0  2121  2129  2135  2139  2145  2147  2151  2157  2159  2165  2171  2175  2177  2181  2187  2189  2195  2199  2201  2205  2207  2211  2213  2215  2216  2217  2219  2220  2221  2223  2225  2229  2231  2235  2237  2241  2247  2249  2255  2259  2261  2265  2271  2277  2279  2285  2289  2291  2297  2301  2307  2315  3002 



第Ⅰ卷  选择题部分(65分)







第I卷  选择题部分


II.单项选择 (15分)

16.My sister likes playing      piano, but I like playing       soccer.

     A. a; a                B. the; the             C. /; the                 D. the; / 

17.As____computer games, all my students love ____ very much.

A. for; it             B. to; it                 C. /; it                   D. for; them

18.---_____ do you play football?  ----Once a week.

A. When              B. How              C. How time           D. How often

19._____she is fat,_____ she is healthy.

A.Although; but       B. But ; although      C. Although ;so        D. Although; /

20.―What do you think of Jim’s schoolwork?

 ―His schoolwork is better than_________in his class.

A. any classmate’s                                       B. any other classmate’s

C. the other classmates                                D. other classmates’

21.――______exciting news it is!

――Yes. ________excited we are at it!

A. How, What      B. What, How        C.What an, What      D.How an , How

22.――Do you know if it ____ tomorrow?

――Sorry, I don’t know. If it____, we will go fishing.

A.will rain, won’t rain                               B.will rain; doesn’t rain

C. rains; won’t rain                                 D.rains; doesn’t rain

23. ――Your parents hardly go for a walk after supper, ________?

―― No, they don’t.

A.don’t they                                               B.do they

C.do your parents                                         D.don’t your parents

24.December is _______ month of a year.

A. the twelve       B. the twelveth       C. the twelfth                 D. the twelvth

25. Katrina works in the TV station. She is a(n) _______.

A. teacher              B. farmer                 C. interviewer         D. policewoman

26. ――Where is Jack?  ――He                 basketball on the playground.

      A.  plays                 B.is going to play      C. is playing            D. play

27.---I’m going to Hawaii with my aunt this month for my holiday.  ---________!

      A.Don’t go there                                       B. Best wishes to you

    C.Have a good time                                   D. Please go

28.I watched the football match last night and _____go to bed ___10 o’clock.

A. don’t; when       B. didn’t; as                  C. don’t; until         D. didn’t; until

29.--_________? ----I have a sore back.

A. What’s wrong with you                      B. What’s the matter with you

C. What’s the trouble with you                   D. A, B and C

30.There’s _____ food. That’s _______nice.

A. too much; too much                            B. much too;much too

      C. much too; too much                            D. too much;much too

III. 完型填空 (15分)

Rudi Matt lived in a small village in the Swiss Alps in 1865. What he wanted most in the world was to climb the   31  peak(山峰) in the Alps. Rudi's mother and his uncle, Franz, a mountain guide, wanted him to stop   32 and start working in a hotel. Rudi would not   33   his dream and secretly got in touch with an English mountain climber  34   was planning to climb the highest peak.

    Franz was very   35  when he found out what Rudi had done, but he finally agreed to let Rudi go if he went climbing, 36  Franz also didn't want to see Emil Saxo, a guide from another village, got to the top  37  him.

    Rudi turned out to be a very good climber,  38   as they got close to the top, the Englishman got sick and could go no farther. Franz   39   behind to take care of him, but Saxo continued, wishing to be the   40  to the top. Rudi went after Saxo, hoping to  41   him to the top. When they met, Saxo fought with Rudi and fell down by accident. Saxo was helpless and hurt. Rudi must 42  whether to carry Saxo back down to safety or to continue alone to the top.

He decided Saxo's life was more  43  than his dream and helped him down. During that time, the Englishman and Franz  44  the climb, and finally they reached the top. Later, when they returned to the village, they told people that   45  was the real conqueror(征服者) of the mountain.

31.A. deepest                 B. farthest            C. biggest                 D. highest

32.A. learning               B. playing              C. talking              D. climbing

33.A. try out                 B. work out            C. go over                D. give up

34.A. what                    B. which              C. whom                  D. who

35.A. tired                    B. glad               C. quiet                 D. angry

36.A. again                   B. once                C. too                  D. instead

37.A. after                    B. behind               C. before                  D. over

38.A.or                  B. so                  C. but                   D. for

39.A. walked              B. rested              C. stayed                  D. watched

40.A.  third               B. second               C.first                   D. last

41.A. take                     B. beat               C. push                 D. help

42.A. wonder          B. decide             C. ask                 D. remember

43.A. successful       B.important           C. popular            D. interesting

44.A. stopped                B. continued                C. enjoyed             D. finished

45.A. Franz                   B.Rudi                C. the Englishman    D. Saxo



Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

This is an old English saying. Have you heard of it before? It means that we must go to bed early and get up early in the morning. Then we shall be healthy. We shall also be rich (wealthy) and clever (wise).

This is true. The body must have enough sleep to be healthy. Children of young age should have ten hours’ sleep every night. Children who do not have enough sleep cannot do their work very well. They will not be wise and they may not become wealthy! 

The body also needs exercise. Walking, running, jumping, swimming and playing games are all exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong. Exercise also helps the blood(血液) to move around inside the body. This is very important. Our blood takes food to all parts of our body. The head also needs blood. Exercise helps us to think better!

46. If we get up early and go to bed early, we’ll _________.

A. have enough exercise                                  B. be healthy

C. think better                                          D. have strong blood

47. If a child doesn’t have 10 hours’ sleep, maybe he _________.

A. becomes wise                                  B. won’t do well in his work

C. goes to school in time                         D. has enough sleep

48. A person needs exercise because _________.

A. he has a lot of homework to do               B. it makes him healthy

C. he is strong enough                             D. he does exercise

49. Exercise makes the _________ move quickly and smoothly(流畅).

A. body              B. blood         C. children     D. head

50. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. Exercise does good to a person’s head.

B. A student should have 10 hours’ sleep.

C. It’s good for you to get up early and go to bed early.

D. If you have enough blood, you’ll be wise.


It was Sunday yesterday. Bruce went to play football with his friends. Soon he felt hot and took off his coat. On his way home, he forgot to put it on again. This morning he felt unwell and couldn’t go to school. His mother told him to stay in bed and then went to buy some medicine for him. An hour later he wouldn’t lie there, so he stood by the window. The sun was shining and the birds were singing in the trees. Soon his mother came back and said, “It’s warmer outside. Go to sun yourself after you take the medicine. ”

    Bruce went out and sat on a step and played alone. At that time a salesman (推销员)came up to him and asked, “Has your mother come back, my little friend? ”

    “Yes, sir, ”answered the boy.

    The man began to ring the doorbell, but nobody answered. He rang it for a long time and became angry.

    “I don’t think you are an honest(诚实的)boy, ”said the salesman. “There’s no one in the house. You’ve played a joke on (捉弄)me! ”

    “I don’t think so, sir, ”said Bruce. “The house isn’t ours. ”

51. Bruce caught a cold ______.

    A. when he was playing football                  B. when he returned home

    C. after he went to bed                   D. after he got up this morning

52. This morning Bruce didn’t go to school because ______.

    A. their holiday began                     B. it was very cold

    C. his mother made him stay at home           D. he was ill and had to lie in bed

53. Bruce played alone this morning because _____.

    A. he had no friends                    B. l his friends were all ill in bed

    C. he had nothing to do at home          D. his friends were all at school

54. The word“sun”in the story means “______”.

    A. 太阳                 B. 月亮                   C. 晒                       D. 晒干

55. The salesman came to ______.

    A.  help Bruce’s mother                      B. tell something important to Bruce’s mother

    C. see Bruce’s mother                        D. sell something to Bruce’s mother

第II卷  非选择题(共65分)

V  听写与阅读表达 (20分)



1st dress

2nd dress



 (56) ____________


(57) _________________

     15 yuan



 (58) ______________

Dear/not dear

(59) _________________

Not too dear

Large/small for the woman


 (60) ______________


Jeff Keith has only one leg. When he was 12 years old, Jeff had cancer. Doctors had to cut off most of his right leg to save his life.

    Every day Jeff puts on an artificial (man-made) The leg is plastic . With the plastic leg, Jeff can ski, ride a bicycle, swim and play soccer. He also can run.

When he was 22 yeas old, Jeff ran across the United States, from the East to the West. He ran 5,150 kilometres, that’s about 26 kilometres each day. ③Jeff wore out 36 pairs of running shoes and five legs

On his way, in every city people gave Jeff money. The money which received was not for Jeff himself. It was for the American Cancer Society(协会). The Society used the money to learn about cancer. At the same time, Jeff talked to people about cancer. He also talked about being disabled.

Jeff is disabled, but he can do many things: skiing, swimming, playing soccer and running.④ He finished college and is studying to be a lawyer. Jeff says,⑤人们可以做他们想要做的任何事.

I want people to know that. I ran not only for disabled but also for everybody.

61.Doctors         cut off most of Jrgg’s right leg to save his life.





VI.根据句意,补全单词 (8)

66. My friend is Tom Green ,Green is his f_______ name .

67. Mr Gao is very s______,he never smiles in class .

68.The MP4 is too dear , I can’t a_____ it .

69. My lifestyle is d________from yours .

70. Twenty and twenty is n______ .

71. This coat is too colorful ,can you show me a_______ one.

72. I must study hard so that I can go to Beijing U________.

73. Jeff went to Guilin last year and f_____in love with it .


74. December is the _______(twelve) month of the year .

75.It’s important to have a _______(balance) diet .

76. March the 8th is ______(woman) Day .

77. __________(lucky) , the weather is so bad .We have to stay at home .

78. You shouldn’t make him______________ (stand) so long.

78. Sunglasses are used for ____________ (keep) out the sun.

80. You look tired. Why not _____________ (have) a short rest?

81.  Is it easier ____________ (learn) Chinese than English?

82. I think_______(wear) jeans looks really cool.

83. It takes me half an hour __________ (walk) to school every day.

VIII 按要求改写句子,每空一词.(每空0.5分,共7分)

84. Where does your pen pal come from?

       ______________ your pen pal _____________?

85. What’s your sister’s job?

       What _____________ your sister ____________?

86. How is the weather in your city in winter?

       _____________ the weather _____________ in your city in winter?

87.You mustn’t talk in the reading-room. (改为祈使句)

________   ________ in the reading room.

88.The boy never finishes the work by himself.(改为反意疑问句)

The boy never finishes the work by himself, __________ __________?

89.Tom didn’t run so fast as Jim. (改为肯定句)

Tom run __________fast __________ Jim.

90.I think. You won’t like the film.(合并成一个句子)

I__________ think you __________like the film.



A: Have you read today’s newspaper?

B: No.  91 

A: Yes.  92 

B: How did it happen?

A: Two students were playing football on their way home.  93

B: What did the driver do with them?

A: They were taken to the hospital. 94 

B: How are the children?

A: They were saved(被救)at last. 95 

B: I hope everything goes well.

A: I hope so, too.

A. They’re calling the police.

B. A car hit them and they were badly hurt.

C. They’re getting better.

D. Anything important?

E. The doctors began to operate on(给……做手术) them at once.

F. I’m sorry to hear that.

G. There was a traffic accident on Zhongshan Road last night


假设你是李磊,根据所给英文关键词的提示,给你的美国朋友Jim写一封信(50---70 个词,信的开头与结尾已经给出, 至少写五句话以上,多者不限),介绍你是如何学习英语的。关键词:favorite subject, work hard, practise reading, speaking, listening, writing, keep on doing, remember words, listen to..., watch English videos, talk in English(写作时,不必局限于所给的关键词, 可以根据自己的实际情况适当发挥)。

Dear Jim,

How are you? Today I want to tell you about my English study.……















初三英语 Unit 1?B





第Ⅰ卷    选择题(共75分)











1.A.I'm fine.               B.He is fine.                   C.They's fine.

2.A.Her name is Lucy.       B.She's a student.            C.She's fine.

3.A.Hello! I'm Mike.         B.Hello! That's Mike.     C.Hello! This is Mike.

4.A.Yes, I can't.             B.OK, I can               C.Yes, I can.

5.A.OK.                   B.You are welcome.    C.Excuse me.


6. A.Under the table.         B.Under the sofa.          C.Under the chair.

7. A.Comedies.             B.Action movies.         C.Thrillers.

8. A.Speech Contest.         B.Art Festival.           C.School Trip.

9. A.China.                 B.England.              C.America.

10. A.19 yuan               B.7 yuan                   C.17 yuan


11.Tom is American.                                                  (    )

12.Tom has a brother, but he doesn't have a sister.         (    )

13.He plays tennis every day.                                     (    )

14.He doesn't like physics.                                          (    )

15.Speed is an action movie.                                      (    )


W: Hi, Jim Do you   16  soccer?

M: Yes, I like soccer and basketball.

W: Do you like tennis too?

  M: Yes, I do.My sister and I  17   tennis.

  W: Do you have a tennis racket?

M: Yes.But   18   is my tennis racket?

W: Oh, do you have a basketball?

M: Yes, I do.

W: OK, Let's play   19 

M: That sounds   20 


21.He doesn't have _________ English books.

A.much                         B.a lot                  C.any                   D.some

22.September is the _________ month of the year.

A.nine                          B.nineth                C.ninth                  D.nineteen

23.I have a good friend._________ name is Jane._________ is thirteen.

A.Her, Her               B.She's, She              C.Her, She                D.She, She

24.--_________ is your bike?

    -- The green one.

A.Which                B.What                  C.What color            D.Where

25.The dresser is _________ the bed.

A.next to                B.in                     C.between              D.on

26.--Can you play _________ guitar?

    --No, I can play _________ chess.

A.a, the                 B.the, a                  C.the, the               D.the, /

27.What club _________ Jack want _________?

A.does, to join          B.can, to play           C.do, to join             D.may, join

28.My birthday is _________ May 12,1985.

A.in                    B.on                     C.at                   D.of

29.--Let's go to the park on Saturday.


A.Thank you.                                     B.That sounds great.

C.You're right.                                   D.The same to you.

30.Mary likes tomatoes, _________ she doesn't like carrots.

A.and                   B.or                          C.but                        D.because

31.What time does Mary _________ home?

A.gets                   B.get                   C.get, to              D.goes

32.The girl eats hamburgers _________ lunch.

A.for                    B.on                    C.at                   D.in

33.They have art classy _________ 2:00 _________ Monday.

A.on; on                 B.at; on                 C.on; at                      D.at; at

34.What does he do _________?

A.at nights                                             B.in the evening

C.on the evening                                     D.in evening

35.He often, helps me _________ my homework.

A.to                    B.at                    C.for                  D.with


I'm Sonia Green, a middle school student.I don't go to school today  36  it is Saturday.I get up  37  early.After breakfast, I want  38  the elephant show in the park.I come to the bus stop.But I find there are  39  people there.After  40  half an hour, the bus comes.But the people there are too many and I  41  get on it.So I  42  a taxi to go to the park.When I  43  the park, the elephant show  44  start.10 minutes later, it starts.I watch the elephants jump, dance and play  45  the people.I have a good time.

36. A.and                        B.but                           C.because

37. A.much                      B.very.                      C.very much

38. A.to see                      B.to do                         C.to look

39. A.a little                      B.a lot                                 C.lots of

40. A.about                       B.at                             C.every

41.A.can't                         B.may                          C.can

42. A.buy                       B.take                          C.bring

43.A.get                          B.come                         C.get to

44. A.can't                       B.isn't                           C.doesn't

45.A.on                          B.with                                 C.of


A:       46      

B: Yes, I'd like some tomatoes.

A:      47      

B: Five, please.      48      

A: Tomato is one yuan each and they are five yuan.

B: OK,      49      

A:       50       

B: No.I want some potatoes, too.

A: OK.Here you are.

B: Thank you.

A.Is that all?

B.How much are they?

C.How many do you want?

D.Can I help you?

E.I'll take them.



My name is John.My birthday is on Friday this year.I'm fourteen years old.I usually have a party on my birthday, but this year, my party is on Saturday afternoon.I have a big chocolate cake.

I get many presents this year.And I like them very much.

Look! The T-shirt is coot, right? My mother gives it to me.And she also gives me a pair of shoes.These books are interesting, and they're from my father.My brother gives me some CDs.They are really good! This box of chocolates is my favorite, and it's from my grandparents.


51.John's birthday party is on Friday this year.

52.John has a small birthday cake.

53.His mother gives him a cool T-shirt.

54.The CDs from his father are interesting.

55.John likes the chocolates from his grandparents the best.


I am Brad.I like thrillers and action movies.My favorite movie star is Jackie Chan.I think he is a great actor.His movie Who Am I is very successful.It's exciting.

My name is Patricia.I don't like thrillers.I think they are scary.I like Beijing Opera because it's interesting.On weekends, I often go to see Beijing Opera with my father.

I am Carlo.My favorite movie star is Jet Li.His movie ShaoLin Temple is great! I also like thrillers.I think they are very exciting.

My name is Mary.On weekends, I often watch cartoons and science fictions(科幻电影) on TV.I think they are interesting and funny.I don't like documentaries.They are boring.


56. Who like thrillers?

A.Brad and Carlo.                             B.Brad and Patricia.

C.Patricia and Carlo.                     D.Brad and Mary.

57.Why does Patricia like Beijing Opera?

A.Because her father like it.

B.Because she thinks it's interesting.

C.Because she doesn't like thrillers.

D.Because she often watches it on weekends.

58.Jet Li is __________ favorite movie actor.

A.Carlo's              B.Mary's                C.Brad's                D.Patricia's

59.Mary likes to watch __________.

A.action movies and cartoons                 B.comedies and documentaries

C.Beijing Opera and comedies                        D.cartoons and science fictions

60.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Brad likes Jackie Chart a lot.

B.Patricia and her parents all like Beijing Opera.

C.Jet Li was in the movie ShaoLin Temple.

D.Mary thinks documentaries are boring.


Ann is ten years old.She likes to play volleyball, but her mother wants her to be a musician.She buys Ann a piano on her birthday and Ann begins (开始) to learn to play the piano.

She plays the piano every day, but she doesn't like it.She doesn't want to play it. Her mother says to her, "Ann, go to play the piano.Yon can be a great musician when you grow up(长大)."  Ann answers, "I don't want to be a great musician.I just want to be a good mother. I will not ask my kid to do the things it doesn't like."

61.How old is Ann?

A.8                    B.9                 C.10                  D.11

62. What does Ann's mother give her on her birthday?

A.A violin.          B.A volleyball.       C.A guitar.           D.A piano.

63.Ann doesn't want to play the piano because __________.

A.she doesn't like it                           B.she can't play it well

C.she wants to play the drums                  D.her mother wants her to do it

64.What may Ann want to be when she grows up?

A.A runner.                                            B.An actress.

C.A musician.                                           D.A volleyball player.

65.What do Ann's words mean?

A.Her mother doesn't like her.

B.Her mother is a great musician.

C.She doesn't want to grow up.

D.She doesn't want to do the things she doesn't like.



1.We have sweaters in all c_________ at $50!

2.This pair, of pants are short.I want that l_________ pair.

3.I usually have a s_________ before I go to bed.

4.At a_________ eight o'clock, I go to school.

5.His friend works in Beijing, a big c_________.

6.I think China is a very i_________ place, I like it.

7.Mum, where's my backpack? I can't f_________ it.

8.Who can tell me the a_________ to the question?

9.December is the t_________ month of the year.

10.They usually have an English speech c_________ on September 30th.


My dear friends, let me   1  (tell) you something about my daily timetable. I  2  (get)up at 7:00 and I   3  (go) to school at 8:00.I  4  (have) science at 9:00 and then I have math at 10:00.Mr. Tan is our teacher.I like him very much and he 5 (like) us, too. I   6  (eat) lunch at 12:00.I like   7  (read) books about history.I like art and I want   8  (be) an artist.I have art on Wednesday.I often   9  (draw) pictures.Can you 10 (tell) me about yourself?


1.What color does she like best? (写出同义句)

________ her ________ color?

2.________________________________? (根据下句写出上句)

I like action movies and thrillers.

3.When is your birthday? (根据上句写出下句)


4.He has P.E. on Monday afternoon. (改为否定句)

He ________ ________ P.E. on Monday afternoon.

5.They often have dinner in the restaurant. (就划线部分提问)

________ ________ they often have dinner?


根据表格中的所给的信息,以My friend为题,写一篇短文,要求包括所给的主要信息,语句通顺,意思连贯,60―80词。

First name:Helen


Last name:Hill





Favorite color:White

School:Sunlight High School

Hobbies: playing baseball, reading books, listening to music

