il,American factory managers were able to increase productivity by trying small,continuous improvements instead of sudden changes.After the war,the idea was brought to a rebuilding(重建)Japan.It made Japan develop fast.The Japanese called it “kaizen”,which means “improvement”.

Maurer studied the idea and did some experiments with it.“Kaizen” could possibly help people succeed in doing everything.

61.At the end of December,people usually         

A.fail to make big changes                              B.plan for the last year

C.think about the new year                             D.try to lose their ideas

62.Robert Maurer wrote a book to tell us         

A.we should do everything in big steps

B.how to change one’s life with one small step

C.we should try a lot of sudden changes

D.how to find a small step without any excuse

63.The underlined part “increase productivity” in the passage means “        ”.

A.提高生产率         B.增加成本               C.增加出口量         D.提高待遇

64.The writer of the passage suggests we should         

A.make changes at the end of the year              B.do few experiments with “kaizen”

C.do things with hard-to-achieve goals             D.take a tiny step to achieve big goals

65.Which of the following is TRUE from the passage?

A.You can achieve your goals if you are not too busy.

B.Robert Maurer studied “kaizen” and found it helpful.

C.You can't find any excuse not to reach a big goal.

D.“Kaizen” was brought to Japan during World WarⅡ.



We often hear that children wish they were grown-ups,and that old people wish they were young.  66     The happiest people enjoy what each age gives them without wasting their time in useless regrets.

Childhood(童年)is a time when there are few duties.A child is fed,looked after and loved by all grown-ups like parents or grandparents.  67    However,for older people they often lose their interest in those things.

On the other hand(另一方面),a child may also have some pains with him.  68    He is often told not to do something.He will certainly be shouted at for doing something wrong.

When a child grows up,he can no longer expect others to pay for his food,clothes,room and many other things.   69     If he still spends most of his time playing as he used to in childhood,he will go hungry.If,however,he works hard and has no trouble,he can build up his own position in society with great happiness.

A.What's more,life is always giving new things to him.

B.And he has to work if he wants to live comfortably.

C.He is not so free to do what he wishes to do.

D.Each age has its own pleasures and its own pains.

70.What is the best title of the passage?

A.Childhood Is a Happy Time                         B.No Pains at Any Age

C.Happy Position in Society                           D.Enjoy Your Whole Life

第Ⅱ卷(非选择题       共25分)



Information Sheet

71.Dr. Wang will give a talk on how to         

72.There will be          parts in Dr. Wang’s talk.

73.The second part is about what          is helpful to us.

74.The students are asked to take          while listening to the talk.

75.What the students write should include          points.




76.I'll show my collection of         (邮票)to the class.

77.We practised         (唱)English songs for one and a half hours today.

78.Which country is         (大)in population,the U.S. or Canada?

79.Xu Li,with his friends,         (拾起)waste paper in the park every Sunday.

80.Do you know this table         (由……制成)bamboo?










86.假如你要接受一家英文报社的采访,记者提出的问题是“How can you be a good child?”请你根据下面所给提示及要求,准备一段应答稿。(文稿的开头已给出,不计入总词数)

提示:(1)What should you do at school?

(2)What can you do to give help at home?

(3)How do you show your love to your parents(or grandparents…)?




Well,to be a good child,I



英  语




1.How did her father go to the station?

2.When was Hangzhou Bay Bridge opened to traffic?

3.What does Fuwa do on weekends?

4.What is the girl doing at the moment?

5.How is the weather now?


6.What does the man probably do?

  A.A driver.              B.An actor.           C.A waiter.

7.How was her winter camp?

  A.It wasn’t exciting.   B.It was relaxing.         C.It was interesting.

8.Where did the woman go just now?

  A.The classroom.       B.The library.         C.The post office.   

9.How long has the woman kept the camera?

  A.Three years.          B.Six years.           C.Eight years.

10.What are they going to do this afternoon?

  A.See a movie.          B.Watch a match.     C.Buy books.



11.Where did Miss Young lose her suitcase?

  A.On the train.           B.In the waiting hall.       C.In the book store.

12.How much money did Miss Young have in the suitcase?

  A.About 25 dollars.    B.About 30 dollars.  C.About 50 dollars.


13.Where did Sue go for her vacation?

  A.Beijing.                B.Hangzhou.         C.Hainan.

14.What did Sue think of the traffic there?

  A.It was excellent.      B.It was awful.       C.It wasn’t bad.

15.Why did Sue go shopping every day?

  A.The fruits were nice there.

  B.To make friends there.

  C.To buy some books there.


16.How old will she be in ten years?

    A.27.                   B.28.                   C.29.

17.Which country will she live in?

  A.England.              B.France.             C.Australia.

18.Why does she want to be a fashion designer?

  A.She loves clothes.

  B.She likes wearing new clothes.

  C.Her friends love clothes.

19.Who will she live with?

  A.She will live with her mother.

  B.She will live with her friend.

  C.She will live alone.

20.Why won’t she have any pets?

  A.She doesn’t like pets.

  B.She will be too busy to look after pets.

  C.She has no pets’ food.



21.Look! There is ______picture on the wall.How nice it is!

  A.a                     B.an                       C.the                        D./(不填)

22.We have no_______ in the fridge.Let’s go and buy some peas,carrots and cabbages.

  A.vegetables        B.eggs                      C.meat                      D.fruit

 23.We do hope the people in Sichuan will soon _________their troubles.

    A.go over        B.turn over             C.get over                 D.look over

 24.一Why was Mrs. Smith angry with Jack?

    ―Because he worked _________than the others.

    A.more carefully B.worse                      C.better                  D.more clearly

 25.When my father got home,I _________a letter to my friend.

    A.write            B.am writing            C.wrote                     D.was writing

 26.一May I play computer games,Mum?

     一No.You ___________finish your homework first.

    A.will              B.can                      C.would                    D.must

 27.Usually people in Japan and Korea ________when they meet for the first time.

    A.are supposed to kiss            B.are supposed to bow

    C.suppose to kiss                      D.suppose to bow

 28.The plane hasn’t arrived yet.Could you tell me ________?

   A.why the plane is late                     B.how is the plane late

   C.when will the plane arrive              D.that the plane arrives

29.It’s a serious problem.We can’t decide________ Mr. Harris comes back.

    A.while                  B.since                   C.until                      D.so

 30.Something is wrong with his ears.He can’t _______anything.

  A.hear                 B.see                      C.watch                    D.touch

31.一It’s too late.I must be off now.


  A.Go slowly        B.Stay longer            C.See you                 D.Be careful

32.一Would you like chicken noodles or beef noodles?

   一________.I’d like tomato noodles.

  A.Either              B.Neither                C.Both                      D.None

33.I guess Tom and his sister Celia enjoyed_______ at the party.

  A.myself             B.himself                C.herself                   D.themselves

34.一________do you water the plants?

   一Twice a day.

   A.How long        B.How soon              C.How often              D.How much

35.一Mike,would you mind not wearing those old jeans?

They look terrible.


  A.OK.I’ll put on another pair.

  B.Sure.I’ll do it right away.

  C.Sorry.I won’t be long.

  D.All right.I’ll do them in a minute.



    Susan had long blonde hair and big blue eyes.So did most of the other  36  in her school class,which troubled her a lot.”I look like everyone else! I’m not special! I’m boring!”Susan  37 to her mother.

    She decided to try to make herself look  38  .She painted big pink spots on her neck and when she didn’t get attention,she stuck a long plastic nose on top of her real nose.Nobody noticed that,  39  .She took ink(墨水)and poured it all over her  40  .She wore clown(小丑)clothes to school and stuck leaves in her ears. 41  no matter what she did.she still didn’t get any  42  and nobody thought she was special.

    One morning her  43  went to wake her up and told her to get ready for school.She made Susan  44  the ink out of her hair and clean her neck.“I’m not going to school  45  ! I’m boring!”She buried(埋藏)her head  46  the quilt and cried.

    “Susan,”her mother said,“you are different.You are unique(独一无二)and special.  47 in the world looks just like you.Some people have blonde hair like you and some have blue eyes like you,but none of them has your smile or the twinkle in your eyes or your pink face.Nobody laughs like you,either.Now  48  and get ready for school.”

    Susan went to school that day and looked at all the other kids in her class.“Mom was 49  .Nobody looks just like me.”Susan smiled.“I am special.I am unique and I am not    50  !”

36.A.children         B.boys             C.men               D.women

37.A.complained   B.listened           C.talked             D.spoke

38.A.beautiful        B.simple          C.different         D.happy

39.A.too               B.either                  C.also                D.neither

40.A.neck             B.nose             C.eyes               D.hair

41.A.Though         B.So                C.But                 D.And

42.A.attention        B.help             C.prize               D.answer

43.A.father           B.mother         C.sister              D.brother

44.A.pull              B.wash           C.throw             D.turn

45.A.tomorrow       B.next week       C.next year         D.today

46.A.under                  B.on                C.before             D.beside

47.A.Everybody     B.Somebody              C.Nobody          D.Anybody

48.A.get up            B.get off          C.put up          D.put off

49.A.wrong          B.right             C.special            D.common

50.A.moving         B.interesting       C.tiring              D.boring




    A little knowledge can make a difference at a time of life or death.Do you know what to do if you find yourself in an earthquake?

If you are inside

●Quickly move under a strong desk,a strong table or along a wall.You can also go into a small room like the bathroom.This will protect you from falling things.Do not get into a lift.

●Don’t stand near windows,large mirrors(镜子),heavy furniture or fireplaces.

If you’re outside

●Move away from buildings and streetlights.These could fall on you.

●Squat(蹲下)and protect your head until the shaking stops.

After the earthquake

●Check,take care of injuries and help make sure people around you are all right.

●Watch out for aftershocks

●Protect yourself by wearing long pants,a long―sleeved(长袖的)shirt and strong shoes.

●Listen to the radio for the latest information.

51.If you are in a tall building when an earthquake happens,you’d better ______.

  A.run into a lift

  B.not stay in the bathroom

  C.stand near large mirrors

  D.not stand near windows

52.If you are outside during an earthquake, ________.

  A.you must move into a building

  B.you cannot squat

  C.you have to stop the shaking

  D.you must move away from streetlights

53.After the earthquake,you should _________.

  A.look after injuries

  B.not help the others around you

  C.protect yourself without wearing shoes

  D.not listen to the radio for the latest information

54.The underlined word“aftershocks”in the passage means“________”in Chinese.

  A.震感         B.震源    C.余震        D.防震

55.The passage is mainly about __________.

  A.what to do before an earthquake takes place

  B.what to do if you are in an earthquake

  C.how to escape from an earthquake when you’re at home

  D.how to predict an earthquake in the open air


    When I was seven years old, my family made me an ant farm.First,we put clean sand in a thin glass box.Then we waited for ants to arrive.

    After the ants were in the glass farm,they started to make tunnels(地道).I was amazed that each one knew exactly what to do.Each had its own job.

    On the fifth day a tragedy(悲剧) happened.I put my face so close to the glass farm that I knocked it over.All the tunnels fell down.Although the ants remained alive after their earthquake,one by one they began to die,I was scared as I watched them give up building their tunnels to carry the bodies to a corner of the farm.

    My mother said that the ants were dying of sadness.They simply could not stand that their tunnels were gone.

    Although much time has passed , I still think of that ant farm.Mom had hoped it would teach me about the natural ant world, but it taught me much more.

    Over the years,I came to realize the importance of teamwork.Working together, the ants were able to make an amazing world for themselves,I also learned that they should be admired(钦佩) for their hard work.

    But there was an even larger lesson that I did not realize until recently:Adversity(逆境)is a natural part of life,and must be accepted.Unlike the ants,We cannot give up when we are sad.We have to realize that if a tunnel is gone,we must build another.

    Giving up,I say,is not a good choice.

56.What did the writer’s family do for him when he was seven?

  A.They built a farm of ants.

  B.They bought a few ants

  C.They caught a lot of ants.

  D.They found an ant city.

57.Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

  A.The writer broke the glass box because it made his face dirty.

  B.The ants died one by one because the tunnels were destroyed.

  C.Unlike people,teamwork is not so important for the ants.

  D.Giving up is a good way when we meet trouble.

58.Which is the correct order of the following?

  a.All the tunnels fell down.

  b.The ants died one by noe.

  c.The ants got into the glass box.

  d.The ants began making tunnels.

  A.a―b一b一d    B.a―c一d一b  C.c一d―a―b   D.c一a―d一b

59.What did the writer come to realize a few years later?

  A.Working together is useless.

  B.Teamwork is important.

  C.He can’t accept adversity.

  D.Working alone is amazing.

60.What is the best title for the passage?

  A.Ants Fear Adversity

  B.My Family and Ants

  C.Giving Up in Adversity

  D.A Good Lesson from Ants


Imagine this:a television screen has the size and thickness of a piece of paper.You carry it around in your pocket and take it out when you want to watch a show.Imagine a guitar so tiny that you can’t see it with the human eye,but you can hear sound when its strings are pulled.

Nanotechnology(纳米技术) is the science that deals with doing things in a very small way, and it is being studied and developed all over the world .Many scientists say nanotechnology will produce the next industrial revolution(工业革命) .

Perhaps nanotechnology will have the biggest influence on medical science.Imagine nanobots(纳米机器人)in medicine.Thousands or even millions of tiny machines can be sent into the human body with specific tasks.For example, they can be designed to find and destroy cancer cells or viruses(病毒) .Other machines may stay in the human body for ever to help organs(器官) that are not working properly.

When could all of these happen? Scientists predict that most of these are possible in the next 30 years.Thousands of scientists around the world are working on these micro-machines .Nanotechnology is just around the corner

61.The two examples in Paragraph 1 are used to _______.

    A.introduce the smallest television

    B.introduce a new kind of guitar

    C.introduce the topic of the passage

    D.show how small the world is


    A.will cause an industrial revolution

    B.deals with things in old ways

    C.has studied the whole world

    D.was developed many years ago

63.The underlined world“they”in the third paragraph refers to(指代)“________”.

  A.scientists          B.human bodies        C.specific tasks        D.tiny machines

64.The tiny machines __________.

  A.are too small to be repaired

  B.call be put in a human body to kill viruses

  C.may not work well in a human body

  D.can take the place of human organs

65.The underlined phrase“around the corner”in the last sentence mans“________”.

    A.far away       B.at present      C.in the near future          D.impossible




66.Many students like listening to _________(音乐) very much.

67.April is the ________(第四)month of the year.

68.We students can _________(借)only two books from the school library each time.

69.The old woman looked ___________(着急的) because she couldn’t find her purse.

70.He’s so strong that he can raise the box _________(容易地).


71.He has v________ a lot of places since he came to Ningbo.

72.When summer comes, day becomes longer and n_________ becomes shorter.

73.It’s our duty to help b______ people because they aren’t able to see.

74.Hurry up,or we won’t c_________ the early bus.

75.P______ are my favorite animals and they live only in China.



Kevin:Hi,how was your school trip?

Tina:  76 

Kevin:Did you go to the zoo?

Tina:  77  I went to the aquarium.

Kevin:Oh,it must be very interesting.  78  

Tina:No,there weren’t any sharks, but there were some really clever seals.

Kevin:Wow,that sounds wonderful !  79   

Tina:Well,I hung out with my friends and I took lots of photos.

Kevin:  80  

Tina:Of course.I’ll bring them to school as soon as they come out.

Kevin:Thank you.

A.Then could you show me your photos next time?

B.When did you come back?

C.Were there any sharks?

D.It was fantastic,really fantastic.

E.What else did you do?

F.No,I didn’t.

F.Why are you sitting here now?



81.Coco eats a lot of fresh fruit and vegetable.She thinks they’re healthy and they taste good.She’s not keen(酷爱)on sweet things and she doesn’t eat much fatty food.

82.Twins love sweet things like cakes and chocolates.They know this kind of food isn’t good for them, but they can’t resist them!

83.Jay Chou says,“I’m afraid I’m keen on junk food-you know,quick,unhealthy food like hamburgers or chips.A lot of people think it’s revolting(厌恶的),but I like it.I don’t eat many fresh vegetables.”

84.Jackie Chan says, “Crisps are my favorite, I suppose.I know they’re bad for you , but they are delicious especially cheese and onion ones.”

85.Please list two kinds of healthy food:__________.



  Most boys

    Most girls

Yours opinion

◆watch games in Beijing

◆exciting and amazing

◆be chose to the stars


◆watch games on TV at home

◆choose programs freely

◆save time and money





  These days people talk a lot about the 2008 Olympic Games.Students in our class have different opinions about the ways to watch the games.










第一部分  听力(共五大题,满分30分)



1.A.wish              B.wash           C.watch

2.A.still                B.till               C.until

3.A.serving            B.singing         C.sitting

4.A.right leg         B.left leg           C.right hand

5.A.play cards        B.make cakes      C.fly kites



6.When is the Father’s Day this year?

7.Which subject is the girl’s favourite?

8.What will the weather be like tomorrow?

9.How many birds are there in the tree?

10.What does the man want to be?

11.Where is Jack going?

  A.To the station.        B.To the hospital.  C.To the office.

12.What’s Kate’s sweater made of?

  A.Silk.                    B.Cotton.             C.Wool.

13.Does the man know the way?

  A.Yes, he does.          B.No, he doesn’t.    C.We don’t know.

14.What does the boy think of Harry Potter?

  A.Boring.                  B.Surprising.         C.Interesting and exciting.

15.Where does the dialogue probably happen?

  A.In a library.            B.In a classroom.    C.At home.




16.Mary is going to see a doctor because ________ .

  A.she has got a cold

  B.her chest aches

  C.she has got a fever

17.Marc will see the doctor at ________.

  A.10:30                      B.10:00                C.9:30


18.Where is Mr. Brown from?

  A.India.                   B.London.           C.Paris.

19.How long did it take Mr. Brown to fly to China?

  A.Ten days.                 B.Twenty hours.     C.Ten hours.

20.Mr. Brown came to China in order to _______Project Hope (希望工程).

  A.help                        B.work for              C.learn about



21.Tony was ________years old.

  A.nine                        B.ten               C.eleven

22.How did the headteacher tell Mrs. Black that Tony had saved a girl student?

  A.By phone.

  B.By leaving a message.

  C.By talking face to face.

23.Tony’s mother was______ when she heard the head teacher’s words.

  A.worried                    B.glad             C.angry

24.______ pushed the girl into the river.

  A.The headteacher     B.The mother     C.Tony

25.Tony’s face turned red because _______.

  A.he was shameful

  B.he was brave

  C.he became a good boy




    She will spend her  26  in Hong Kong and stay there for a  27  .Her flight No.is CA215.


★He’d like to visit his 28  Jim in New York.His flight No.is CA  29


★She would like to visit  30  and come back in half a month.

第二部分  语言知识运用(共三大题,满分55分)



31.I got the news on _________ radio.

  A.不填                B.a                  C.an                  D.the

32.To keep healthy, we should eat more vegetables and less _______

A.meat                B.food             C.wine               D.drink

33.The policeman helped the old woman ________the road.

  A.above              B.across           C.through           D.over

34.一Are you sure Liu Xiang can win the 2008 Olympic champion(奥运冠军)of the men’s 110-metre hurdles (跨栏)?

一_______In my eyes,he’s No.1 in his field.

  A.Yes.of course!                            B.I’m afraid not.

  C.I’m afraid so.                                D.I’ve no idea.

35.________this kind of peach, and you will like it.

  A.To try              B.Trying                        C.Try                 D.Tried

36.一What delicious bread!

  一That’s right.It will taste________ with butter.

  A.bad                  B.well                    C.worse                    D.better

37.Kate knew nothing about it __________ I told her.

  A.since                B.because                 C.until                      D.after

38.We ________fight against pollution.

  A.may                 B.should                 C.mustn’t                  D.needn’t

39.He is an unpleasant man.I don’t understand  _________she married him.

  A.whether             B.if                        C.why                       D.how

40.It is said that Chery(奇瑞)________ a new kind of car recently.

  A.has developed     B.developed              C.develops                D.had developed

41.Tom _______a piece of waste paper,and put it into the rubbish bag.

  A.put away          B.threw away            C.stood up                 D.picked up

42.Beijing is the 29th city ______holds the Olympic Games.

  A.where              B.that                     C.which                    D.what

43.一________do you visit your grandparents?

    ―Once a week.

  A.How long         B.How soon           C.How often              D.How many

44.一Work hard, or you will_____ others.

   一OK.I’ll try my best.

  A.fall off             B.fall over                C.fall behind             D.fall down

45.The way we learn English is quite different ___________that we learn maths.

  A.from                B.off                      C.between                 D.with

46.It’s dangerous for you________ that tall tree.

  A.climb               B.to climb                       C.climbing                D.climbed

47.一Whose watch is lost?

    一Mr.Smith’s.Look ! He ________it everywhere.

  A.looked for        B.was looking for      C.looks for                D.is looking for

48.一Where_____ the 2010 World Expo(世博会) ______?

   ―In Shanghai.

  A.does; hold        B.is; held                  C.will; be held           D.will; hold

49.一I’m going to visit the Science Museum tomorrow.


  A.Enjoy yourself!   B.Come on!              C.Good luck!          D.It doesn’t matter.

50.Sandy is so careful that she ________makes mistakes in her homework.

  A.usually              B.seldom                C.often              D.always




    Jack went to a barber’s shop and had his hair cut.But when he  51  out, he was not happy  52  the result.When his friend Bob saw him,he laughed and said,“What has happened to your hair, Jack?”

    Jack said.“I tried a new barber’s shop today. 53  I wasn’t quite satisfied with my old one,but this one seems  54  worse.”

    Bob agreed,“Yes.I think you’re right,Jack.Now I’ll tell you  55  to do when you go into a barber’s shop next time:look at all the barbers’ hair,find out whose hair looks  56  , and then go straight to him.”

    “  57  shall I go to him?”Jack asked.“But that would be foolish!”

    “Oh, No,it wouldn’t,”answered Bob.“Who cut that man’s hair? Just think it.He couldn’t cut it  58  .could he?  59  barber cut it.So you know he  60  be the worst barber.”

51.A.brought         B.came           C.looked            D.watched

52.A.with             B.on                C.into               D.along

53.A.so                B.when           C.and              D.because

54.A.very             B.too               C.even               D.quite

55.A.why             B.how             C.when              D.what

56.A.worst                  B.best              C.shortest           D.longest

57.A.How           B.What           C.Why             D.When

58.A.herself           B.himself         C.yourself          D.myself

59.A.Other                  B.Others          C.Another          D.The other

60.A.mustn’t           B.can’t           C.must               D.can


    When Wang Hai went to Yucai Middle School two years ago, he worked hard and did very well in his lessons.He was also  61  in sports.He ran to school every day to build up his  62  .His parents were very  63  him and bought him a computer as a birthday present.However,something began to change.He stopped  64  early and never ran to school any more.He  65  his interest in studying.

    One day in the middle of the night, Wang Hai’s mother discovered the cause of the  66  .He played computer games till midnight.It had a  67  effect(影响)on him and must be stopped.

    The next day Mother had a serious talk with Wang Hai. 68  taking the computer away,she told him he was  69  enough to control himself.Wang Hal was happy he had a wonderful mother and  70  not to do that again.

61.A.worried         B.unusual         C.active             D.nervous

62.A.body           B.legs              C.arms               D.head

63.A.surprised at    B.strict with       C.angry with      D.satisfied with

64.A.getting up    B.putting up      C.getting on       D.putting on

65.A.forgot          B.lost              C.found             D.took

66.A.choice          B.change          C.chant              D.chance

67.A.good           B.bad               C.useful              D.useless

68.A.Instead of    B.Instead         C.Because of      D.Because

69.A.strong          B.weak           C.old                 D.young

70.A.printed         B.protected        C.provided        D.promised



A:Have you ever read today’s newspaper?

B:No.I haven’t.  71 

A:Yes.The Olympic flame(奥运圣火)will come to our city.Everybody is very excited about it.

B:Sounds great !  72 

A:It is reported that it’ll start on July 5th.One student from our school has been chosen to join in the torch relay(火炬接力).

B:  73  He must be the luckiest student in our school.

A:  74 

B:I wish I could.Thank you for telling me such exciting news.

A:  75  Let’s wish the torch relay in Yan’an a big success

A.How lucky he is!

B.What would you like me to do?

C.Anything new?

D.Not at all.

E.When will the torch relay start?

F.Would you like to watch the torch relay then?

G.I really must go now.

第三部分  阅读理解(共一大题,满分40分)




    Confucius was born on September 28, 55 l BC.Chinese regard Confucius as the greatest thinker and also the greatest teacher.He had about 3,000 students.For more than 2,000 years, Confucius’ ideas have been around in people’s everyday life.Now they have gone far into east and south Asia.People can still hear them today.

    Why are his ideas so popular? Because they help a lot in everyday life.Confucius said young people should take care of the old.People should give up thinking of themselves and work for others.As a great teacher.Confucius said all should go to school if they could.

76.Confucius was born on_______.

    A.September 28, 551 AD              B.September 28, 55l BC

    C.December 28, 55l BC                 D.December 28 , 551 AD

77.Confucius’ ideas have gone far into_________ .

    A.east and south Asia                      B.north and west Asia

    C.east and south Africa                   D.north and west Africa

78.Confucius thought __________.

    A.young people needn’t take care of the old

    B.people should think of themselves

    C.people should work for others

    D.all the people could go to school

79.What do people think of Confucius?

    A.The greatest leader and teacher.

    B.The greatest thinker and teacher.

    C.The greatest leader and thinker.

    D.The greatest doctor and teacher.

80.What’s the passage mainly about?

    A.All should go to school.

    B.The old and the young.

    C.Work for others.

D.Confucius and his ideas.


81.What’s the lost cat like?

    A.It is white and has two small blue eyes.

    B.It is brown and has two big blue eyes.

    C.It is white and has two big brown eyes.

    D.It is white and has two big blue eyes.

82.If you find the lost cat.you can call at _________.

    A.3850926   B.3325147       C.5925147          D.5913127

83.Where will you meet if you want to row a boat in Tingtang Park?

    A.In Zheshan Park.                     B.At Jiuzi Square.

    C.In Tingtang Park.                       D.At the school gate.

84.If you want to rent(租)a 2-bedroom flat,you can call_________ for more information.

    A.Sam      B.David                  C.Mary              D.Charles

85.You need to pay _______if you go to buy the book A Christmas Carol

    A.$59.60   B.$49.60                C.$39.60         D.$29.60


    Animals have the ability to make themselves understood by man,especially when they are in serious danger and wish man to help them.

    One day,I visited one of my friends on the farm.Late that afternoon,a sheep came crying to the tent where my friend lived.The sheep made the painful cries.My friend told me that something unusual happened.

    We fo1lowed the sheep.It rushed forward and kept on looking back to see if we were coming.It finally led us to an old well.and we heard a sad voice of a baby sheep that had fallen into the well.Because there was no water in it and it was not deep,we fetched a ladder(梯子)and several minutes later, the baby sheep went back to its mother.They seemed very much pleased to be together again.

    It was the mother sheep that came to tell us the trouble and got help at last.

86.The sheep went to the tent in order to__________.

  A.visit the writer and his friend

  B.ask the writer and his friend for water

  C.wish the writer and his friend to save her baby sheep

  D.invite the writer and his friend to have a look at the baby sheep

87.The writer found the baby sheep __________.

  A.in the tent        B.at his home     C.by the water         D.in the well

88.Which is the correct order of the following actions?

  a.The writer and his friend arrived at the well.

  b.The sheep looked back to see if they were coming.

  c.The writer and his friend followed the sheep.

  d.The sheep came crying to the tent.

  e.The writer and his friend fetched a ladder.

  A.b,c,a,e,d                      B.d,c,b,a,e

  C.a,d,c,b,e                        D.e,b,e,a,d

89.How did they help the baby sheep out of danger?

  A.They got down to the well and carried it out.

  B.They led the mother sheep to the well.

  C.They gave it some water.

  D.They fed it with some grass.

90.What’s the main idea of the passage?

  A.Animals can ask man for help when in serious danger.

  B.The sheep won’t die in the well because there is no water in it.

  C.Man can help animals if necessary.

  D.The writer and his friend love animals.


    Passage l A Teacher Who Saved His Students

    An Australian teacher Dane came to Chengdu four years ago.He was giving an English class in Guangya School,in Dujiangyan, when the ground began to shake at 2:28 P.m. on May 12.“Desk! Desk!”he shouted to his students.After all the children hid under the desks safely, he joined them.

    When the shake stopped,Dane led his students out of the classroom on the third floor and downstairs to an open area.

    Passage 2 International Aid(援助)

    A Japanese team of medical workers landed in Chengdu on the early morning of May 16.It was the first team to arrive from abroad.They set off for Guanzhong Town, in Qingchuan County(县).Two villages were lost in the town,and about 700 people were in danger.Without stopping to rest,they walked many miles to search for the survivors.Soon,a team from Singapore and a second team from Japan arrived,followed by two other teams from Korea and Russia.

91.We can learn from Passage l that Dane is _________ .

  A.an American doctor

  B.an Australian teacher

  C.a medical worker

  D.an International organization(组织)

92.Which of the following is TRUE?

  A.There weren’t any Chinese teams providing aid after the earthquake.

  B.A Japanese team was the first team that arrived in Sichuan.

  C.Several countries provided aid.

  D.Dane taught English in Chengdu for four years.

93.What does the underlined word“survivors”mean?

  A.幸存者              B.灾区    C.失败者  D.灾难

94.How many international teams are mentioned in Passage 2?

  A.Two.             B.Three.         C.Four.     D.Five.

95.What is the second passage mainly about?

  A.How to save students during the earthquake.

  B.How to search for villagers in Dujiangyan.

  C.Aid from different countries.

  D.Ways of providing aid.

第四部分  写(共两大题,满分25分)



96.The I _______(因特网)plays an important part in our 1ife.

97.I r    (归还)West Journey to the library yesterday.

98.The children are playing h________(快乐地)in Fanta Wild Adventure Theme Park.

99.The people in China are f_______ (友好的)to foreign tourists.

100.The climber will reach the top of the mountain w___________(在……之内)20 minutes.










    2.参考词汇:鸠兹广场Jiuzi Square

        步行街the Walking Street

        镜湖公园the Mirror Lake Park

        美食街the Food Street

        芜湖长江大桥Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge

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 Dear Jack,

    I’m so glad to learn that you will come to Wuhu during the summer vacation._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Looking forward to meeting you!


Li Ming




