【题目】Dear March - Come in -

How glad I am -

I hoped for you before ...

Who knocks? That April –共和国广告广告

Lock the Door -

I will not be pursued -

He stayed away a year to call -

When I am occupied -

But trifles(琐事) look so trivial(不重要的) -

As soon as you have come ...

This lovely poem was written by Emily Dickinson, who is considered a major American poet, though she was not accorded (符合) this honor until well after her death.

Emily Dickinson was born on December 10, 1830, in Amherst, Massachusetts. She attended school for only one year. Throughout her life, she seldom left her home and visitors were few. She lived in almost complete isolation(隔离) from the outside world.

She admired the poetry of Robert and Elizabeth Barren Browning, as well as John Keats. Though she was dissuaded (劝阻) from reading the poetry of her contemporary Walt Whitman by rumors of its disgracefulness, the two poets are now connected by the distinguished place they hold as the founders of a uniquely American poetic voice.

While Dickinson was extremely prolific (多产的) as a poet, she was not publicly recognized during her lifetime. Upon her death, Dickinson's family discovered forty hand-bound volumes of nearly 1,800 poems. Her younger sister began to share the enormous body of work that Emily left behind.

Emily's odd punctuation, capitalization(大写), and formatting(格式) did not meet with standard publishing "approval" for earlier editions. There is a whimsical (古怪的) nature to many other poems, as the subject of death was the most frequent theme.

【1】 In the poem, the poetess was speaking to ______.

A. a little girl B. a long-lost family member

C. a nice season D. a cute animal

【2】What is a feature of Emily Dickinson's poems?

A. They do not pay attention to rhymes.

B. They resemble those of Walt Whitman.

C. They have a strange format.

D. They reflect her personal and social life.

【3】According to the text, Emily Dickinson _______.

A. was completely homeschooled and had a talent for writing poems

B. was greatly influenced by four of her contemporary poets

C. is regarded as a leading poet in American literature

D. published a large number of poems during her lifetime

【题目】Envy seems to be bad-but it doesn't have to be. Researchers are finding that, if approached the right way, there can actually be an advantage.

Psychologists classify envy in two ways: negative and positive. With positive envy, you are motivated by another person's success and struggle to follow it. With negative envy, you want to cut the advantaged person down so you look better by comparison. Let's say you feel sufferings of envy after your rival(对手) at another firm gets promoted. Negative envy might drive you to destroy his success, but positive envy would inspire you to work harder and get promoted, too.

Studies show positive envy can be a great motivator(动力). In a 2011 study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, researchers in the Netherlands conducted a series of experiments with more than 200 university students. Researchers found that when they caused feelings of positive envy----as opposed to admiration or negative envy----in the students, it drove them to want to study more and perform better on a test measuring creativity and intelligence. While admiration may feel better, the researchers found, it doesn't motivate performance like the pain and frustration of envy.

“Those painful sufferings of envy are there for an evolutionary(进化的) reason,” says Texas Christian University researcher Sarah E. Hill, “warning us that someone has something of importance to us.” Building on this theory, Dr. Hill and others conducted a series of experiments, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, to test whether envy improves attention and memory----the tools needed to copy a rival's steps to success. In one experiment, half of the participants were asked to recall past feelings of envy; the other half weren't. The two groups were then shown mock(模拟的) interviews of imaginary peers. The group filled with envy paid closer attention and better recalled details about the interview subjects. In other words, envy made them more astute(机敏的). Not only can envy motivate us to reach for higher goals, it may even give us the cognitive push to get there.

【1】What’s the bad effect of negative envy?

A. It makes you lose heart and gets discouraged.

B. It has you feel motivated.

C. It makes you harm or hurt others on purpose.

D. It reminds you to struggle to follow your dreams.

【2】What’s the benefit of positive envy?

A. It inspires you to find a possible rival to try to defeat them.

B. It encourages you to work harder with a positive attitude.

C. It won’t hurt your opponents in the same firm.

D. It won’t destroy your success at another firm.

【3】Compared to admiration, positive envy can__________.

A. make you feel worse in all sides

B. be more likely to get you to admire others

C. make you feel the pain in your performance

D. be more likely to get you inspired to get success

【4】 What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Envy seems to be bad.

B. Keep your envy in secret.

C. Make full use of positive envy.

D. Forget about your envy now.

【题目】 Easy Ways to Keep Your Brain Sharp

Everyone is forgetful, but as we age, we start to feel like our brains are slowing down a bitand that can be a very annoying thing. 【1】 Read on for some techniques worth trying.

1. 2

People who regularly made plans and looked forward to upcoming events had a 50 percent reduced chance of Alzheimer's disease (早老性痴呆症), according to a recent study. 3 Something as simple as setting a goal to have a weekly coffee date with a friend will do. There's evidence that people who have a purpose in life or who are working on long or short-term goals appear to do better. In other words, keep your brain looking forward.

2. Go for a walk.

Mildly raised glucose (葡萄糖) levels can harm the area of the brain that helps you form memories and physical activity can help get blood glucose down to normal levels. In fact,exercise produces chemicals that are good for your brain. 4

3. Learn something new.

Take a Spanish class online, join a drawing club, or learn to play cards. A study found that mental stimulation (刺激) limits the weakening effects of aging on memory and the mind. But the best thing for your brain is when you learn something new and are physically active at the same time. 5 Or go dancing with your friends.

A. Focus on the future.

B. This can be especially harmful to the aged.

C. It should be something like learning gardening.

D. So take a few minutes each day to do some reading.

E. But don't worry if your schedule isn't filled with life-changing events.

F. Luckily, research shows there is a lot you can do to avoid those moments.

G. In other words, when you take care of your body, you take care of your brain.

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