【题目】根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出正确的填入空白处。选项中有两项为多余选项。(选 E 涂AB, F 涂CD,选G涂AC)

For many people in the West, March 13 will be scary. It is said that there are millions of people who will be so scared that they will refuse to get out of bed all day! 【1】

Being nervous about Friday the 13th is a superstition (迷信). 2 Many buildings dont have a 13th floor and, in races, no one wants to wear the number 13. According to some, Jesus was crucified (十字架上钉死) on Friday making the combination of “Friday” and “13” particularly unlucky.

3 For example, people think it is unlucky to walk under ladders. 4 This behavior is seen as an insult (侮辱) to the sun and a sign that everyone inside will have bad luck. When a black cat passes in front of you, it is also thought to mean that bad luck is coming.

5 Well, three-leaf clovers (三叶草), horseshoes facing up and even rabbit feet are said to bring good luck. There is a rhyme to help you remember the last lucky item, a penny:Find a penny, pick it up; All the day youll have good luck!

A. What makes this day so terrifying?

B. Why are people in the West so superstitious?

C. So is there anything you can do to bring good luck in the West?

D. It is also believed that you should never open an umbrella indoors.

E. The number 13 is considered unlucky in many western countries.

F. There are some other animals that /span>people think will bring bad luck.

G. In addition to the number 13, there are other superstitions in Western culture.

【题目】“People are ruder today because they are rushed and more ‘time poor’ than ever before,” says Patsy Rowe, Manners have fallen off the radar (雷达). Due to our strong attachment to electronic equipment it is a wonder that more people don’t wake up each morning and greet the singing birds with a complaint about the noise. Here are some examples of rudeness.

Some people prefer to do almost everything over the Internet. To them, dealing with an actual human is like an evolutionary (进化的) step backward. It feels very slow because humans dont work at 4G speeds. When you have dinner with friends, you will often notice someone paying more attention to his mobile phone. We have programmed ourselves to think that every new message brings life-changing news, so making calls and checking our texts are more important than talking to the people we are with. What is worse, some people even tend to send anonymous (匿名的) rude messages by email.

However, rudeness is never acceptable. Dont assume it is OK to be rude if the person youre in touch with wont recognize you. If you have something awful to say, have the courage to face the person and say it, write a letter or email and sign it, or forget it. Upsetting people with unsigned messages is cruel and disgusting.

We shouldnt blame technology for our shortcomings. Technology is here to help us, but we should not allow it to take over our lives. An important step is acknowledging our shortcomings. People spend a lot of time pointing out bad manners but it would be better if we’d publicly acknowledge good manners when we see them.

【1】What can be inferred from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1?

A. People can tell good behavior from bad behavior.

B. Radar is able to observe human behavior.

C. People care little about their behavior.

D. Radar can be used to predict human behavior.

【2】 Some people are less willing to deal with humans because _________.

A. they are becoming less patient

B. they are growing too independent

C. they have to handle many important messages

D. they have to follow an evolutionary step backward

【3】 The author thinks sending unsigned awful messages is _________.

A. ridiculous B. disgusting

C. acceptable D. reasonable

【4】What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. We should applaud good behavior.

B. Technology can never be blamed.

C. We should keep pointing out mistakes.

D .Technology will take over our lives one day.

【题目】 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Unplug Your Weekends or Ruin Your life

Researchers have found that people who unplug(不插电)over the weekend have higher satisfaction with life than people who spend their Saturday stuck in their electronics. 【1】 Give yourself an Internet break and keep yourself busy with other activities, and consider taking up any of the following pastimes:


Reading may seem like a very boring activity, though, in comparison to visiting social media for hours on end, it's attractive. You don't need to read the classic novels, but pick some text. Reading

will keep your stress at bay.


It is the most ancient set of activities in the world. Playing a sport is not only good for your health, but it is good for developing intelligence and motivation, too. Going for a run and listening to your favorite music may increase your self-confidence and productivity. Going for a walk is also a good choice for you.

Spend time with your famely

3 They have always supported you, helped you whenever you were in trouble and when they're gone, you' 11 be regretful that you didn't make the most of the time you had.

Learn new skills

Learn a new language, play a musical instrument, make something with your own hands, try cooking or anything really. The best part about learning something new is that you will meet new people. 4

Above are the suggestions on what to do when you are unplugged. However, there is no need to abandon your social network accounts, but at least try to turn off your computer and do something different on weekends. 5

A. Running

B. Playing a sport

C. Don't abandon your family.

D. Spend more free time with your family and friends.

E. Moreover, by choosing a new thing to make a try you' 11 get inspiration and moral satisfaction.

F. It's important for us to live in a real world to have fun with the real life people who are close to us.

G. What's more, more time spent unplugging will lead to more lasting relationships.

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