


1. A. Two years ago.                 B. In ten years.                    C. For two months. 


2. A. It’s really a nice day.         B. Yes, that sounds good.      C. Sure, I’m very hungry. 


3. A. She is my sister.               B. She is pretty.                   C. She is a student. 


4. A. Take the No. 2 bus.           B. I’d like to help you.         C. Here you are. 


5. A. That’s nothing.                 B. Very good.                      C. It’s a pity.



6. How will Mr. Hunt go to London?

A. By train.                         B. By car.                        C. By air.


7. What does the man mean?

A. He asked her to work at once.        B. He wants to send her away from the office.

C. She doesn’t want to work here any more.


8. Who lives in London

A. Robert’s parents.             B. Robert.                       C. Robert’s grandparents.


    9. Where did they have their dinner?

A. At the woman’s.              B. At the man’s.               C. At the restaurant.


10. What does the man want to do? 

A. He wants to see the film himself.     B. He wants to play basketball.

C. He wants to invite the woman to see the film with him.



11. What does the woman want to buy? 

A. Drugs.                        B. Elevator.                     C. Dictionary. 


12. Where is the drug store?

A. On the second floor.     B. On the fourth floor.      C. Near the bank.


13. Where is the bank?

A. On the third floor.        B. Next to the drug store.  C. Near the bookstore.


14. Does the man know where the escalator is?

A. We don’t know.           B. Yes, he does.                C. No, he doesn’t.


15. Why does the woman want to know where the bank is?

A. She wants to meet friends.                                  B. She wants to buy a dictionary.

C. She wants to exchange money.



16. How did father and Peter go to the house of the bears?

A. On foot.                      B. By jeep.                      C. By bike.


17. What was wrong with the bear?

A. It had a cold.               B. Another bear hurt it.     C. It fell and hurt itself.


18. What did Peter’s father do before he looked over the bear?

A. He made it sleep first.  B. He shut it in the cage.   C. He gave it some food to eat.


19. How was the bear in the end?

A. It was operated on.       B. It would be all right soon. C. It was put in another cage.


20. What was Peter’s father’s job in the zoo?

A. A manager.                 B. A cleaner.                        C. A vet.


Amount of money to take


21.              dollars

Clothes to wear



The number of photos of yourself



The phone number of the school office



Mrs Belcher is in the office


25. Form     in the morning to five in the afternoon.



26. I’m sure I’ve seen him        , but I can’t remember the right place.

A. everywhere      B. anywhere             C. nowhere               D. somewhere


27. They arrived        Sydney        a midsummer’s morning.    

    A. at, on              B. in, in                   C. in, on                  D. at, in


28. Although the alarm clock went        , my friend didn’t wake up.

A. off                  B. on                       C. out                      D. quiet


29. I’m        thirsty. Please give me something        .

A. a bit of, drink  B. kind of, to drink   C. a little, drinking    D. kinds of, to drink


30. Many famous movie stars attended the news briefing(新闻发布会),        Jackie Chan and Jet Li.

A. include            B. includes               C. included               D. including


31. The monkey was seen        off the tall tree.

A. jump               B. jumped                C. to jump                D. jumps


32. My sister was        excited        she couldn’t fall asleep.

A. too, to             B. so, that                C. such, that             D. enough, to


33. ―Do you know        Mr. Wang will come here? 

       ―He will come to help us with our English. 

A. why                B. when                   C. how                     D. where


34. During the Beijing Olympic Games, many people      late to watch the games.

A. stayed up          B. got up               C. woke up                 D. made up


35. The film        when we got to the theater.

A. has begun        B. was begun            C. had begun            D. began


36. You must be very tired after a long time working. Please        a rest.

   A. stop having       B. stop to having       C. stop be having     D. stop to have


37. What do you think        ?  

A. is the man talking                           B. the man is talking

C. does the man talking                        D. the man does talking


38. Mr. White said he would come to the meeting.  But        he won’t come?

   A. what if              B. why if                 C. even though         D. how if


39. If I        you, I        buy the computer right now.   

   A. were, will         B. am, would            C. am, will              D. were, would


40. ―Would you like some more rice?   ―No, thanks.        .

   A. Just a little        B. It doesn’t matter   C. I’ve had enough    D. I’d love to

One weekend, all of the hotels in Green City were full because there was a large meeting. Mr. Black was the manager of a   41   in the city. On Friday night, three men came into the hotel and asked for   42   . Mr. Black said there were   43   rooms ready because of the meeting. The men were unhappy.

Mr. Black wanted to help them. He remembered that Room 418, a small room, was   44  . He asked them if they would share a room. The three men said they would. Mr. Black said the room would be thirty dollars,   45   for each one. Each man gave him the money and then went up to the room.



Mr. Black soon began to feel sorry, so he called his assistant over, gave him five dollars and said, “  46   the money to those three men in Room 418. I asked too much for their room.”  

The assistant took the money. While he was   47   the way there, he started to think, “How can three men divide five dollars? I will give them each one dollar and keep two dollars for   48   . The men will be   49   to get something back. And Mr. Black will never know.” So the assistant returned one dollar to each man.

The next morning, the three men went to thank manager before they left. They said, “Thank you for   50   us three dollars back.” Mr. Black was surprised but he said nothing. After the three men left, Mr. Black called the assistant to his office and said, “I’m sorry, but I don’t think you can stay here any more.”


41. A. library                B. shop                  C. factory            D. hotel  


42. A. drink                  B. rooms                C. money            D. food  


43. A. no                      B. some                 C. many              D. several  


44. A. dirty                   B. empty                C. dark                D. full  


45. A. thirty                  B. three                 C. ten                  D. two  


46. A. Bring                  B. Carry                C. Take               D. Lend  


47. A. on                      B. by                     C. in                   D. off  


48. A. themselves           B. himself              C. yourself          D. myself  


49. A. happy                 B. angry                C. sorry               D. worried  


50. A. lending               B. giving               C. returning         D. taking  


For most people, the word “fashion” means “clothes”. But people may ask the question, “What clothes are in fashion?” And they use the adjective  “fashionable” in the same way, “She was wearing a fashionable coat.” “His shirt was really a fashionable color.”  

But of course there are fashions in many things, not only in clothes. There are fashions in holidays, in restaurants, in films and books. There are even fashions in school subjects, jobs…and in languages.

