
一、听力测试 (30分)


1. ( A  B  C )      2. ( A  B  C )          3. ( A  B  C  )    4. ( A  B  C  )



(    )5. A. I’m OK.         B. You’re welcome.     C. Good idea.


(    )6. A. Two days ago. B. Next week.            C. On the playground.


(    )7. A. A nurse.              B. Not bad.          C. Very beautiful.


(    )8. A. Yes, he has.  B. Yes, she has.           C. Yes, they have.


(    )9. A. That’s good.   B. I’ll go first.           C. Are you?


(    )10. A. So he is playing football 

B. So he is visiting a friend

          C. So he is getting ready for it.



(    )11. What would the woman like to do this Saturday?

A. Climb hills.  B. Stay at home. C. Go shopping.


(    )12. What does the woman mean?

A. Mr. Black isn’t at work now.  B. Mr. Black doesn’t want to see him now. 

C. Mr. Black has no time to see him now.


(    )13. What will the woman probably do?

A. Make some cakes. B. Go out with the man. C. Cook some vegetables.


(    )14. What will the woman probably do?

A. Work late. B. Work some other time. C. Have a drink with the man.


(    )15. What do we know about the man’s house?

A. There are some trees behind it. B. There are some trees around it.

C. There are some big trees in front of it.


(    )16. What will the man do next week?

A. Go to the cinema. B. Have some exams. C. Go to see his parents.


(    )17. At the latest, when does the man get on the bus every morning?


A. About 8:15.  B. About 8:25.  C. About 9:00.


(    )18. When will Mr. Green go to the town?
A. This morning. B. Tomorrow afternoon. C. This afternoon.
(    )19. What will he buy?
A. Some rice. B. Some eggs. C. Some vegetables.
(    )20. How many eggs does Mrs. King want?
A. 5. B. 15. C. 50.
(    )21. Who did well in the English and maths exams?
A. Mike. B. Helen. C. Both of them.
(    )22. How about Mike’s Exams?
A. He did very well. B. He did badly.
C. He did well in Chinese and English.
(    )23. What did Helen think about her English and maths?
A. She thought she did well.   B. She thought she might fail.
C. She thought she did better than Chinese.
(    )24. What do the teachers say about Helen?
A. She was hard-working. B. She was lazy. C. She did well.
25. What do they think of the Chinese exam?
A. It was easy. B. It was hard. C. It was the easiest.
(五)听短文回答问题, 短文听两遍
(    )26. Why did Mr. Turner go to France?
    A. Traveling with his wife.   B. Doing some business there.     C. Visiting Paris.
(    )27. Why was Mr. Turner angry?
  A. He had to pay for his wife’s travel.   B. His wife had nothing to do in Paris.
   B. His wife didn’t believe him.
(    )28. Why did Mr. Turner leave airport?
   A. He knew it was dangerous to take the plane.   B. He wanted to take another plane.


C. He had to return to his office for something important.
(    )29. The phrase “fell and broke” in the story means_____
  A. 降落      B. 损坏     C. 失踪
(    )30. Which of the following is true?
  A. Mr. Turner was sorry when he heard the news.
  B. Mrs. Turner died and Mr. Turner was very sad.
  C. Mr. Turner didn’t love his wife at all.




(    )31. This cat ______ my sister, Kate.

          A. is belonged to     B. belongs to     C. belonged as     D. belonging to


(    )32. He has got used _________ near the sea.

           A. to live           B. live           C. to living        D. living


(    )33. The village ________ the city by a new high way.

           A. joins to          B. joins in        C. is joined to    D. is joined in


(    )34. Mr. Wang, I don’t understand this problem. Could you please give me a _____ explanation?

           A. farther           B. second         C. next           D. further


(    )35. Whenever there is an exam, Julie does nothing _______ working hard. So she often gets good marks.

           A. but             B. so             C. and            D. as


(    )36. There are five minutes          . Don’t worry.

      A. leave           B. left            C. leaving         D. leaves


(    )37. I am so thirsty. _________ I want to do is to drink some water.

      A. All which       B. That            C. All          D. Everything which


(    )38. He left the classroom            the door           .

      A. after, closed    B. with, open    C. before, open    D. with, close


(    )39. -What else do you need?

-We don’t think there is _________ we need.

      A. nothing else        B. anything else  C. else something  D. else anything


(    )40. -How about __________ me __________ the dinner, Judy? Eight people are coming.   -Sure, Mummy.

   A. help, cook      B. help, cooking     C. helping, cook    D. helping, cooking


(    )41. -Don’t forget to come to my party tomorrow. 

       -_______ .

      A. I don’t          B. I can’t       C. I won’t    D. I haven’t


(    )42. When the traffic accident happened,a big crowd of people          waiting for a bus.

A. is            B. are            C. was          D. been


(    )43. -Look! That man looks like my Chinese teacher.

    -It ______ be him. For he ______ Shanghai.

      A. can’t, has gone to                 B. may not, has been to

      C. mustn’t, has gone to                   D. can’t, has been to


(    )44. The students should learn _________ from books ____________ from life.

      A. so, as         B. both, and     C. either, or        D. neither, nor


(    )45. She said that two fifths of the students in her class ________ girls.

      A. are           B. is           C. was             D. were


Our dog Zip is always bringing things home for us to keep! Many of them were bears, lambs and ducks. We never could find the owners.

One day Dad was ___46___ the paper, “Listen to this, everybody,” he said, “Toy bear. Our two-year-old son is very ___47___.”

“Zip has been sorry again,” said Anita.

“Yes,” said Dad, “well, the paper gives the ___48___. This time I can take Zip’s ___49___.”

“Do you think it ___50___ to do that?” Mom asked, “if you tell about Zip, who will believe you?”

“I will wait until dark. Then I’ll just put the Teddy bear at the front door and walk away. ___51___ will see me.”

Dad’s idea ___52___ worked. He put Teddy at the gate. He turned to walk away and knocked into a chair!

Dad started to run. But he didn’t get very far. The gate lights came on. A man opened the door. “___53___ is going on here?” he called out.

Dad didn’t even try to ___54___. He just wanted to get away. Then the man saw the bear.

He shouted after Dad. “How ___55___ can you get?” he said, “taking toys from babies!”



 (    )46. A. buying       B. reading          C. writing           D. sending


(    )47. A. sad           B. surprised         C. happy             D. afraid


(    )48. A. picture       B. story             C. address           D. time


(    )49. A. food          B. name              C. idea              D. present


(    )50. A. wrong         B. clever            C. dangerous         D. free


(    )51. A. Someone       B. Everyone          C. No one            D. Anyone


(    )52. A. never         B. always            C. already           D. almost


(    )53. A. What          B. Who               C. How               D. Which


(    )54. A. help          B. answer            C. listen            D. knock

