
I love indoor plants; I really do—but you would never know it by looking at my track record with them. I am always killing succulents.

I decided to consult an expert on the matter .I’ve grown tired of killing plants. It shouldn’t be rocket science, but maybe, to some, it is.

As it tums out, succulents are not as low-maintenance as they’re often marketed to seem, but they’re not impossible to care for, either. Here’s what I’ve learned after asking a garden shop staff a thousand and one questions.


1. Use loose “cactus(仙人掌)” soil.

Succulents need to drain well. They won’t survive in sand or rock, and some other soils hold too much moisture. You can purchase cactus potting soil from your local garden shop. Stick with that stuff.

2. Expose it to reasonable sun, shade, and temperatures

All plants need sunshine (remember photosynthesis(光合作用), just varying levels of it. Succulents are flexible, but they won’t do well in darkness or in sweltering direct sun. Moving the succulent in and out of reasonable levels of sunlight will help it thrive.

3. Don’t over-water.

As a rookie like me, a person lacking in experience, this was definitely one of my mistakes-too much TLC (Tender Love Caring). The problem is, no one can really tell you how often to water your succulent; you have to monitor it yourself. Depending on your climate, the soil will dry out at varying speeds. Water only when the soil has completely dried from the previous watering. Succulents won’t quickly die for lack of water, but they do need it. Allowing the water to drain completely through the soil is the best way to avoid root rot. Otherwise, a misting bottle can be helpful to regulate water quantities.

4. “Plant food” is not a joke.

I used to think that “plant food” was just a marketing ploy(营销手段). It’s not. Since these plants aren’t growing in their natural habitats, they can’t absorb the nutrients (e. g, calcium) that they naturally need. Cactus/succulent food is cheap and will last a long time; you only need one drop for every gallon of water.

5. Give them air circulation.

Contrary to popular belief, succulents won't thrive in a closed container (like a terrarium with a lid). They need air.

6. They need room to grow.

Little succulents are cute and cheap, but they’ll stay that size unless you occasionally repot them. Some succulents can grow to be over ten feet tall, while others will comfortably grow within a foot or two. Occasionally repotting them might mean re-creating a pretty arrangement, but it will help the plants live longer.

Unless the dirt is already damp, give the succulents some water before repotting. The new potting soil will be pretty dry, so the extra water will spread out.

Best of lucky, everyone! May you have a beautiful windowsill with succulents that thrive!


How to Avoid Killing Your Succulents


1 succulents shouldn’t be rocket science, but I 2 to kill these indoor plants.

3 to succulent success

Succulent soil has to be able to support the plant physically, hold a little moisture yet 4 perfectly extra water.

5 to sunlight at a reasonable level, succulents grow in a better way.

Rookies, who are 6, must remember:

Don’t water until the soil has completely dried from the previous watering.

Succulents need to be fertilized but in small 7.

That air 8 is required for indoor succulents.

9 can contribute to the healthy growth of succulents.

May you have a beautiful windowsill decorated with succulents 10 well.

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