摘要: The phone number of the school office


School activities for kids and teens

July is a month of fun-filled activities for kids and teens as long as you know where to find them. When you want some fun activities for July, consider these ideas happening in this month.

Secret of the Dragon

Time     Monday, July 1, 2013,

10:30 am

Cost     Adult: $ 7.40 children (number 15 years): half

Bookings  Phone the booking office:

3403 2578

Address   Brisbane Botanic Gardens

Note      Secret of the Dragon is a magical story about two children who are taken on a dragon ride to expel the universe.  

The Search for Life:

Are We Alone?

Time    Thursday, July 4, 2013,

2:00 pm

Cost     Adult: $ 14.50

Children (under 15 years): $ 8.70

Bookings  Phone the booking office:

3403 7689

Address   Brisbane Botanic Gardens

Note      Are we truly alone in space? Is there any life out there? These are the questions asked in this show.

Magic Class

Time     Friday, July 12, 2013,

10:00 am

Cost      Free

Bookings  Please call 3403 8470 to book your place.

Address   Centenary Community hub, 171 Dandenong Rd

Note      Would you like to be a magician? Then join David, the magician, to learn about real magic with playing cards, coins, ring ropes and DIY projects and be able to become the life of the party.

Science with Me:

Making your own guitar

Time      Saturday, July 20,

2013, 3:00 pm

Cost       Free

Bookings   Please phone 3403 1226 to book your place.

Address    10, Egginton Close

Note       Do you want to make a guitar with Katy and her mom? Science with Me is going to be with you. Please remember to bring a piece of wood, a hammer, some rubber bands and some nails with you.

注:universe 宇宙; magic 魔术


1.Alec is strongly interested in space life. He may go to _______.

A.Magic Class                            B.Science with Me

C.Secret of the Dragon                     D.The Search for Life

2.John and his 10-year-old son want to watch Secret of the Dragon. How much should they pay?

A.$7.40            B.$11.10            C.$14.80           D.$23.20

3.Rita plans to join Magic Class. She may learn about _______.

A.real magic         B.making coins       C.magic stories       D.holding parties

4.According to the next, making a guitar needs the things except _______.

A.a piece of wood    B.a hammer         C.some nails         D.ring ropes

5.What do the four activities have in common?

A.They are all free.                        B.They happen in the same place.

C.They are all weekend activities.             D.They can all be booked by phone.



听力测试(Listening Test Part)

Ⅰ.Listen and choose.请听问句,根据图画选出最佳答案。(5分)

(  )1.A.It’s across from the hotel.

B.It’s in front of the post office.

(  )2.AIt’s on Center Street.c

B.It’s on Fifth Avenue.

(  )3.A.Yes, it is in front of the post office.

B.Yes, it is behind the mail box.

(  )4.A.It’s between the restaurant and the supermarket.

B.It’s in front of the bank.

(  )5.A.Go down Bridge Street and turn left to Fifth Avenue.

B.Go straight and turn left to Center Street.

Ⅱ.Listen and juidge.请听小对话,判断所给句子的正(T)误(F)。(5分)

(  )6.Lily is Peter’s cousin.

(  )7.They can’t go to the park because it is snowing.

(  )8.They have to wear uniforms at school.

(  )9.The girl doesn’t like the food in Japan.

(  )10.The girl would like mutton noodles.

Ⅲ.Listen and choose.请听对话及问题,选择最佳答语。(5分)

(  )11.A.Yes, we can.

B.No, it isn’t.

C.No, we can’t.

(  )12.A.Yes, he does.

B.No, he doesn’t.

C.We don’t know.

(  )13.A.Beautiful.



(  )14.A.He didn’t know the school rule.

B.He ate in the classroom.

C.He ate in the dining hall.

(  )15.A.They are making a phone call.

B.They’re writing a song.

C.They’re calling Tony.

Ⅳ.Listen and number.请听短文,并将序号(A→E)按事情发生的前后顺序填入相应图片中的括号内。(5分)


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