0  2090  2098  2104  2108  2114  2116  2120  2126  2128  2134  2140  2144  2146  2150  2156  2158  2164  2168  2170  2174  2176  2180  2182  2184  2185  2186  2188  2189  2190  2192  2194  2198  2200  2204  2206  2210  2216  2218  2224  2228  2230  2234  2240  2246  2248  2254  2258  2260  2266  2270  2276  2284  3002 


英 语 试 题







第Ⅰ卷  (选择题       共75分》



英 语 试 题







第Ⅰ卷  (选择题       共75分)










第Ⅰ卷    选择题(四个大题,65分)








第Ⅰ卷    选择题(四个大题,70分)








第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共75分)









1.A.where                   B.what                    C.wear

2.A.here                      B.hair                     C.air

3.A.aren't                    B.uncle                   C.aunt

4.A.sunny                    B.shine                   C.sun

5.A.letter                     B.later                    C.late


6.A.There are two blackboards in Class One.

B.Class Two has one blackboard.

   C.The students aye not in Class One.

7.A.The girls aren't students.

   B.The girls have different clothes on.

C.The girls are wearing the same clothes.

8.A.His father is watching TV.

   B.His father is wearing a watch.

C.His father's watch is being mended.

9.A.I want your help.

   B.I won't give you any help.

   C.I don't want your help.

10.A.The women are working now。

    B.The women are drinking now.

    C.The women are playing now.


11.What does Peter look like?

    A.He is fat.           B.He has long hair.   C.He is short.

12.What kind of noodles would the man like?

A.Beef.                B.Tomato.            C.Beef and Tomato.

13.What does Susan's brother want to be?

A.A doctor.          B.A student.          C.A teacher.

14.Where 's the restaurant?

A.It's in front of the post office.

B.It's beside the post office.

    C.It's next to the post office.

15.Which animals are smart?

    A.Lions.    B.Dolphins.    C.Both lions and dolphins.


16.What does Li Fang want to be when she grows up(长大)?

A.A writer.           B.An actor.           C.A reporter.

17.Why does Li Fang want to be that?

A.Because she likes writing.

    B.Because she likes talking to people.

    C.Because she likes to sing and dance.

18.What does Kelly want to be?

A.A reporter.        B.An actor.           C.A teacher.

19.Why does Kelly want to be that?

    A.Because she likes to sing.

    B.Because she likes to dance.

    C.Because she likes to sing and dance.

20.What does Nick want to be when she is older?

    A.An actor.          B.A singer.           C.A teacher.

    第五节  听下面一段短文,回答第21至25五个小题。现在你有20秒钟时间阅读这五个小题。该短文读两遍。

21.Where are the students?

A.At No.2 Middle School.

B.At N0.3 Middle School. 

C.At N0.4 Middle School.

22.Was the weekend fun for most kids?

    A.Yes.it was.    B.No,it wasn't.    C.We don't know.

23.When did five kids go shopping?

A.On Saturday morning. 

B.On Saturday afternoon. 

C.On Saturday evening.

24.How many kids watched a movie or watched TV?

    A.Five.                B.Two.                 C.Seven.

25.Did all kids visit friends on Sunday?

A.Yes.they all did.

B.No.they all didn't.   

C.We don't know.





26.I usually get up             six          Sunday morning.

A.at:on                 B.on;in          C.at;in                    D.in;on

27.―What do you think of going to the movies this weekend,Amy?

    ―It                      wonderful.

A.looks                   B.sounds          C.tastes                     D.smells

28.She                       her photo album            us yesterday.

A.showed:to           B.showed;for  C.shows;with          D.shows;for

29.I             soap operas at first.but now I like them.

    A.don't mind             B.love             C.can't stand              D.say yes to

30.―What did you do on May Day?

  ―I wasn't out.I just       

      A.stayed at home                                   B.stay at home 

C.visited my friends                               D.went shopping

31.―What kind of            would you like?

    ―Tomatoes and cabbages.

A.fruit                    B.dessert                 C.drinks                    D.vegetables

32.I have            egg and a glass of milk every day.

    A.a                         B.an                       C.the                        D.two

33.―Where        your pen pal          ?

    ―He's English。

A.does:from                                            B.is;from   

C.are;from                                                 D.do;come from

34.I like dolphins because          are          interesting.

A.they;quiet                                              B.it,kind of   

C.they;kind of                                          D.they;a kind of

35.―Why do you want to be a          ,Sam?


A.policeman:I like reading 

B.teacher;it's dangerous

C.waiter:it's difficult

D.reporter;I can meet interesting people every day

36.Don't shout(喊叫).The boy            

    A.is sleeping                  B.sleep                   C.sleeps                    D.is playing

37.―Do you like        weather?

    ―No.I don't.

A.snow                   B.rainy                   C.cloud                     D.sun

38.Who knows the pop singer                         glasses and blond hair?

A.with                    B.has                      C.wears                         D.there is

39.―Would you like something to eat?


A.No.thanks                                              B.Yes,not at all

C.No,just a little                                         D.Thank you

40.My friend lots of time searching the internet last week.

A.took                    B.cost                     C.spent                     D.paid



  Mr. Jenkins lives in a town.He works in a museum.There are  4 l   old wonderful things in it.He likes his work and often goes to work  42   time.

  One day he left his office at twelve.He went to eat  43  .As soon as he went out of the gate.he met an old friend of   44  .They hadn't seen each other for about five years.Of course they were very   45   .His friend asked him  46  .He agreed  47   him,and they went into a restaurant.There they drank a lot.Then his friend said,“Perhaps you’re drunk(喝醉了)now.Let me help you to your   48  .”

“No,no,”said Mr. Jenkins.“My office is only  49   walk.I can go there by  50   ”When his friend left.it was  51  for him to stand.He was afraid  52 late and stopped a taxi.When he got on.the  53  asked,“Where are you going,sir?”

    “To the Park Street.”

    “Oh! sorry,sir,’’the driver said in a hurry.“It’s just the Park Street.”

    “Ok!” Mr. Jenkins said and got  54  the taxi.He brought out some money and threw it to the driver.He shouted,“But don’t drive so  55   next time!”

41.A.a lot of                B.much                   C.any                        D.a little

42.A.at                        B.on                       C.for                        D.about

43.A.anything              B.something            C.nothing                  D.everything

44.A.he                       B.him                     C.his                         D.himself

45.A.happy                  B.angry                         C.sorry                      D. surprised

46.A.to have                B.to drink               C.to play                   D.to dance

47.A.to                       B.no                       C.with                             D.for

48.A.home                         B.house                  C.factory                   D.office

49.A.two minute          B.two minute's          C.two minutes'            D.two minute's

50.A.me                      B.my                      C.mine                      D.myself

51.A.difficult               B.easy                    C.happy                    D.afraid

52.A.is                        B.of being               C.be                         D.to be

53.A.policeman             B.doctor                 C.waiter                    D.driver

54.A.out                      B.off                      C.on                         D.up

55.A.slowly                 B.fast                     C.carefully                D.well




    A little boy didn't say fl word until he was three years old.His mother took him to every doctor.But there was no use.He was healthy and bright,so the doctors told his mother not to worry.

  One morning the boy suddenly knocked on the table and cried out,“These eggs are terrible!”The mother was very glad at hearing her son speak,and asked,“Why didn’t you say anything before?”

    “Well,”he answered,“up to now,the eggs have been very good.’’

56.Why didn't the boy say a word?

A.He didn't need to say.

B.He couldn't say.

C.He was nervous.

D.There was something wrong with his health

57.The little boy didn't say a word before he was                    years old.

A.one                     B.two                     C.three                      D.four

58.What made the boy say the first word?

A.Apples.             B.Bananas               C.Pears.                  D.Terrible eggs.

59.The mother was very                   after hearing her son speak.

A.sad                      B.worried               C.happy                    D.angry

60.The boy was                 after seeing every doctor.

A.ill                       B.healthy and bright   C.foolish                   D.surprised


    Clark and Luice like sports very much.In summer they swim and in winter they skate.They are going skating this weekend,but they don't know how the weather will(将会)be.It's 7:35 now,they are watching TV.They are listening to the weather report for the weekend:”Friday is going to be cold and cloudy.but it isn't going to rain.The temperature(温度)is going to be below(低于)zero.It's going to snow on Friday evening.Saturday and Sunday will be cold and sunny.”

  Now.Clark and Luice are very happy.They think they will have a good time then.

61.Clark and Luice like             very much.

    A.listening to the weather report                   B.watching TV

    C.playing computer games                                    D.swimming and skating

62.They are going                     this Saturday and Sunday。

    A.swimming in the river                              B.skating

    C.having a party in the classroom                   D.walking

63.They want to know about                   

    A.the rain               B.the food               C.the weather            D.the radio

64.It                   this weekend.

    A.will rain heavily                                      B.will be warm

    C.will be hot and cloudy                                D.will be cold and sunny

65.They are happy after they listen to the weather report,because               

A.they want to see their good friend

    B.they are going to have a picnic on the hill

    C.they are going to have a football match in the open air

    D.the weather will be fine and they can go skating


  Swee Lin has an interesting hobby.She collects stamps.She spends a lot of time on her stamp collection after school hours.She has collected hundreds of stamps from all over the world.They are all in color.

  Swee Lin likes stamps with pictures of animals and birds on them.In this way,she learns the names of many animals and birds.She also borrows books on animals and birds from her school library.She learns many things about them.

  Sometimes Swee Lin has many stamps of the same kind.She gives them to her friends.They then give her other stamps in return.

    Swee Lin writes to friends in many countries.She sends them stamps of her country.

    In return,they send her stamps of their countries.Swee Lin's father also gives her stamps.He brings them home from his office for her.

    Many of Swee Lin's friends collect other things.Some collect coins and others collect matchboxes.But.all of them say that Swee Lin's collection is the most interesting of all.

66.She spends a lot of time on her hobby               

    A.before school                                          B.during school

    C.after school                                               D.during her holidays

67.her stamps are in color.

    A.All of                  B.Some of              C.Many of                 D.None of

68.She learns a lot about animals and birds from                   

    A.her teachers           B.her friends                  C.her stamps              D.her father

69.Sometimes Swee Lin has many stamps of the same kind.She then                

A.keeps them                                             B.throws them away

    C.sells them to her friends                              D.sends them to her friends

70.What does the word “hobby”mean? It means                    

    A.matchbox collection                                 B.doing things one likes

    C.keeping coins one likes                               D.stamp collection



第一节  听力填表题(共5小题,每小题l分,满分5分)


Where are they?

They are in   71   

How's the weather?

It's a beautiful,   72   day.

Why are they there?

They are   73


How are they feeling?

They are feeling really   75   



76.She can speak three                     (语言)       Chinese,English and French.76                    

77.The hotel is                   (在……旁边)the library.     77.                  

78.It is very               (危险)to cross the busy street.     78.                  

79.I                    (讲)English when l was twelve years old.79.                  

80.There are many people here on                   (度假).    80.                  

81.Are there any                (眼镜)Oil the table?           81.                 

82.I'm very                (饥饿的).1 want something to eat.  82.                

83.At the                   (开端)of the term,we'll have a new subject―physics.83.                    

84.On Sunday night,I                    (拜访)my aunt.      84.                

85.In the first photo,I'm                 (玩,打)basketball at school.85.              



When two English people meet.their first words will be” How do you do?” or “How are you?” After the reply ” How do you do?” or “ Fine,thank you,and you?”,they often talk about weather.The reason for this is not simply that their weather is interesting and changeable but that the English people don’t like talking about personal matters(私事)with people who are not friends.Talking about the weather can be a useful way of starting a conversation(对话)with a stranger(陌生人)in public。

86.What do the English people say when they meet for the first time?

87.What is the their reply to” How do you do”?

88.What do they often talk about after the reply?

89.Do they like talking about personal matters with people who are not friends?

90.What can be a useful way when they meet a stranger in public?

第四节  书面表达(共1题,满分l0分)

    根据提示,请以School Rules为题,写一篇60词左右的短文。要求条理清晰,语法正确,书写规范。


参考词汇:保持:keep.问好:greet.摘花,爬树:pick flowers;climb trees.









1.A.worked                 B.visited                 C.waited

2.A.fight                     B.right                    C.might

3.A.thirty                     B.certainly              C.certain

4.A.brought                 B.bought                 C.boat

5.A.sunrise                  B.special                 C.show


6.A.I've just heard from my friend.

   B.I've just heard a letter from my friend.

   C.I've just sent a letter to my end.

7.A.You will fail in Me exam.

   B.The test is too difficult to pass.

   C.Study hard or you'll fail in the exam.

8.A.I began to study English four years ago.

   B.I've been studying English for two years

   C.I am going to study English.

9.A.Tom has been to the zoo for a year.

   B.Tom didn't go to the zoo last year.

   C.Tom went to the park last year.

10.A.We went to the amusement park last year

    B.We will go to clean the amusement park.

    C.We are going to visit the amusement park.


11.What will Bill get his mother for her birthday?

A.A sweater.         B.A camera.          C.A CD.

12.What is Nick wearing?

A.New jeans.        B.Old jeans.          C.Cool pants.

13.What are they talking about?

    A.Shirts.              B.Jeans.               C.Movies.

14.What's Wang Peng's hobby?

A.Collecting stamps.   

B.Playing soccer.   

C.Making kites.

15.Where does the woman want to go?

A.To the Chinese Cinema.

B.To the bank of China. 

C.To the post office.


16.Where did Jim go last Saturday?

A.He went to the park.   

B.He went to the zoo.   

C.He went to school.

17.Did he see pandas?

    A.No.                         B.We don't know.    C.Yes.he did.

18.Where did he have his lunch?

    A.At home.          B.At the zoo.        C.At the school.

19.How did he come back?

    A.By bus.             B.By bike.            C.On foot.

20.Did he do his homework?

    A.No,he forgot it.  B.Yes,he did         C.Sorry.we don't know.


21.When is their birthday?

    A.On January 5th.    B.On January l5th.   C.On July l5th.

22.What's the difference between the twins' looks?

    A.The nose.          B.The eyes.           C.The dark hair.

23.Why weren't they always in the same classes?

A.Because Daniel didn't like school.

    B.Because they disliked each other.

C.Because their parents wanted them to be more different.

24.How were they dressed whey they were young?

A.They were dressed beautifully.

B.Sarah was in red and her brother was in blue.

C.Sarah was in blue and her brother was in red.

25.How is Sarah different from her bother?

A.She likes sports.

B.She is taller.   

C.She is good at lessons





26.―Smoking is not                in this room.

    ―Sorry,1 won't do it again.

A.asked                         B.seen                    C.allowed                  D.minded

27.He invited all his friends except                

A.you and I             B.you and me          C.I and you                      D.you and I

28.―The book                  you about fifty dollars.didn’t it?

    ―No.I only thirty dollars for it.

A.cost,cost            B.cost,paid                  C.paid,cost              D.paid,paid

29.―the rich man                     his money before he died.

    ―Yes.I think he wanted to make himself feel better.

A.put up                 B.gave away            C.took away              D.picked up

30.If it                rain tomorrow,I'll go to see my grandparents.

A.does't                  B.isn't                     C.won't                     D.didn't

31.It is said that the old man offered the poor child                dollars last year.

A.two thousands                                           B.two thousand of

C.two thousands of                                        D.thousands of

32.―Could you tell me                   ?

    ―Because E want to help the people there.

A.why do you go to Tibet   

B.why did you go to Tibet

C.why you are going to Tibet

D.why are you going to Tibet

33.―I called you yesterday afternoon.but there was no reply.

    ―I                a dolphin show at the zoo with my cousins all the afternoon.

A.have watched                                            B.will watch   

C.am watching                                              D.was watching

34.―How long                  you                      English up to now'?

    ―For six years.1 want to study it for another ten years.

A.have.had studied                                   B.did,study

    C.have,been studying                                  D.will,study

35.Remember this,boys and girls.               careful you are,                 mistakes you will make.

A.The fewer.the more                               B.The less,the less

    C.The more.the more                                  D.The more,the fewer

36.Would you mind                  the music? I can                   hear it.

A.turn up,hard                                         B.turning up,hardly

    C.turn down,hard                                       D.turning down,hardly

37.―Tom hasn't paid for the things he bought,has he?

    ―                  .His father will pay for him.

A.Yes.he has                                            B.Yes,he did 

C.No,he hasn't                                            D.No,he didn't

38.―Why don't you go to Disneyland?

  ―I don't think the characters are                    ,as well as I don't have              

A.exciting enough;enough money   

B.enough exciting;enough money

C.excited enough:money enough

D.excited enough;enough money

39.―They didn't visit Night Safari.did they?

    ―No.they didn't.            

A.Neither they did                                        B.Neither did us 

C.Neither we did                                          D.Neither did we

40.―Where have you                those days?

    ―I have                to Hong Kong.

A.been,gone         B.gone,been          C.been,been            D.gone,gone



Nowadays.most students are under a lat of pressure(压力)because their parents expect them to get.good marks。You are  41  ,and every year you look different  42  feel different.You have to face and   43   many new things by yourselves.It may be   44   to be happy.

    If you know the   45   to be happy,it is easier for you to be a happy person.Kitty is a middle school student.She is much   46   than before.“I couldn't find any happiness for a  47 time, and I   48   what made me unhappy:caring too much about what other people  49   of me.”says Kitty.“At school l was very   50  .1 was a good student,but when I spoke in class my face turned red   5 l   I knew that my classmates were all looking at me.It was really  52  .Now I don’t worry about  53   people think of  me.I feel a lot more   54   when I’m talking with the people around me.I can’t tell you what will make you happy right  now.but I’m  sure that if you  55 too much about what other people think,you will be unhappy.It is just part of growing tip.”

41.A.showing up          B.catching up          C.growing up            D.standing up

42.A.but                      B.and                     C.though                   D.or

43.A.return                  B.exercise               C.forget.                 D.experience

44.A.difficult               B.normal                C.polite                     D.tired

45.A.reason                 B.importance           C.secret                     D.cost

46.A.cleverer               B.happier                C.braver                    D.stranger

47.A.good                   B.wonderful            C.little                      D.long

48.A.hate                    B.remember            C.miss                      D.mind

49.A.thought               B.reminded             C.heard                     D.eared

50.A.careful                B.kind                    C.shy                        D.angry

51.A.before                 B.until                    C.so                          D.because

52.A.excited                B.terrible                C.possible                 D.lucky

53.A.what                   B.that                     C.which                    D.how

54.A.interested             B.nervous               C.relaxed                  D.lonely

55.A.learn                    B.know                C. tell                             D.worry




    Mr. King lives in a city.He has some shops and so he makes a lot of money.His son,Mike, studies in a middle school.The boy likes everything,but he does not like studying.He doesn't listen to his teachers in class and he never finishes his homework on time.He always plays football when tie has some time.And he can never pass the exams.

    Mr. King is so busy with his business that has little time to stay at home,and he never care for his son’s studies.So he doesn't know anything about his son's studies.

    One day Miss Read,Mike's teacher.makes a telephone call for Mr. King,On the telephone,hone she tells him all about the boy's studies.She wants him to try to help the boy at home.When the man hears this, he doesn't feel happy.

    In the afternoon when his son  comer back from school,Mr. King gives him a good beating (打).But soon he feels sorry for it.when he sees Mike crying in the bedroom.The next morning,before Mike goes to school,the father says to him,“Study hard,my son! I’ll buy you a car when you pass the exam next year.

    Another term is over. Mike doesn't pass the exam once more. Mr. King has a look at the school report for a few minutes and then he asks his son, “You don’t pass the exam again, Mike.What do you do this term'?’’

    “I learn how to drive a car.dad.”answers the boy.

56.Mr. King is                         

A.a football player                                        B.a teacher

C.a driver                                                     D.a businessman

57.Mike can never pass the exams because                     

A.his father has a lot of money   

B.he doesn't like studying

C.his teachers are not very good

D.he has to help his father in出e shops

58.Miss Read rings Mr. King

A.to tell him to take his son out of school

B.to buy things from his shop

C.to tell him about Mike's studies

D.because his son doesn't pass the exam once again

59.In the sentence “But soon he feels sorry for it when he sees Mike crying in the bed room.”The word “it” refers to(指)                          

    A.Mike's mark(分数)                              B.beating his soil

    C.something that Miss Read tells Mr. King       D.the car

60.Which of the following is wrong?

    A.Mike doesn't pass exam at the end of the term.

    B.Mike's father buys him a car so he has to learn how to drive it

    C.Mike doesn't do well in his lessons for another term.

    D.Mike thinks his father will buy him a car.


    If you go into the forest with friends,stay with them.If you don't,you may get lost,this is what you should do.Sit down and stay where you are.Don't try to find your friends let them find you instead.You can help them find you by staying in one place.There is another way to help your friends or other people to find you。You can shout or whistle(吹口哨)three times.Stop。Then shout or whistle throe times again.Any signal(信号)given three times is a call for help.

    Keep up shouting or whistling.Always three times together.When people hear you,they will know that you are not just making a noise for fun.They will let you know that they have heard your signal.They will give you two shouts or two whistles.When a signal is given twice,it is all answer to a call for help.

    If you don't think that you will get help before night comes,try to make a little house, with branches(树枝).Make yourself a bed with leaves and grass.

    When you need some water.You have to leave your little branch house to look for it.Don't just walk away.Pick off small branches and drop扔下them as you walk in order to go back again easily, When you are lost,the most important thing to do is to stay in one place。

61.If you get lost in the forest,you should                          

    A.try to find your friends                            B.stay in one place

    C.walk around the forest                                D.shout as loudly as possible

62.Which signal is a call for help?

A.shouting here and there:                       

B.crying twice

C.shouting or whistling three times together

D.whistling everywhere in the forest

63.When you hear two shouts or two whistles,you know that                           

A.someone is afraid of an animal   

B.people will come to help you

C.someone needs help

D.something terrible will happen.

64.What's the meaning of the underlined(划线句子)sentence?

A.Leave branches to find your way back.

B.Pick off branches to build another house.

C.Use branches to make a bed.

D.Drop branches to look for water.

65.The main(主要的)idea of the passage is                       

    A.how to travel in the forest

B.how to spend the night in the forest

    C.what you should do if you want to get some water

    D.what you should do if you are lost in the forest


    A famous teacher was speaking to the students at our school.He began his lesson by holding up a$100 bill(纸币).Then he said to the three hundred students,“Who would like this $100 bill?” The students began to put up their hands at once.

    Then he said,“I am going to give this $100 bill to one of you,but first,let me do this.”He then made the bill into a ball.Then he said.“Who wants it now?” The hands went back into the air.

    “Well,”he said,“What if I do this?” and he dropped it on the floor and stepped on it.He picked up the dirty,crumpled(弄皱的)bill and said,“Who still wants it?” Hands went back into the air.

    “My friends,”he said,“you have learned a valuable lesson today.No matter(无论)what I did to the money,you still wanted it because it did not go down in Value(价值).It was still worth $100!

    Many times in our lives,We are dropped,crumpled,and stepped on by the chances we take and the things that happen to us.  We feel as if we are worth nothing.  But remember, no matter what has happened to you,you will never lose your value:you are always valuable to those people who love you.Your value doesn't come from what you do or whom you know,but WHO YOU ARE.

    You are special and valuable.Don't ever forget it !

66.Even though it was dirty,the money                       

    A.still went up in value                               B.was still ours

    C.was worth nothing                                     D.didn't go down in value

67.We are always valuable to the people                       

A.who love us                                            B.who call us

C.who hate us                                               D.who pay us

68.Your value doesn't come from what you do but                       

A.who you know                                        B.who made you

C.who you are                                              D.who  you remember

69.The sentence “Hands went back into the air.”Means                      

A.tile students put up their hands again

B.the students put down their hands

C.the students put their hands behind their backs

D.the students put their hands in front of them

70.Why did the famous teacher use a $100 bill at his lesson?

A.Because he wanted lo make the bill into a ball。

B.Because he was going to give the bill to one of his students.

C.Because he wanted to make the students know what value WLIS.

D.Because he used to drop a bill on the floor and stepped on it.



第一节  听力填表题(5小题,每小题l分,共5分)







will be 71                           





There will be a strong 72                           




It's going to be 73                       




will have a 74                      day



It's going to be 75                       







78.我正设法睡觉,你能把音乐声关小吗?(try,turn down)


80.不要把食物带到晚会。如果你这样做,老师会拿走的。(take away)



I live on the l2th floor of a building.One day I was coming home from a friend's house .It was just about four o'clock,I got quickly into the lift and pressed button(按钮)12.

The lift started to go up,but very slowly.And then,halfway up,it suddenly stopped between two floors.I couldn't understand it.I pressed all the buttons from l to 14.I called for help loudly,but nobody answered.Then suddenly the lights went out,and l was alone in the dark.I started to cry and beat the walls of the lift.I cried and cried until I had no voice left For a long time I just sat on the floor and cried,I pressed all the buttons with my open hands all at the same time.Far away there was a bell,it rang and rang,it was the fire alarm(警报)I thought the whole building was on fire.I thought quietly.“Just get me out of here.”Just then,I felt the lift was moving very slowly.At the bottom(底部)it stopped,and the door opened.A man was standing outside.“How long have you been here? It is good that you pressed the alarm bell.But haven't you learned how to read and write at your school?’’ He pointed at a small piece of paper on the wall beside the lift.It said:“The lift will be out of order for mending between 4p.m.and 5p.m.on Tuesday,March l8.’’

81.When did the story happen?

82.How many floors does the building have?

83.Why does the writer ask for help?

84.Can the lift be used between 4p.m and 5p.m that day?


第四节  书面表达(共1题,满分l0分)

    参照以下信息,以Smile,a bridge to the world为题,写一篇80词左右的短文,说明微笑的重要性。不要罗列要点,要连点成篇。

    ●start a conversation

    ●get through difficult situations

    ●make friends

    ●ask for help


    ●don't feel lonely when seeing a smiling face of a good friend

    ●good for OUF health
