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Our school isn¡¯t too big, but very beautifully. In the spring, it is cover with green trees and a great number of bird are singing in the trees. So all the students likes our school very much. Our school has 63 classes dividing into 3 grades. In our school, there was a big football field. We have P.E. classes on there and we often do sports after school. We also have four teaching buildings, that are so tall, and we study in them. However, all of our teachers work very hard without any complaint(±§Ô¹), especially our English teacher, Mr. Wei. So we love our teachers and each of us makes up our mind study hard.





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Here are some traditional German beer games .

Beer Boot Pass

A very , very popular game played in Germany is the beer boot pass ( Bier Boot ) , which has gained popularity all over the world . The game is usually played to pin the next round of beer on a person . In this , a full glass of beer is passed around in the group¡ªthere are some rules for this¡ªit has to be tipped every time before it is passed and not a drop of beer must be spilled . The second-to-last person who finishes the beer must pay for the next round . The game then becomes all about judgment because either you drink the entire beer or have a sip and pass it on . You never know who the second to last person will be , so the uncertainty and excitement makes the game a favorite .

Beer Crate-Running

This is a traditional game that is extremely popular in Germany , Switzerland , and Austria , more popularly referred to as Kastenlauf . The game is similar to running a race , where a route is marked , ranging from anywhere between 5-12 km . Each participant brings a crate of beer ( the size and quantity will be specified ) . The first person who success fully finishes the entire crate of beer before getting to the finish line wins .


This outdoor game is played with one team being matched against another , with equal numbers in both . The teams stand on opposite sides of the ground in a line , with their beers lined before them . An empty bottle or a tin can is placed in the center and another object ( used as an aim ) is brought in , something like a tennis ball . The first team ( A ) hits the ball onto the target to tumble£¨´ò·­£©it . Once the bottle has tumbled , team A will start drinking their beers . Meanwhile , team B must run to the center , place the bottle upright , find the ball , and cross back into the line before yelling ¡® Stop ¡¯ . Team A then stops drinking and team B starts to throw the ball at the bottle and carrying forward the game . The game continues till one team has finished all their beer and they are declared winners .

Drinking Relay

Divide the group of people into two teams and get them to stand in a line with beer placed in front of each member . At the blow of the whistle , the first person lifts the glass and starts drinking the beer . After he is done , he has to turn the glass over to show that there is no more beer in the glass . Then , the next person starts drinking and so on . The next in line can only drink when the first person has emptied his glass . The team whose last member empties the glass ahead of others wins .

Herman the German

Even though this game seems simple , it is a lot of fun . It runs on the lines of ¡® Who stole the cookie ¡¯ . A person is chosen as ¡® Herman the German ¡¯ ( HTG ) and he has to get the game running . The other members sit in a random manner and are given names , better if they are confusing names like China Port No. 1 , Rum Master Blaster etc . The game starts with HTG saying ¨C ¡° HTG dropped a missile on China Port No. 1 , sir ¡± and China Port No. 1 has to reply with ¨C ¡° It wasn¡¯t me , sir . ¡± Then HTG replies ¨C ¡° Who then , sir ¡± and it goes on . The sentence has to end with ¡® sir ¡¯ and if it doesn¡¯t , then the player has to down a beer . Similarly , if at any point the players fumble , they have to do the same . The tension makes the players forget things and there¡¯s a whole lot of beer flowing as a result .

¡¾1¡¿Which two games have something to do with running ?

A. Beer Boot Pass and Beer Crate-Running

B. Flunkyball and Drinking Relay

C. Beer Crate-Running and Flunkyball

D. Drinking Relay and Herman the German

¡¾2¡¿The loser will have to buy beers for others in the game __________ .

A. Beer Boot Pass B. Beer Crate-Running

C. Flunkyball D. Drinking Relay

¡¾3¡¿A person with a good memory may have a advantage in playing __________ .

A. Beer Boot Pass B. Flunkyball

C. Drinking Relay D. Herman the German

¡¾4¡¿ Which of the following statements is listed as a rule of the games ?

A. Every person has to sip the beer when playing Beer Boot Pass .

B. The person who replies to HTG with ¡° sir ¡± at the end will be punished .

C. The team can start drinking their beers as soon as they throw the ball in Flunkyball

D. The team members have to drink their beers in turn when playing Drinking Relay .

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Wow£¬ladies! That is all I can say, I write this article with mixed emotions. Having Aiko the female robot around the house to help out could be either a blessing or a nightmare. If you are a working mother like me, then the idea of having a helping hand around would be a good thing. We working mothers dream about going home to find dinner on the table, a clean house and everything ready for the next day£¬that would be the perfect world.

Yet as always we women worry about being replaced£¬me included. Aiko has been created with special sensors (¸ÐÓ¦Æ÷) underneath her immediate¡°skin¡±cover. I believe her creator, Le Trung£¬has other motives(¶¯»ú). Of course, he says it's not true. She doesn't complain, argue or talk back. She can carry on a conversation and help you with your math homework. She can tell you the weather outside and can speak in English and Japanese. She doesn't require any sleep nor does she complain about a headache or being tired. She can serve tea and give back massages. I'm sure some men out there would view her as the perfect woman or even¡°superwoman¡±. So with good reason I say having Aiko around could prove to be bad. As a woman and a wife£¬I worry about being replaced or even being compared to Aiko. How can you compete with someone or something so perfect like that?

Scientists have been trying to invent robots for a long time. There are many movies and books out there about robots. It looks like those crazy scientists are closer than we thought. Ladies, I think we are fighting a losing battle. So instead of trying to fight it£¬I guess we have no choice but to join them. Now where is my male robot? Hmm...I want him to look exactly like my Ken Barbie doll. Okay?

¡¾1¡¿Le Trung created Aiko mainly to ________.

A. keep people company

B. teach people foreign languages

C. help children with their homework

D. help working mothers do housework

¡¾2¡¿What can we learn about Aiko from the second paragraph?

A. She is poorly designed.

B. She is perfectly made.

C. She works better than expectations.

D. She is especially made for housewives.

¡¾3¡¿Why does the author think having Aiko around could prove to be bad?

A. The robot could replace her.

B. The robot can do more than she does.

C. The robot makes a mess in the house.

D. The robot can speak human language.

¡¾4¡¿What could be the author's purpose in writing the text?

A. To introduce a robot.

B. To argue against robotmaking.

C. To show her fights with robots.

D. To describe the daily life of a working mother.

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿The Boy Made It!

One Sunday, Nicholas, a teenager, went skiing at Sugarloaf Mountain in Maine.In the early afternoon, when he was planning to go home, a fierce snowstorm swept into the area.Unable to see far, be accidentally turned off the path.Before he knew it, Nicholas was lost, all alone! He didn't have food, water, a phone, or other supplies.He was getting colder by the minute.

Nicholas had no idea where he was.He tried not to panic.He thought about all the survival shows he had watched on TV.It was time to put the tips he had learned to use.

He decided to stop skiing.There was a better chance of someone finding him if he stayed put.The first thing he did was to find shelter from the freezing wind and snow.If he didn't, his body temperature would get very low, which could quickly kill him.Using his skis, Nicholas built a snow cave.He gathered a huge mass of snow and dug out a hole in the middle.Then he piled branches on top of himself, like a blanket, to stay as warm as he could.

By that evening, Nicholas was really hungry.He ate snow and drank water from a nearby stream so that his body wouldn't lose too much water.Not knowing how much longer he could last, Nicholas did the only thing he could ¡ª he huddled (òéËõ) in his cave and slept.

The next day, Nicholas went out to look for help, but he couldn't find anyone.He followed his tracks and returned to the snow cave, because without shelter, he could die that night.On Tuesday, Nicholas went out again to find help.He had walked for about a mile when a volunteer searcher found him.After two days stuck in the snow.Nicholas was saved.

Nicholas might not have survived this snowstorm had it not been for TV.He had often watched Grylls' survival show Man vs Wild.That's where he learned the tips that saved his life.In each episode(Ò»ÆÚ½ÚÄ¿) of Man vs Wild, Grylls is abandoned in a wild area and has to find his way out.

When Grylls heard about Nicholas' amazing deeds, he was super impressed that Nicholas had made it since he knew better than anyone how hard Nicholas had to work to stay alive.

¡¾1¡¿What happened to Nicholas one Sunday afternoon£¿

A. He broke his skis. B. He got lost.

C. He hurt his eyes. D. He caught a cold.

¡¾2¡¿How did Nicholas keep himself warm£¿

A. He found a shelter.

B. He lighted some branches.

C. He kept on skiing.

D. He built a snow cave.

¡¾3¡¿On Tuesday, Nicholas ____.

A. returned to his shelter safely

B. was saved by a searcher

C. got stuck in the snow

D. stayed where he was

¡¾4¡¿Nicholas left Grylls a very deep impression because he ____.

A. watched Grylls' TV program regularly

B. did the right things in the dangerous situation

C. created some tips for survival

D. was very hard£­working

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