【题目】 When you’re a writer, finishing your book and publishing it is your biggest dream. You’re curious as to how people will react to it, and whether it could sell or not.1There are either things you want to change about it, or fear about people’s reaction. Still, you shouldn’t let these things stop you from going after your dream. Below are some of the most common fears that new writers face, and how to beat them.


For many new writers, originality is an issue. Considering there are so many writers out there, it’s hard to know if someone thought of an idea before you did.2And it’s not really pleasant being seen as a thief. The thing is that it’s hard to come out with something that’s entirely original as well. As long as you put the idea into practice in a different way, it shouldn’t be an issue. As long as you are able to cover a topic deeply, as well as provide a new and unique perspective, that should work.

People’s Opinion

It’s hard not to think about what people will think about your book, as they are the ones who have the final word. One of the biggest fears many writers deal with is how their book will be perceived by readers, and it's human nature to think about the bad stuff first. Not only you’re afraid you won’t get Instagram followers that are fans of the book, but you also fear the book won’t sell.3So why let this thought kill your mood? A book’s goal is to reframe old information or make new claims, so what people say shouldn’t stop you.

No Time to Write

People get busy, it’s normal. Nevertheless, it shouldn’t stop you from doing what you love.4You can take that time and use it to write instead. Nobody says that you have to write endless pages in a day – writing a book is a whole process, and nobody is rushing you. Make sure you schedule your time, so you have time to write at least one hour daily.


You want fans to connect with you and it can be disheartening when things like your social following grows slowly. Try using tools such as the best tools for Instagram as a means to get followers.

A.Therefore, you’re at risk of being accused of stealing from someone’s work.

B.Growing your fan base.

C.However, there will always be people disagreeing with you or not liking what you do.

D.Don’t let the details stop you from sharing your story.

E.But sometimes it’s hard hitting that post button, because things are holding you back.

F.You most likely have some spare time that you use doing something else.

G.Communicate with your fans.

【题目】 Scott Ward didn't have any risk factors that he knew of for cancer so he ignored the lump on his neck until he couldn't ignore it anymore. Dr. Donald Doll, the doctor who treated Ward for his cancer, said, “We’re seeing more and more younger and healthier patients. They're not smokers or drinkers. It's HPV-related.” “Normally, you think of HPV (乳头瘤病毒), you think of women,” Doll added, “while it's a misconception that only women have to be concerned with cancers caused by this virus.”

Luckily, there's a vaccine (疫苗) that's been around for more than a decade that can protect against the HPV virus. If all boys and girls received it, no one would get HPV-related cancers. The HPV vaccine is best when given to children between 9 and 12 years old, before they are sexually active. But teenagers and young adults can still benefit from the vaccine.

Not everyone who gets the HPV virus develops cancer. But it is a risk factor. The agency says about 14 million people in the U.S. alone become infected with HPV each year. Yet, about half of all U.S. adolescents have not been fully vaccinated against HPV, which requires a series of three shots. The CDC says the side effects are generally short term and not serious. They can include dizziness, headache, fever, pain and etc.

Ward’s recovery was difficult. But he’s now cancer-free. Ward wishes the HPV vaccine existed when he was a teen. He says if he had kids, he would get them vaccinated. “HPV-related cancers are cancers no one needs to get.” Ward said.

1Who should be worried about HPV-related cancers?

A.Only women.B.Everyone.

C.Younger people.D.Smokers and drinkers.

2Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The HPV vaccine is best when given to teenagers and young adults.

B.About 50% of all adults in America have not been fully vaccinated against HPV.

C.One gets cancer if he or she gets the HPV virus.

D.HPV vaccines have some side effects including dizziness, headache, and etc.

3Why did Ward say HPV-related cancers were cancers no one needed to get in the last paragraph?

A.It is easy to recover from HPV-related cancers.

B.HPV-related cancers are not that common.

C.HPV-related cancers can be prevented by vaccination.

D.HPV vaccine existed when he was a teen.

【题目】 In the winter of 1910, Dr. Wu Lien-Teh stepped off a train in the northern Chinese city of Harbin. He was there to solve a medical mystery, at great personal risk. Over the past few months, an unknown disease had swept along the railways of northeast China, killing 99.9% of its victims. The Qing Imperial court had sent the Cambridge-educated Dr. Wu north to stop the epidemic.

When Dr Wu arrived in Harbin on Christmas Eve, 1910, he carried little in the way of medical instruments and had only one assistant. One of Wu' s first acts upon arrival was to set up special quarantine(隔离) units and to order lockdowns to stop infected persons from traveling and spreading the disease. He had teams check households for possible cases, and even managed to convince authorities to completely close the railways in the early weeks of 1911. Of particular concern was the upcoming Chinese New Year holiday, which had become a great annual migration of people traveling across the country to see their families.

Thanks to Dr. Wu's efforts, the number of plague victims began to die down, and by March 1, 1911, the epidemic was fully contained. The pneumonic (肺炎的) plague outbreak of 1910-1911 lasted nearly four months, affected five provinces and six major cities, and accounted for over 60,000 deaths. It is clear that without the brave and decisive actions taken by Dr. Wu, it could have been much worse. Had the epidemic gone unchecked, allowing holiday rail passengers to spread the disease to the rest of China could have meant a catastrophic loss of life and possibly a global health crisis.

In April 1911, Dr. Wu chaired an International Plague Conference in Shenyang, attended by scientists from 11 counties including the United States, Great Britain, Russia, Japan and France. They praised Dr. Wu for his handling of the 1910-1911 outbreak. For a time, Dr. Wu was the world's most famous plague fighter, a title be defended in a malaria epidemic in China in 1919, and a return of plague in 1921.

1What was Dr Wu's mission in 1910?

A.To take personal risk.

B.To end an epidemic.

C.To provide medical education.

D.To investigate the number of victims.

2Which of Dr Wu's acts stopped the disease from spreading nationwide?

A.Setting up special quarantine units around the country.

B.Treating infected persons with his medical instruments.

C.Checking households himself for possible cases.

D.Convincing authorities to close the railways.

3What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?

A.The disease worsened after Mach 1, 1911.

B.60,000 would have died without Dr Wu's efforts.

C.A global health crisis followed the 1910-1911 outbreak.

D.The plague broke out again about 10 years later.

4What can be the best title of the text?

A.A Plague Fighter

B.A Global Health Crisis

C.The Beginning of the Chinese Public Health System

D.A Plague Outbreak

【题目】Four Useful Products for Your Life

Electric Wine Opener

Cost: $19.89

Once you've tried this tool, you'll never go back to the old fashioned kind. This electric wine opener will remove the cork (瓶塞) easily within seconds, and can open up to 30 bottles with a single charge.

Fantastic Ice Cream Spoon

Cost: $14. 99

It’s always disappointing when you're really in the mood for ice cream, but have to wait forever for the ice cream to get to just the right softness. Well, this heated ice cream spoon exactly conducts heat from your hands, and will help soften the ice cream to make it ready to eat right away.

Express Baker

Cost: $58. 99

Making your own bread seems like a quite difficult job. But this baker makes it easierwithin an hour. It has 12 different bread settings, and three different crust settings, so you can make bread, pizza and more. A quick look through the reviews shows that customers are pretty happy with it, too.

Corn Stripper

Cost: $7.99

There's no denying that corn on the cob () is delicious But eating corn on the cob and dealing with all the little bits that get stuck in your teeth afterwards is a painful experience. This little device takes all the corns from the cob, by letting you strip () your corn easily, without making a total mess.

1What can people do with Express Baker?

A.Make some food.B.Soften food.

C.Classify food.D.Keep food fresh.

2Which of the following applies the theory of heat conduction?

A.Electric Wine Opener.B.Fantastic Ice Cream Spoon.

C.Express Baker.D.Corn Stripper.

3What do the four products have in common?

A.They are of the same price.

B.They are difficult to operate.

C.They make food more delicious to eat.

D.They make people's life easier.

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