
How to Help Save the Environment

Cleaning up the existing damage to our environment and preventing further destruction is a huge job. It can seem that there is no way one person, especially a young person like you, can make a difference. 【1】 , starting with changing some simple everyday habits and working with others to spread the importance of protecting the environment. Here are a few suggestions.

Avoid unnecessary driving (or being driven). Every teenager looks forward to a driver’s license and a first car, but automobiles are one of the primary causes of air pollution. If it’s too far to pedal a bike, take a bus or share your car ride with someone else. 2 , but it undoubtedly benefits the environment more.

Unplug electrical equipment when possible. Even when turned off, some appliances may still use power. 3 . So it is best to unplug anything that you do not expect to use in the next 36 hours (or more).

Carry a bag and a reusable water bottle. 4 . On the contrary, plastic bags and disposable bottles may bring convenience to you, but the environmental damage caused by them is almost permanent. Every plastic bottle not made and plastic bag not used helps a little bit.

Raise awareness. Talk to family and friends about simple changes they can make, and why they should do so to help protect the environment. 5 . It’s acceptable to just show them that you have thought a lot about the subject, are passionate about making a difference, and really could use their support.

A. But you can make your contribution

B. This saves you money with fewer trips to the gas station

C. It might not seem as cool as driving yourself

D. They may be the secret sources of the large number on your electric bill

E. This can help start a dialogue in your community about a particular environmental issue

F. You don’t have to give lectures or force them to accept your opinions

G. They don’t take up much space but can prevent a lot of waste


It is impossible to know when you might find yourself lost in a forest. If you know what to do, you can survive in a forest without much trouble; but if you are not prepared, survival can be much less likely.

Keep fear at bay

It is completely natural to be afraid when you are faced with a survival situation. 【1】 The more your fear overcomes you, the lower your chances are of survival, as your mind is going to become clouded and panic may set in.

Stay warm

Obviously, the low body temperature is one of the primary dangers you face when you must survive in the forest2 Never stop to sleep or quit moving around unless you have appropriate shelter.

Know how to make a fire

Obviously , if you have a lighter or matches, this is not a problem. But if not, you can attempt to use a dry narrow pointed stick and a dry flat piece of wood.3 This requires a great deal of work, but if done correctly, you will succeed.

Make some shelter

4 The easiest way to provide protection is to find a fallen tree and cover it with other branches and brush so that you can stay in the natural pit underneath the tree trunk.This is a very important aspect of being able to survive in the forest.

Stay put unless you know exactly where you are

If you can build a stable shelter and start a fire, you can survive in the forest for several days. 5 If/span> you know where you are, travel as far as possible during the day while making sure you stop long enough before dark so that you can build another shelter.

A. Soon you will find that it’s not that difficult to survive in the forest.

B. However, if you are going to survive in the forest, you must keep your thoughts clear.

C. Make as much friction(摩擦) as possible by rubbing the pointed stick along the flat piece.

D. It is better to stay and wait for rescue.

E. Under no circumstances should we fight with the wild animals.

F. Caves and overhangs are perfect, but most likely you must build your own.

G. It is crucial that you do all you can to stay dry and keep your body temperature up.

【题目】Fascinated with images from the Mars Rover? It turns out you dont have to go to space. The following spots may look like they are on another planet, but they are right here on earth.

* Socotra Island, Indian Ocean

The largest of the four-island Socotra Archipelago, the island has about 250 species of plants that are not found anywhere else in the world. This includes the canopy-topped dragons blood tree, which has blood-red resin(树脂)that runs down if the trunk is cut deep. It can grow to 10 feet with a bulbous(球根的)trunk that swells with water absorbed in case of dry weather.

See it for yourself: There are regular flights from the Yemen capital of Sanaa on(Felix Airways) ($ 180 each way)

* Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, Arizona

This wilderness in Northern Arizona/southern Utah is home to some of the most striking landscapes in the American Southwest. The nearly 300,000-acre site is known for its abundance of colorful shale(页岩)and Navajo sandstone that has been eroded(侵蚀)by the elements to create cliffs that rise as high as 3,000 feet. In the northwest of the park is the Coyote Buttes, where you’ll find The Wave, a wall of red sandstone that twists and turns in a way that just doesn’t look natural ---but is.

See it for yourself: Permits are required to hike in Vermilion Cliffs. Paria Canyon and Buckskin Gulch permits are available at on-site pay stations or in advance ($5 per person).

*Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina

The huge size of the Perito Moreno Glacier is unbelievable---it is more than 50 miles in length and 500 feet deep. The terminus(终点)of the glacier is Lago Argetino, where a 50-foot blue-hued ice wall rises from the lake. The Perito Moreno is also one of the only glaciers left on earth that is still growing.

See it for yourself: Many tour companies offer day trips to Perito Moreno from El Calafte. Viator’s full-day tour includes transportation from a local hotel and a guided tour for $ 106 per person.

【1】Which is true about the canopy-topped dragons blood tree?

A. It grows where there is little rain.

B. It has blood-red skin.

C. It is shaped like a dragon.

D. It stores water for dry season.

【2】What do we know about The Wave?

A. It is created in a natural way.

B. It is created by waves.

C. It is as high as 3,000 feet.

D. It looks quite natural.

【3】How much does a couple pay for a trip to Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina?

A. $106 B.$ 212 C.$ 360 D. $ 420

【4】Where does the text probably come from?

A. A geography book. B. A tourist guidebook.

C. A news report. D. A TV program.

【题目】The world consumes hundreds of billions of single-use plastic bags each year. They are difficult to recycle, wasteful and damage the nature. Environmental activists want to ban plastic bags or---as many communities have done ---charge a fee for them. But the plastic bag industry defends their use, saying people reuse plastic bags, and industry officials argue recycling is a matter of personal responsibility and should not be forced.

City officials say New Yorkers use 5.2 billion plastic bags each year. They are offered free with nearly every supermarket, or convenience store purchase. Many people like them, even if they sometimes feel guilty about using them. But what happens to those bags after they’ve been used in a huge environmental problem. They are found on beaches. They are caught in trees. They are swallowed by marine life.

Plastic bags are made of petroleum products and natural gas, and do not biodegrade (分解). And they are difficult to recycle. So New York City spends nearly $ 10 million dollars a year to send 100---thousand tons of plastic bags to landfills out of state.

In Washington, D.C., a five percent charge on all single-use bags led to about a 60 percent reduction and in Los Angeles County in California , a 10 cent charge on single-use bags led to a 95 percent reduction. With a 10 cent charge on bags, customers are much more likely to stop and think about whether they need a bag or not. And that’s really all that these laws are doing.

【1】Who object to the limit of using plastic bags?

A. Plastic bag makers. B. Government officials.

C. Stores and supermarkets. D. Most of the consumers.

【2】Paragraph 2 mainly tells us _____.

A. the difficulty about dealing with plastic bags

B. the popularity of plastic bags in New York

C. the great convenience brought by using plastic bags

D. the usage and problems of plastic bags in New York

【3】What measure does the writer introduce to reduce the use of plastic bags?

A. Reducing the production of plastic bags.

B. Charging for the use of plastic bags.

C. Offering paper bags instead of plastic bags.

D. Making people realize the harm of plastic bags.

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