


第一部分  听力(共五大题,满分30分)



1.A.wish              B.wash           C.watch

2.A.still                B.till               C.until

3.A.serving            B.singing         C.sitting

4.A.right leg         B.left leg           C.right hand

5.A.play cards        B.make cakes      C.fly kites



6.When is the Father’s Day this year?

7.Which subject is the girl’s favourite?

8.What will the weather be like tomorrow?

9.How many birds are there in the tree?

10.What does the man want to be?

11.Where is Jack going?

  A.To the station.        B.To the hospital.  C.To the office.

12.What’s Kate’s sweater made of?

  A.Silk.                    B.Cotton.             C.Wool.

13.Does the man know the way?

  A.Yes, he does.          B.No, he doesn’t.    C.We don’t know.

14.What does the boy think of Harry Potter?

  A.Boring.                  B.Surprising.         C.Interesting and exciting.

15.Where does the dialogue probably happen?

  A.In a library.            B.In a classroom.    C.At home.




16.Mary is going to see a doctor because ________ .

  A.she has got a cold

  B.her chest aches

  C.she has got a fever

17.Marc will see the doctor at ________.

  A.10:30                      B.10:00                C.9:30


18.Where is Mr. Brown from?

  A.India.                   B.London.           C.Paris.

19.How long did it take Mr. Brown to fly to China?

  A.Ten days.                 B.Twenty hours.     C.Ten hours.

20.Mr. Brown came to China in order to _______Project Hope (希望工程).

  A.help                        B.work for              C.learn about



21.Tony was ________years old.

  A.nine                        B.ten               C.eleven

22.How did the headteacher tell Mrs. Black that Tony had saved a girl student?

  A.By phone.

  B.By leaving a message.

  C.By talking face to face.

23.Tony’s mother was______ when she heard the head teacher’s words.

  A.worried                    B.glad             C.angry

24.______ pushed the girl into the river.

  A.The headteacher     B.The mother     C.Tony

25.Tony’s face turned red because _______.

  A.he was shameful

  B.he was brave

  C.he became a good boy




    She will spend her  26  in Hong Kong and stay there for a  27  .Her flight No.is CA215.


★He’d like to visit his 28  Jim in New York.His flight No.is CA  29


★She would like to visit  30  and come back in half a month.

第二部分  语言知识运用(共三大题,满分55分)



31.I got the news on _________ radio.

  A.不填                B.a                  C.an                  D.the

32.To keep healthy, we should eat more vegetables and less _______

A.meat                B.food             C.wine               D.drink

33.The policeman helped the old woman ________the road.

  A.above              B.across           C.through           D.over

34.一Are you sure Liu Xiang can win the 2008 Olympic champion(奥运冠军)of the men’s 110-metre hurdles (跨栏)?

一_______In my eyes,he’s No.1 in his field.

  A.Yes.of course!                            B.I’m afraid not.

  C.I’m afraid so.                                D.I’ve no idea.

35.________this kind of peach, and you will like it.

  A.To try              B.Trying                        C.Try                 D.Tried

36.一What delicious bread!

  一That’s right.It will taste________ with butter.

  A.bad                  B.well                    C.worse                    D.better

37.Kate knew nothing about it __________ I told her.

  A.since                B.because                 C.until                      D.after

38.We ________fight against pollution.

  A.may                 B.should                 C.mustn’t                  D.needn’t

39.He is an unpleasant man.I don’t understand  _________she married him.

  A.whether             B.if                        C.why                       D.how

40.It is said that Chery(奇瑞)________ a new kind of car recently.

  A.has developed     B.developed              C.develops                D.had developed

41.Tom _______a piece of waste paper,and put it into the rubbish bag.

  A.put away          B.threw away            C.stood up                 D.picked up

42.Beijing is the 29th city ______holds the Olympic Games.

  A.where              B.that                     C.which                    D.what

43.一________do you visit your grandparents?

    ―Once a week.

  A.How long         B.How soon           C.How often              D.How many

44.一Work hard, or you will_____ others.

   一OK.I’ll try my best.

  A.fall off             B.fall over                C.fall behind             D.fall down

45.The way we learn English is quite different ___________that we learn maths.

  A.from                B.off                      C.between                 D.with

46.It’s dangerous for you________ that tall tree.

  A.climb               B.to climb                       C.climbing                D.climbed

47.一Whose watch is lost?

    一Mr.Smith’s.Look ! He ________it everywhere.

  A.looked for        B.was looking for      C.looks for                D.is looking for

48.一Where_____ the 2010 World Expo(世博会) ______?

   ―In Shanghai.

  A.does; hold        B.is; held                  C.will; be held           D.will; hold

49.一I’m going to visit the Science Museum tomorrow.


  A.Enjoy yourself!   B.Come on!              C.Good luck!          D.It doesn’t matter.

50.Sandy is so careful that she ________makes mistakes in her homework.

  A.usually              B.seldom                C.often              D.always




    Jack went to a barber’s shop and had his hair cut.But when he  51  out, he was not happy  52  the result.When his friend Bob saw him,he laughed and said,“What has happened to your hair, Jack?”

    Jack said.“I tried a new barber’s shop today. 53  I wasn’t quite satisfied with my old one,but this one seems  54  worse.”

    Bob agreed,“Yes.I think you’re right,Jack.Now I’ll tell you  55  to do when you go into a barber’s shop next time:look at all the barbers’ hair,find out whose hair looks  56  , and then go straight to him.”

    “  57  shall I go to him?”Jack asked.“But that would be foolish!”

    “Oh, No,it wouldn’t,”answered Bob.“Who cut that man’s hair? Just think it.He couldn’t cut it  58  .could he?  59  barber cut it.So you know he  60  be the worst barber.”

51.A.brought         B.came           C.looked            D.watched

52.A.with             B.on                C.into               D.along

53.A.so                B.when           C.and              D.because

54.A.very             B.too               C.even               D.quite

55.A.why             B.how             C.when              D.what

56.A.worst                  B.best              C.shortest           D.longest

57.A.How           B.What           C.Why             D.When

58.A.herself           B.himself         C.yourself          D.myself

59.A.Other                  B.Others          C.Another          D.The other

60.A.mustn’t           B.can’t           C.must               D.can


    When Wang Hai went to Yucai Middle School two years ago, he worked hard and did very well in his lessons.He was also  61  in sports.He ran to school every day to build up his  62  .His parents were very  63  him and bought him a computer as a birthday present.However,something began to change.He stopped  64  early and never ran to school any more.He  65  his interest in studying.

    One day in the middle of the night, Wang Hai’s mother discovered the cause of the  66  .He played computer games till midnight.It had a  67  effect(影响)on him and must be stopped.

    The next day Mother had a serious talk with Wang Hai. 68  taking the computer away,she told him he was  69  enough to control himself.Wang Hal was happy he had a wonderful mother and  70  not to do that again.

61.A.worried         B.unusual         C.active             D.nervous

62.A.body           B.legs              C.arms               D.head

63.A.surprised at    B.strict with       C.angry with      D.satisfied with

64.A.getting up    B.putting up      C.getting on       D.putting on

65.A.forgot          B.lost              C.found             D.took

66.A.choice          B.change          C.chant              D.chance

67.A.good           B.bad               C.useful              D.useless

68.A.Instead of    B.Instead         C.Because of      D.Because

69.A.strong          B.weak           C.old                 D.young

70.A.printed         B.protected        C.provided        D.promised



A:Have you ever read today’s newspaper?

B:No.I haven’t.  71 

A:Yes.The Olympic flame(奥运圣火)will come to our city.Everybody is very excited about it.

B:Sounds great !  72 

A:It is reported that it’ll start on July 5th.One student from our school has been chosen to join in the torch relay(火炬接力).

B:  73  He must be the luckiest student in our school.

A:  74 

B:I wish I could.Thank you for telling me such exciting news.

A:  75  Let’s wish the torch relay in Yan’an a big success

A.How lucky he is!

B.What would you like me to do?

C.Anything new?

D.Not at all.

E.When will the torch relay start?

F.Would you like to watch the torch relay then?

G.I really must go now.

第三部分  阅读理解(共一大题,满分40分)




    Confucius was born on September 28, 55 l BC.Chinese regard Confucius as the greatest thinker and also the greatest teacher.He had about 3,000 students.For more than 2,000 years, Confucius’ ideas have been around in people’s everyday life.Now they have gone far into east and south Asia.People can still hear them today.

    Why are his ideas so popular? Because they help a lot in everyday life.Confucius said young people should take care of the old.People should give up thinking of themselves and work for others.As a great teacher.Confucius said all should go to school if they could.

76.Confucius was born on_______.

    A.September 28, 551 AD              B.September 28, 55l BC

    C.December 28, 55l BC                 D.December 28 , 551 AD

77.Confucius’ ideas have gone far into_________ .

    A.east and south Asia                      B.north and west Asia

    C.east and south Africa                   D.north and west Africa

78.Confucius thought __________.

    A.young people needn’t take care of the old

    B.people should think of themselves

    C.people should work for others

    D.all the people could go to school

79.What do people think of Confucius?

    A.The greatest leader and teacher.

    B.The greatest thinker and teacher.

    C.The greatest leader and thinker.

    D.The greatest doctor and teacher.

80.What’s the passage mainly about?

    A.All should go to school.

    B.The old and the young.

    C.Work for others.

D.Confucius and his ideas.


81.What’s the lost cat like?

    A.It is white and has two small blue eyes.

    B.It is brown and has two big blue eyes.

    C.It is white and has two big brown eyes.

    D.It is white and has two big blue eyes.

82.If you find the lost cat.you can call at _________.

    A.3850926   B.3325147       C.5925147          D.5913127

83.Where will you meet if you want to row a boat in Tingtang Park?

    A.In Zheshan Park.                     B.At Jiuzi Square.

    C.In Tingtang Park.                       D.At the school gate.

84.If you want to rent(租)a 2-bedroom flat,you can call_________ for more information.

    A.Sam      B.David                  C.Mary              D.Charles

85.You need to pay _______if you go to buy the book A Christmas Carol

    A.$59.60   B.$49.60                C.$39.60         D.$29.60


    Animals have the ability to make themselves understood by man,especially when they are in serious danger and wish man to help them.

    One day,I visited one of my friends on the farm.Late that afternoon,a sheep came crying to the tent where my friend lived.The sheep made the painful cries.My friend told me that something unusual happened.

    We fo1lowed the sheep.It rushed forward and kept on looking back to see if we were coming.It finally led us to an old well.and we heard a sad voice of a baby sheep that had fallen into the well.Because there was no water in it and it was not deep,we fetched a ladder(梯子)and several minutes later, the baby sheep went back to its mother.They seemed very much pleased to be together again.

    It was the mother sheep that came to tell us the trouble and got help at last.

86.The sheep went to the tent in order to__________.

  A.visit the writer and his friend

  B.ask the writer and his friend for water

  C.wish the writer and his friend to save her baby sheep

  D.invite the writer and his friend to have a look at the baby sheep

87.The writer found the baby sheep __________.

  A.in the tent        B.at his home     C.by the water         D.in the well

88.Which is the correct order of the following actions?

  a.The writer and his friend arrived at the well.

  b.The sheep looked back to see if they were coming.

  c.The writer and his friend followed the sheep.

  d.The sheep came crying to the tent.

  e.The writer and his friend fetched a ladder.

  A.b,c,a,e,d                      B.d,c,b,a,e

  C.a,d,c,b,e                        D.e,b,e,a,d

89.How did they help the baby sheep out of danger?

  A.They got down to the well and carried it out.

  B.They led the mother sheep to the well.

  C.They gave it some water.

  D.They fed it with some grass.

90.What’s the main idea of the passage?

  A.Animals can ask man for help when in serious danger.

  B.The sheep won’t die in the well because there is no water in it.

  C.Man can help animals if necessary.

  D.The writer and his friend love animals.


    Passage l A Teacher Who Saved His Students

    An Australian teacher Dane came to Chengdu four years ago.He was giving an English class in Guangya School,in Dujiangyan, when the ground began to shake at 2:28 P.m. on May 12.“Desk! Desk!”he shouted to his students.After all the children hid under the desks safely, he joined them.

    When the shake stopped,Dane led his students out of the classroom on the third floor and downstairs to an open area.

    Passage 2 International Aid(援助)

    A Japanese team of medical workers landed in Chengdu on the early morning of May 16.It was the first team to arrive from abroad.They set off for Guanzhong Town, in Qingchuan County(县).Two villages were lost in the town,and about 700 people were in danger.Without stopping to rest,they walked many miles to search for the survivors.Soon,a team from Singapore and a second team from Japan arrived,followed by two other teams from Korea and Russia.

91.We can learn from Passage l that Dane is _________ .

  A.an American doctor

  B.an Australian teacher

  C.a medical worker

  D.an International organization(组织)

92.Which of the following is TRUE?

  A.There weren’t any Chinese teams providing aid after the earthquake.

  B.A Japanese team was the first team that arrived in Sichuan.

  C.Several countries provided aid.

  D.Dane taught English in Chengdu for four years.

93.What does the underlined word“survivors”mean?

  A.幸存者              B.灾区    C.失败者  D.灾难

94.How many international teams are mentioned in Passage 2?

  A.Two.             B.Three.         C.Four.     D.Five.

95.What is the second passage mainly about?

  A.How to save students during the earthquake.

  B.How to search for villagers in Dujiangyan.

  C.Aid from different countries.

  D.Ways of providing aid.

第四部分  写(共两大题,满分25分)



96.The I _______(因特网)plays an important part in our 1ife.

97.I r    (归还)West Journey to the library yesterday.

98.The children are playing h________(快乐地)in Fanta Wild Adventure Theme Park.

99.The people in China are f_______ (友好的)to foreign tourists.

100.The climber will reach the top of the mountain w___________(在……之内)20 minutes.










    2.参考词汇:鸠兹广场Jiuzi Square

        步行街the Walking Street

        镜湖公园the Mirror Lake Park

        美食街the Food Street

        芜湖长江大桥Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge

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 Dear Jack,

    I’m so glad to learn that you will come to Wuhu during the summer vacation._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Looking forward to meeting you!


Li Ming