摘要: A. thirty B. three C. ten D. two


Today we __1__ only three lessons in the morning.The first lesson is math.It __2__ at eight o'clock and finishes at __3__ to nine.It is in Room 101.But I don't like math.Then the second lesson is my favorite __4__ --music.It starts at nine o'clock.The __5__ lesson in the morning is PE.It starts at ten __6__ ten and finishes at five to eleven.We have our lunch at eleven thirty __7__ the second floor of dining hall.We have two lessons __8__ lunch.Art starts at two and at three o'clock we have a __9__ lesson.We can learn a lot of knowledge about China.At about four in the afternoon __10__ is over.

1.A.have                      B.has                      C.having                   D.to have

2.A.start                      B.starts                   C.is start                   D.starting

3.A.fifteen                     B.a quarter              C.quarter                   D.quarters

4.A.subjects                  B.a subject              C.subject                   D.song

5.A.last                       B.first                     C.one                        D.a

6.A.by                         B.from                    C.in                          D.past

7.A.in                   B.at                        C.on                         D.for

8.A.after                      B.before                  C.at                          D.for

9.A.math                     B.Chinese                C.art                         D.music

10.A.classes                B.a school               C.class                      D.schools


  I took a wonderful trip with my family when I was ten years old. I remember it well. My aunt, uncle and cousins lived on a little farm in the country outside Rome and they invited us to visit them. These cousins are the same cousins who live in Miami now. Our trip to visit them a long time ago was very different from our recent (最近的) trip to Miami.

  It was a Saturday morning when we left home. We got up early that morning before the sun rose. We were sleepy, but we were excited and ate breakfast quickly. We left home at five thirty in order to get an early start. It took us three hours to get there in my father's old car. When we drove up to the house, everyone ran out to greet (欢迎) us.

  We stayed for two days and had a wonderful time. We played outside all day and helped uncle feed the chickens. He taught us how to make wine. At night, we listened to the grown-ups (成年人) tell stories about their childhood.

  When it was time to leave, we were very sad. They begged us to stay longer, but we had to leave. My father had to go to work the next day. As I look back, that trip was a long, long time ago. My aunt and uncle are both dead; my cousins are living in Miami.

  The world is different now.

1.We started ________ .

[  ]

A.on a Saturday afternoon

B.before sunrise

C.without breakfast

D.on an early train

2.We ________ on my uncle's farm in the day time.

[  ]

A.played and helped to feed chickens

B.listened to stories by the grown-ups

C.learned how to make wine

D.both A and C

3.We had to leave two days later because ________.

[  ]

A.they didn't beg us to stay longer

B.our father's holiday was over

C.we were sad

D.our uncle's family wanted to go for a trip

4.Which of the following is NOT true according the passage?

[  ]

A.My cousins used to live in Miami and they are still living there now.

B.My uncle and aunt are all dead.

C.We have visited our cousins recently.

D.The world has changed since our visit to our uncle's farm.


Jack is the name of a game. It is quite popular with children. To play jacks, you will need a small ball and ten small metal objects (物体) called jacks.
The rules for this game are quite easy. To begin with, put the ten jacks on the floor or ground in front of you. Toss the ball high, pick up one jack and then catch the ball. Keep the jack in your hand and go on to pick up the other jack one at a time. You lose your turn if you do not catch the ball, or if you do not pick up a jack, or if you drop (掉) any of the jacks from your hand.
When you finish all the ten jacks, you now try to do the same thing again but with two jacks at one time. This is more difficult, of course. You lose your turn if you make any of the above three mistakes (错误) or if you do not pick up two jacks each time.
【小题1】To play jacks is ___________.

A.difficult for boys B.interesting for children
C.difficult for girls D.interesting for old people
【小题2】The word “toss” here means __________.
A.drop B.catch C.throw D.pick
【小题3】If you want to finish the first and second parts of the game, you have to pick up jacks __________.
A.ten times B.fifteen times C.twenty times D.thirty times
【小题4】The jacks are made of _________.
A.paper B.glass C.metal D.water
【小题5】After you pick up the first ten jacks, the game becomes more difficult because you must pick up _________ at a time.
A.two jacks B.four jacks C.three jacks D.only one


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