
Relax during a job interview

Few people actually like job interviewing. It’s nerve-wracking(摧残神经的) trying to show your “best” self to a perfect stranger. 【1】 That’s not easy. But there are some ways to pull yourself together and feel more confident.

Prepare solid talking points. It’s always best to over-prepare for possible questions by not only researching the company and the person interviewing you, but also by preparing answers and practicing those responses. Review the skills and experiences requested in the job announcement and have two to three examples how you have demonstrated each one. 【2】

Remember: It’s a two-way street. This is conversation, not an interrogation(审问). 【3】 Remembering that this is a back and forth discussion, where you can and should ask questions as well as answer them, can help you feel more comfortable.

Just breathe. 【4】Your body will relax lot. You want to avoid upper chest breathing, as it tends to just move you, stress upward to your face.

【5】if you go into an interview picking apart your outfit or imperfect responses, you're only hurting your chances of coming off as calm and collected. Turn off your negative self-talk and then create a different self-talk message, like, “I am here to share the best of my ability and that is all I can really do.”

Work it out. Putting in some gym time the morning of your interview can help you get rid of any nervous tension. Exercise helps calm your nervous system and tends to reduce the intensity of physical manifestations(表现形式)of stress such as restlessness.

A. Stop the negative thoughts.

B. Put your idea into practice.

C. When faced with an interviewer, you may be nervous.

D. Before you walk into your interview, take a few deep breaths.

E. You’re trying to prove you’re the one for the job and that you can handle stressful situations.

F. Don’t forget that you’re not the only one being interviewed you’re also interviewing the organization.

G. This will strengthen your answers and allow you to show how your experience is relevant to the job or organization for which you’re interviewing.

【题目】Maurice Mountain is a retired lawyer in Washington, D.C. He developed a prototype(原型机) for a device he calls the Presto Emergency Boat Ladder. His invention is a small folding ladder that attaches to the side of a boat to help people who fall into the water. Mr. Mountain plans to mass-produce his boat ladder.

He created his invention at a workshop called TechShop. Mr. Mountain says, “I think it encourages innovation. I think people who probably have had ideas rolling around in the back of their minds for years but have never had the opportunity to actually put them into production or even experiment with them would find this place wonderful. Members of TechShop use high-tech equipment to develop and produce ideas they have for inventions.” Isabella Musachio manages a TechShop in Arlington, Virginia. She says the shop has many different kinds of equipment.

“TechShop is a do-it-yourself maker space. So when you come in we have all these different areas of the shop, and we have a metal shop, wood shop, lasers, 3D printers, electronics. I mean, we have so many different areas and we have all the equipment that is availahle to anybody above the age of 12.”

Membership costs for TechShop start at just over $ 100 per month. Members are able to use costly machines including 3D modeling tools and laser cutters. Isabella Musachio says TechShop helps its members build their dreams.

“Our motto is ‘build your dreams here’ because you can really come in with just an idea, and then with the help of TechShop make that leap from an idea to building your project o, your prototype or even your business.”

Jim Newton is the founder of TechShop. He first introduced the idea for the technology workshops at an arts and sciences event called Maker Faire in San Mateo, California in 2006. His idea attracted hundreds of members during that event, Now, there are eight TechShop locations in the U. S. In all, there are more than 6,000 members. Two more-TechShop locations in the cities of St. Louis and Look Angeles will be set up.

【1】 The invention Mr. Mountain invented will be used to____ .

A save the drowning people

B. help people climb the ladder

C. make the boat safer

D. let the boat float safely

【2】What can be inferred from what Mr. Mountain says in Paragraph 2?.

A. People with imagination can achieve their dreams.

B. TechShop can help turn some people’s ideas into reality.

C. TechShop is a place where people can put forward their new ideas.

D. It's hard for people to put their ideas into practice.

【3】From the last paragraph, we can know _____.

A. Jim Newton is a very great invention

B. people didn't like TechShop at first

C. TechShop will become more and more popular

D. TechShop greeted with bad reviews in 2006

【4】What can we know about TechShop from the passage?

A. TechShop is founded by Maurice Mountain.

B. TechShop puts high-tech dreams within reach.

C. TechShop is a non-profit organization.

D. TechShop offers its members more ideas.


※(注:选E涂AB; 选F涂AC; 选G涂AD)

The eyes are the windows of the soul (心灵) .Having a pair of bright, clear eyes is very important, so we should protect our eyes throughout our lives.

____【1】____ Don’t read while lying down or walking. Relax after every hour of reading.

Keep a distance from the TV set when you watch TV and give your eyes a rest every 30 minutes.

Don’t stare at (盯着看) the sun or try to read in the darkness. ___2___ This can damage your eyes easily.

Get your eyes checked often. Not many people have this habit, but it is necessary. If you feel that there is something wrong with your eyes, get them checked quickly .____3__.

___4__ You can close your eyes for a few seconds or look into the distance for one or two minutes. A small break will relax your eyes and help to stop you from getting eye problems.

Be careful when you choose your glasses.___5___. Make sure your glasses are right for you. If they don’t feel right, get your glasses changed.

A.Rest your eyes whenever you can.

B.Develop good reading habits.

C.Make sure you get enough sleep every night.

DEven if you’re wearing sunglasses, never look for directly at the sun.

EEye problem can be found and treated early with regular checks.

FDrink green tea every day as a way to protect your eyes against eye problems.

GGlasses that aren’t suitable for you could bring you trouble.

【题目】Knowing the best way to study will help you to be a better student. By using your time properly, you can do your homework more quickly. Learning to study is not difficult.

The first thing to remember is that you must be willing to learn. It doesn't mean that you must always like the subject. It does mean, however, that you must be willing to do whatever is necessary to learn. Try to understand why it is important and how it will help you now and later to do and learn other things. Knowing mathematics facts will be useful in your whole life. Knowing how to spell makes any kind of writing easier. Sometimes subject that you think is going to be uninteresting will be exciting when you begin to work at it and understand it more clearly. Learning things can be fun if you are willing to work with them.

Here's some advice for you: have a certain time each day and a quiet place with good lighting for study, so that you can concentrate on your study without interruptions; have everything ready before you sit down to study, a dictionary, paper, a pen and books; be sure you understand what you should learn before you start; read carefully and pay special attention to the most important things; when memorizing, first find out the main parts and then recite the whole thing; check your homework after you finish it; never forget the importance of review and preview.

【1】We learn things because______

A. we are willing to learn

B.it can be fun and exciting

C. we are interested in the subjects

D. we may use these things in the future

2Which of the following is NOT the advice given in the article?

A. To focus on what you are studying.

B. To study at any possible time and place.

C. To review and preview.

D. To pay attention to the most important things.

3The main purpose of the article is______

A. to prove that learning is not so difficult

B. to make the readers be interested in study

C. to tell the students how to study well

D. to encourage students to study hard.

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